who's TERRIBLE at rollersetting??


Well-Known Member
by terrible, i mean TRULY TERRIBLE, as in, "it takes me more than an HOUR to rollerset my hair" kinda terrible.

because that's where i stand:ohwell:
I got the Macherieamour DVD back in late December, but I have only watched it once.
I tried rollersetting the day after I watched it. I definitely learned some tips (the hair went on smoother, etc).

BUT! for me to do that, it's taking me a LONG time! I seem to have a problem with placing the clips in the right spot:wallbash:
and then getting the hair from the previous roller attached to the next one:wallbash:
AND it takes me forever!:wallbash:

I haven't tried it again at all this month, because i'm not home and I don't have any hair producs with me. when I go back to the states, though, I really want to learn to rollerset!

Who has been as bad as i am with rollersetting (taking 1 hour to rollerset)
and how long did it take you to cut it down to an acceptable time,
and how long does it take you to rollerset now?

Anyone else, advice would be very appreciated.
Im so bad at roller setting. I tried to do it and I couldnt get the rollers to stay in tight enough. I was so frustrated. I havent attemted to do it since and that was 6 months ago.
HAHAHAH :lachen:

the funny thing is, i saw the title of this post and said to myself -- i wonder if carlita has seen this thread? only to find that you started it.

and yes, i am trulyyy terrible at rollersetting. I once attempted to rollerset my hair and sit under the dryer, and the end result was having puffier hair than i started with. WOMP WOMP.
1. Who has been as bad as i am with rollersetting (taking 1 hour to rollerset)
2. and how long did it take you to cut it down to an acceptable time,
3. and how long does it take you to rollerset now?

Anyone else, advice would be very appreciated.

1. I was the same way at first
2. 3 years of trying off and on
3. 20-30 mins to use 45-50 rollers
Don't get discouraged, just practice when you have extra time on your hands though, you don't wanna be trying to rush and get frustrated. I used Macherieamour's DVD too, especially on my first time rollersetting. I think it helped because I was pausing, rewinding, and playing the whole time I was rollersetting. It took me about 30 minutes, and I had maybe 20 magnetic rollers in my head. When you try it, just do it on a day when you're just chillin and have nothing to do.
by terrible, i mean TRULY TERRIBLE, as in, "it takes me more than an HOUR to rollerset my hair" kinda terrible.

because that's where i stand:ohwell:
I got the Macherieamour DVD back in late December, but I have only watched it once.
I tried rollersetting the day after I watched it. I definitely learned some tips (the hair went on smoother, etc).

BUT! for me to do that, it's taking me a LONG time! I seem to have a problem with placing the clips in the right spot:wallbash:
and then getting the hair from the previous roller attached to the next one:wallbash:
AND it takes me forever!:wallbash:

I haven't tried it again at all this month, because i'm not home and I don't have any hair producs with me. when I go back to the states, though, I really want to learn to rollerset!

Who has been as bad as i am with rollersetting (taking 1 hour to rollerset)
and how long did it take you to cut it down to an acceptable time,
and how long does it take you to rollerset now?

Anyone else, advice would be very appreciated.

Instead of using the clips, which can be tricky for a newbie, try getting some of the roller pins (they look like long straight bobby pins). This should allow you to clip them in and get a firmer hold.
I am the absolute worst at roller setting, I even tried to play myself once in college and try the staw curls:wallbash::wallbash:. I havent attempted to make a fool out of myself like that in a few years, but after reading some of the post on this site, I am building up the courage to go for it again, regular rollers of course. Wish me luck:grin:
Were you at my house watching me attempt this ?

Let's just say from the time i started and tried to dry Lord of the rings the 2 towers came on and OFF and I still wasn't done/dry...

I will :wallbash: if my Pibbs doesn't at least help dry it less frizzy...sigh..
i have the DVD and got really good info. However my hands cramp and it takes me forever, Ive tried three times but since I'm in twists now until April- Ill take a break from attempting to rollerset.
I have stuck it out. I have been doing it once a week for about 2 months. I dread it. My set looks good but it takes FOREVER to get those rollers in! Plus I get really irritated because swollen wet fingers (u know, when they wrinkle up from all the excess water) are disgusting to me. I have been thinking of going back to ironing and just using a low setting. But for now im going to wait it out.
I can rollerset my hair when it's dry fantastically. I just can't rollerset my hair when it's wet. 30 min on a rollerset that turns out poofy is NOT fun to me. :nono: I'm making a promise to myself to try it again one day. Maybe next weekend??
If I could only get it down to 45 minutes, i'd be one happy girl.

