Who here HATES Protective Styling?


New Member
I know alot of ladies swear by it, but I absolutely hate protective styling because I think it's totally beside the point of showing off my beautiful crown.

Since my daughter was born 6 months ago, I've had to keep my hair up and out of her grasp (she likes to pull it out). My hubby commented that I look like a school teacher with my hair pulled back all the time, and though I hate to admit it, he's right!

Does anyone else hate to wear their hair in protective styles? or is it just me?

And for you ladies who wear protective styles, do you sometimes feel that you are hiding your beautiful hair?
And for you ladies who wear protective styles, do you sometimes feel that you are hiding your beautiful hair?

Yup, the operative word here, "sometimes". Doin' all things in moderation thus when I feel a need I let it all hang out too.
I dislike it very much! However, its the only way that I am able to retain growth and keep my hair healthy.

The schedule that worked best for me 4 yrs ago was to wear my hair down one week and bun the next.
I HATE IT SOOOO i just want winter to finish or this London coldness will snap off my ends if i leave out my ends. in summer i don't need to protective style as much.i can do this i'll just do different protective styles so i don't end bored
Sometimes. I just hate looking the same every single day. "Variety is the spice of life" :yep:
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It get so boring :yawn: but my hair seems to like this bunning thing so I guess I am back bunning for the winter. I keep buying more clips and headbands which is helping me stay interested since I have never had enough hair to use those types of things without looking foolish. I am on this cowashing kick for the winter time so I guess me and my bun will have to work it out.
I don't hate it at all. I think if it was easier to manage my hair, then I would love to wear it out more. Since it's so thick and always looks dry when it's not straight, I don't like looking at it if it's not in a bun.
I don't like it but I think I'm seeing the benefits. I don't like to eat healthy or excercise either but I have to do it to get the look I want! Same rule applies I guess:ohwell:
I don't like it but I am doing it for the winter. I'm making progress and I want to keep every inch I grow!
I hate it too, I'd rather have my strands free to swing in the wind. I don't really PS everyday, I do it as I please. When I'm 5 wks post or more, I tend to cowash often so that either results in braidout/bun/single braid going back out of the need not to manipulate my hair more than it needs to be. But being that I like to wear it out, I really stay on top of paying attention to my ends, deep conditioning, and more protein treatments (from mild to heavy).
I hate it also, but when its down i am paranoid making sure its not sticking to anything, i guess i will keep buying cute accessories to doll it up.
Velvet, when my hair is your length I MAY feel the same way. My hair is not long (for me) just nudging past shoulder so it makes it hard to style the easiest thing is to put it in a ponytail, or braid or weave, cause styles I like don't really work with it, so PS is my friend:grin: (although I get easily bored with the styles)
its not fun but i'll do it till i reach maybe bsl. i will let my hair down once in a while but rarely.its nearly always tied back..i love looking after my hair
i have a love/hate relationship with it. i love the convenience of protective styling and how healthy my hair has become in the process, but i also hate it sometimes because it seems like i'm not able to enjoy my hair. so now i've started wearing it down more and trying to enjoy my hair.
I hate it! I don't do it! I have a big head so my hair needs to be down to compensate. Protective styling actually caused damage to my hair. Pulling my hair back has to be done wet or it's not going to happen. :nono: My hair is too thick and short to be pulling it back in a ponytail or bun. It's just not a good look to me.
I love me some buns but I wanted to see how the other half lives! :lol: I used to get bored with buns, but I love the fact that the longer my hair gets the bigger the bun becomes. I also change it up and wear it curly or wavy sometimes and straight at other times.
i have a love/hate relationship with it. i love the convenience of protective styling and how healthy my hair has become in the process, but i also hate it sometimes because it seems like i'm not able to enjoy my hair. so now i've started wearing it down more and trying to enjoy my hair.

I totally agree!!
I don't care for protective styling. My head is big so I prefer to wear my hair out to camouflage it. When I'm about 2 months post relaxer, I protective style a lot more just so I don't have to deal with the NG.
I have a love / hate thing.
Love it because it works
Hate it because all protective styles make me look like I'm 15 years old.
And my husband HATES! HATES HATES! Buns.
It's funny that ladies with big heads don't like it, because I have a small head and I try to camouflage it by add height to the roots or making the bun elaborate.

I'm also trying to use hats more to protect from the weather.
omg i was thinking about this the other day... its soo boring ... but i do it on a daily basis because its just easier less time consuming and controllable.. even when i straighten my hair by the end of the night its back up in a bun. when its curly i have to worry about frizz .... so i like my buns! LOL

I love my protective styles. :lol: My hair is almost always up & away - and - I guess it's because I'm so used to it - it feels right to me. Even right now, I have my twists down, and it feels odd. :lol:

I'm growing my hair specifically to create more amazing and elaborate styles - which would be considered protective, as they are almost all updos - and it's also the easiest way to keep my hair detangled. ;)


ETA: Though, as it gets longer, I might start to feel different.
I love it. Sometimes I feel like a freak because I love my bun so much. The thing is that I used to just love, love, love wearing my hair down. Now if I wear it down, by 2:00 pm, it is in a bun. I think I made it to 3:00 the other day. My colleagues get so mad at me, too.
my protective styling is braids (w/extensions) and I HATE IT. By week four, it looks dull, and starts to look more like a hat on my head, so i continue to wear it for warmth rather than style lol. I'd prefer to wear a bun, but no can do right now. So one of my only options are braids -ugh.
I hate it because I don't feel glam with it...but I do realize it's benefits so I sacrifice and do it form time to time...or I find protective syles where I can be glam at the same time (i.e. Instant weaves and weaves)