Whose hair refuses to obey them?!


Well-Known Member
No matter what I do in terms of trying to style,my hair just laughs at me :mad:
I'm 7 weeks post relaxer with a ton of newgrowth and we are having some freak weather this week it seems.It's like 32F all week so I decided since it's warmer I will wear my hair open.I tried a braidout last night and got so frustrated styling it this morning that I just put my hair in a bun.It seems like when my hair passes the 4 week point it just starts looking soo puffy.This isn't evident in the pics in my album because my hair is not completely and totally dry in those pics.More like almost dry,over 75%.I would never take pics of my completely airdried hair.It shrinks up to almost neck length and is wiiiiide.I just pull into a pony and that's all I can do with it til I touchup again at 12 weeks.But I am getting tired of the pony.But it seems to me,when I try any no heat style like braidouts or pincurls,my roots just make the style look laughable.And my pony doesn't even look good because of how puffy my hair is!Steupsss
:lol: @ Katie. I can really hear your frustration. :lol:

Well I have all of this new growth that needed to be relaxed a few weeks ago, but my relaxer has still yet to arrive :mad: . So needless to say I'm walking around looking :eek: . It's so not cool. I don't know what happened to my twist-out but it's hit. Yesterday I just pulled it back and held it w/one hair pin. Hair was falling out and it was big, but oh well. :ohwell: Some girl actually complimented it and I wanted to crawl under my desk. Today, against better judgement I whipped out the clip, but I know the nape of neck is lookin' all beady-bead :nono:. A bun is NOT an option b/c I can't get my hair to 'slick' back w/o it being drenched. So know that u are not suffering alone.
I understand what you're saying katie. I'm almost 18 weeks post relaxer. My roots stay drier than the rest of my hair. And I hate the shrinkage as well. Sometimes, it also looks like I have a teenie weenie afro underneath my hair, especially days after having a rollerset. :) <---this smiley should be nodding!
katie said:
No matter what I do in terms of trying to style,my hair just laughs at me :mad:
I'm 7 weeks post relaxer with a ton of newgrowth and we are having some freak weather this week it seems.It's like 32F all week so I decided since it's warmer I will wear my hair open.I tried a braidout last night and got so frustrated styling it this morning that I just put my hair in a bun.It seems like when my hair passes the 4 week point it just starts looking soo puffy.This isn't evident in the pics in my album because my hair is not completely and totally dry in those pics.More like almost dry,over 75%.I would never take pics of my completely airdried hair.It shrinks up to almost neck length and is wiiiiide.I just pull into a pony and that's all I can do with it til I touchup again at 12 weeks.But I am getting tired of the pony.But it seems to me,when I try any no heat style like braidouts or pincurls,my roots just make the style look laughable.And my pony doesn't even look good because of how puffy my hair is!Steupsss


I feel your pain. I too am exactly 7 weeks post relaxer. I have been on vitamin regimen for the first time in my life and I have never seen so much re-growth.
(Not complaining)
My hair is a mess. To even get it back in a bun I have to wash it then tie it down with a satin scarf, so it drys back so I can put it in a pony.
I am wondering the same thing is this all I have to look forward to with my hair until I get the length I want. Before learning to care for my hair this would have not been a problem, because I would have relaxed (5-6 weeks )already and be using flat irons. I am trying to stretch for 12 weeks for the first time.
Tonite I have so had enough that my cousin is going to cornrow for me, nothing fancy. JUST WANT TO LOOK HALF DESENT. For a week.
Have you thought about that?
I have made sure that I have washed my hair this morning, its fully moisturised and will spray will moirturiser every day. I am only keeping them in a week.

Keep in touch we can try and do this together, I need some support myself
Obey me.... What's that??? :confused: My hair has ME in check....It tells me what it wants to do and I listen........

Hair: "Don't touch me or I'll fall out!!!!"
Hair: "Go to Whole Foods and get me some Castor Oil."
Hair: "I'm tired...pull me in a bun.....make it a High Bun"
Hair: "I need moisture...moisture...moisture..."
Hair: "Wrap me....Roll me....tie me down......"

Me: "Yessah masta...whatever you want.....I am a good servant" :lol:
blkmaryland said:
Obey me.... What's that??? :confused: My hair has ME in check....It tells me what it wants to do and I listen........

Hair: "Don't touch me or I'll fall out!!!!"
Hair: "Go to Whole Foods and get me some Castor Oil."
Hair: "I'm tired...pull me in a bun.....make it a High Bun"
Hair: "I need moisture...moisture...moisture..."
Hair: "Wrap me....Roll me....tie me down......"

Me: "Yessah masta...whatever you want.....I am a good servant" :lol:
:rofl: :lol:
I agree! What I do is obey my hair!
Thanks for understanding ladies.Nice to know I'm not alone.Strangely enough I received a few compliments on my bun today,lol.