i think i'm going to try it a few times throughout the month of February and see if I improve.
I am.:ohwell: I can't roller set my hair unless I use my curling iron.:blush: I am going to get some mesh rollers this week end. I'm hoping that it will help me get a good set. My placements look right, but it just doesn't come out very smooth.:sad:
well i was terrible at first but now its second nature to me... even with new growth. I still have lil mishaps but ive learned that it doesnt have to be perfect .. munbestill comes out fine... i find it helpful when i have a mirror in front of me and one behind.. i have a mirror on my door in the bathroom and a mirror by the sink that swings open.. so i just use that so i can see where to part. Honestly sometimes i just roll my hair which ever way holds best... sometimes it under sometimes its over... one good idea my friend gave me when i first started.. do ur rollerset on a day ur free so if it doesnt come out right you can just go get it done... thats what i did for awhile and with practice..i did not need to run to the hair salon.
I've only done one roller set ...I liked the finish out come but it took an hour and a half and my arms were hurting...Not something I'll do at home often
I am an awful rollersetter! :lachen: But too lazy to keep trying and make it better. I just give up and go to the Dominican salon.
I am an awful rollersetter! :lachen: But too lazy to keep trying and make it better. I just give up and go to the Dominican salon.
Same here. I'm trying one more time tonight to see if I can get it right....if not I'm going to the salon in the morning (15 dollars is better than being pissed off lol). I have to get it right if I wanna buy my Pibbs or else I give up :perplexed I get the rollersetting part back but my roots are another story :nono:
i love how my sets turn out, but i hate sitting there for 45 minutes to get in 25 rollers. and my soft bonnet dryer barely holds all the rollers in...

it all comes down to the fact that i'd rather take 10 minutes to put my hair in fat wet pincurls then let them airdry overnight than waste 1hr of my life putting in big ol' rollers that can barely fit under my soft bonnet dryer.

and i'm lazy :D
I am horrible!! lol I just bought a pibbs, so I will be learning. I have magnetic, mesh and the plastic snap on rollers, so I will be giving it another go!!
Do you think looser curl patterns can do better roller sets??? I'm beginning to think that. :ohwell:

Your point made me think about how easy it was for me to rollerset when I was bone straight back in the day. Now I'm texlaxed (really underprocessed) and it takes me forever to try to get the hair smooth on the roller and my back hurts:nono:. The only good thing now is my hair dries faster now on a cool setting with the Pibbs.
Well I used to be terrible, then I learned to work with what I got.

1.) Instead of using the magnetic rollers ( you know the ones that you have to use the metal clips to hold then in place) you can use the rollers that come with the covers. that way they can stay in place. But be careful placing them so they wont break the hair.

2.) I stopped worring about getting the rollers in completely in place. If there are some places ( like my new growth) that don't completely get on the roller, I just flat iron (the roots only).

4. Make sure the hair is soaking wet before trying roll. This is the most important part. And you can't CANNOT take the rollers out before they are dry.

3.) So now all I have to do is learn not to be so heavy handed with my moisturizer so my set won't be weighed down

Hope this helps
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Do you think looser curl patterns can do better roller sets??? I'm beginning to think that. :ohwell:

YES i think looser curl patterns or freshly relaxed hair does better w/ rollersets. That's why my stylist can do it in under 10 minutes when i get my touch-up.

Me trying to rollerset my 12 week post hair...had to have my sister help me and her response when she got to the crown .."wow, Jesus!...It's a forest back here!" LOL

Its harder to get those naps to go smoothly over the roller AND its a struggle to have to comb through it to get it straight and smooth to avoid frizzies.

I ONLY use the snap on rollers. No way in hell I would EVER go back to magnetic rollers. Too much work.
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When I first came to the board, I had never tried rollersetting in my life and it was a challenge, taking forever to do. :headspin: Since I wanted my hair care journey to be fun, I decided to take the easy route. I did the ponytail method I learned from Integrity (making about 8 ponytails) which made it sooooo easy to rollerset my hair. :)

Then I learned Sylver2's method of using the satin scarf combined with rollersetting and it was even easier, using 6-8 rollers and VERY handy when stretching relaxers (I can stretch a very long time now). :grin:

I too have Macherieamour's DVD and now I know how to do it successfully the traditional way. :yep:

My suggestion is finding an easier way to do it so you get the results you want in a shorter period of time. In the meantime, you can learn how to do it the traditional way. Rollersetting is fun for me since I have options and I know my hair is going to look great. :gorgeous:
I just may be the worst rollersetter 2008 will ever set its eyes upon!

It's cool though, some things just aren't meant to happen in life, like my hair looking decent after a rollerset. I just finished one and I can't believe how bad it looks. Not just the rollerset, but everything before that was just awful (prepoo was fabulous, though). I tried the mohawk, rolling up method but maybe that isn't best with shorter hair.

Also, I think I may have used too much leave-in. My hair has no movement and if I lift a section it'll think about resting back in place and decide otherwise; it'll either stay in mid-rest or just decide to break off and fall to the ground (and this is after a hardcore aphogee treatment). I haven't been this frustrated with my hair in a long time. I found myself about to question whether long hair was worth it :nono:

My Keracare splurge is proving itself to be a bad investment :(. I had such high hopes...

Okay...I just needed to rant a bit. Hopefully the shame of this rollerset won't haunt me in my dreams.
I am HORRIBLE!! at it:wallbash: lol. The only reason why I go to the salon is because I can't rollerset my own hair. When I try it isn't smooth at all!

I can't rollerset at all, I can't really do my hair either. I stay in a bun or in braids and its not just for protective styles either.:look: