WHO KNEW...Antoine Dodson is a Hairdresser!!!

I knew he knew something about hair when I saw his nice blunt ends and fluffy soft hair nicely tucked under that bandana. lol.
I would be seriously surprised if Antoine was actually licensed to do hair, it looks like he's in someones office there, no hair supplies, mirrors, ect.

I really like him, don't get me wrong, he just doesn't quite seem legit as a hair stylist. I hope I'm wrong.
Not yet but I am really praying that they do cuz he's pretty bold! No telling when he will strike next. And I wish I could be the first in line when they catch him so I can whoop his a@#!! :spank:
I knew it when I saw the video. I was thinking homeboy has some long hair. I wonder...:look::giggle: I hope he does well.:yep:
This guy is going to find his way on EVERY sub forum on this board, watch!
Relationship Forum topic:
"My man has Antoine Dodson like tendencies. Could he be suspect?" :lachen:

And no, I'm not shocked at all.
I really hope he benefits from this media attention but the scary thing is he looks and sounds just like my professor :look:
:lachen: I would never miss a class!

Oh believe me you wouldn't! This man is so intelligent and animated :lachen: Probably one of my favorite classes of all time. But you definitely don't want to get on his bad side :look: He will do an Antoine Dodson on you lol I was late by 5 minutes and let's just say I wasn't late again :nono:

All these pictures are too funny. :grin:
Soooo funny. I've been eyeballing the "Run and Tell That...Homeboy" shirt! :grin: Just trying to justify the $24.00 charge. Only thing I can come up with is that he says proceeds will go back to him so I guess that's good enough for me.
:lachen::lachen::lachen: Now, what was his problem on t.v. interview day? :lachen::lachen::lachen:
I think he was so heated and his adrenaline boiling so much that he couldn't contain himself. I know if someone did that to one of my daughters or any family member, at that, I would've probably been acting more of a fool then he was. Heck HOMEBOY probably wouldn't have made it out alive to be honest cuz I would of come in packin...yes siiiiiir! :brucelee:That's cool he came out on the news to speak his mind to that punk cuz in most cases people living in Antoine's situation would have been to scared to speak their mind like he did. :grin:
CAN NOT STOP LAUGHINGGG! Was he on Youtube before the rape or afterward? Is he like semi-internet famous? Excuse my ignorance. :look:
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