Kizzylonghair,conrows sound like an excellent option.But I don't know anyone here who can do it for me.That would really be perfect though,to get my hands out of my hair and my mind off the way it looks.
Yeah Katie!! I feel ya, just be patient and see that your hair is fine.... I use to struggle with my hair too after a certain point but I learned....let it do what it wants to because if you pull it or "push" it too much...it will break on you....

Be gentle to those lovely NEW Locks.....your hair is thriving and growing so enjoy the newness and different texture :) ....I actually like to see the waves coming in....I just know to be careful with them.....

HOw are you maintaining your hair after a wash day...do you airdry? ponytail dry or rollerset?

When I airdry I usually do it in a bun and put either, some kinda conditioning gel, different ones for hair and edges:

Ones I've tried on edges:
Elasta QP ( nice until week 6 or 7)
Vonte's ( up to week 11 but I'll mix it with something else, heaviers, my hair loves heavy thick stuff so that might be too much for others)

Lately, I've used....Dudleys Hair dress for Waving or AmproMarcel curl wax
( has some bad ingredients, i.e petrolium and mineral oil but it works for me might not wanna try it if you know your hair doesn't like it...I lightly spray my edges and kitchen with water or conditioning leavin then put some of this on and tie my hairline with a scarf (*a long rectangular shaped one works wonders ...my hair loves it...)

* I tie my hairline up with this and sometimes to bed I'll use this for extra protection for the area, I must sleep like a wild woman cause sometimes the regular scarf will slide off my head

For the length I'll use Smooth n Shine's Conditioning Gel...I like the way it feels and make my hair soft and shiny....my hair drinks it up though so I use alot..

Sometimes I'll use Brown Gel but rarely.....I like the conditioning ones....

Also used Fantasia IC Shine ( I think that's the name...thanks to Hairlove)

These 2 are very moisturizing to me...... HTH

Keep up the good work :)
ccd said:
Yeah Katie!! I feel ya, just be patient and see that your hair is fine.... I use to struggle with my hair too after a certain point but I learned....let it do what it wants to because if you pull it or "push" it too much...it will break on you....

Be gentle to those lovely NEW Locks.....your hair is thriving and growing so enjoy the newness and different texture :) ....I actually like to see the waves coming in....I just know to be careful with them.....

HOw are you maintaining your hair after a wash day...do you airdry? ponytail dry or rollerset?

When I airdry I usually do it in a bun and put either, some kinda conditioning gel, different ones for hair and edges:

Ones I've tried on edges:
Elasta QP ( nice until week 6 or 7)
Vonte's ( up to week 11 but I'll mix it with something else, heaviers, my hair loves heavy thick stuff so that might be too much for others)

Lately, I've used....Dudleys Hair dress for Waving or AmproMarcel curl wax
( has some bad ingredients, i.e petrolium and mineral oil but it works for me might not wanna try it if you know your hair doesn't like it...I lightly spray my edges and kitchen with water or conditioning leavin then put some of this on and tie my hairline with a scarf (*a long rectangular shaped one works wonders ...my hair loves it...)

* I tie my hairline up with this and sometimes to bed I'll use this for extra protection for the area, I must sleep like a wild woman cause sometimes the regular scarf will slide off my head

For the length I'll use Smooth n Shine's Conditioning Gel...I like the way it feels and make my hair soft and shiny....my hair drinks it up though so I use alot..

Sometimes I'll use Brown Gel but rarely.....I like the conditioning ones....

Also used Fantasia IC Shine ( I think that's the name...thanks to Hairlove)

These 2 are very moisturizing to me...... HTH

Keep up the good work :)

Thanks soo much for the advice ccd.I have seen Smooth n Shine's Conditioning Gel before and I think I will give it a try.
I airdry in a pony and that is usually how I wear my hair til my next wash.I've also been using Aveda Anti-Humectant which is very good at making my hair less frizzy when airdried.However it doesn't help with poufiness.
I guess I will just stick to my pony.My hair really is quite healthy.It is just rarely that I get the urge to switch up styles and this leads to frustration for me.
I see that I'm not the only one with this problem!!!!
I just give up and pull it in a small bun everyday. My hair is short so I don't have a lot of options. I do try to keep it moisturized, and I only finger comb it at this point. ...it is really coarse, they need to have a 4Z type :)
Happy Hair Growing Ladies
katie said:
Thanks soo much for the advice ccd.I have seen Smooth n Shine's Conditioning Gel before and I think I will give it a try.
I airdry in a pony and that is usually how I wear my hair til my next wash.I've also been using Aveda Anti-Humectant which is very good at making my hair less frizzy when airdried.However it doesn't help with poufiness.
I guess I will just stick to my pony.My hair really is quite healthy.It is just rarely that I get the urge to switch up styles and this leads to frustration for me.

Maybe a braid out or those bantu buns will help? Either way, I'm sure your hair is looking great!!