Who is relaxed and can also sport a fro?


New Member
My hair gets really big when it dries and I dont put it in a pony. When my hair grows some more I will be able to wear a fro. Do any of you ladies wear a fro and have relaxed hair?
Me I do!!!!!!!!!! I remember I went to a stylist that was about to hot comb it because she thought it was natural (BTW I wash my hair at home let it air dry and they flat iron it at the shop). My hair is super thick but it straightens really well. But yeah I sport a fro all the time!
I do too! I always get questions like "When are you going to relax your hair?"
My answer is, "I just got a perm last weekend!"

Seriously, this happens ALL the time!

It's been 6 weeks since my last touch up and my hair looks like Diana Ross's on a day at the beach. It's THAT poofy, and funny thing about it is, it's flat-ironed! (Damn Helen of Troy...)
I'm texturized. When I go to the salon with my hair blow dryed, they always ask if I have any chemicals in my hair
this is good ladies. this means you all have thick healthy hair. i dont mind poofy thick hair but some ppl do. they say its too much work. i think of it as when i get older it will be harder for me to lose my hair.
Bobbie said:
I do too! I always get questions like "When are you going to relax your hair?"
My answer is, "I just got a perm last weekend!"

Seriously, this happens ALL the time!

Me too !!! I get: "You got a perm
? " all of the time. Whatever, more styling options for me.
I can do a fro too, but only on my hair that was previous braided. When I comb out the crinkles, it looks like a bush.
A while ago, i use to leave my hair out to dry, and I would rock side to side and sing "Fortunate" like my man Maxwell. My younger sister always said my hair looks just like his did in the video... so yeah, I can sport a fro
Well, when I use the small Ryler Stylers when my hair is wet it ends up fro-ish when dry.
