Who here gives tithes or offerings?


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about this the other day and did some research on it. I am curious to who does it and how long have you been giving back.
I'll be honest, I'm a student, and don't necessarily have a steady income, but I do try to tithe 10% of whatever I have. Sometimes I feel a bit ashamed to only be able to give $1, but then I remember that but for God's grace I wouldn't have even that. Then there are times, when I give a big tithe and feel great because I realize that God has given me favor in allowing me to have an increase to give that much.

At one time I thought that not giving my tithe was ok. Now I realize that we owe it - literally - to God to give Him back a 10% of what He has given us. I say if you can give Uncle Sam his portion off top (in taxes), we should give God His 10% off top too.
ShortyDooWhop said:
At one time I thought that not giving my tithe was ok. Now I realize that we owe it - literally - to God to give Him back a 10% of what He has given us. I say if you can give Uncle Sam his portion off top (in taxes), we should give God His 10% off top too.

That is so true!
I've been tithing since I became a Christian (about 1 year ago). I give an offering over and above my tithe when I can.
I've been giving tithes ever since I started working which was back in 2000. The Lord commands us to give 10% of what we earn. The money I give is to God and His church, not man...

I sometimes give an offering whenever my heart leads me to do it. ;)
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ShortyDooWhop said:
At one time I thought that not giving my tithe was ok. Now I realize that we owe it - literally - to God to give Him back a 10% of what He has given us. I say if you can give Uncle Sam his portion off top (in taxes), we should give God His 10% off top too.

Amen! I give my tithe and offerings weekly. I never miss a week. And I can tell you, when you take care of the needs of God's house faithfully, He returns the favor more abundantly than you can imagine. My life is a testimony to that fact. So while I hear people say all the time that it's not necessary to give tithes and offerings anymore, believe me, it goes in one ear and out the other. :)
I give tithes and offering as God mentions in the book of Malachi 3:8. Been doing this since a teenager. Remember that tithes is not just money. But tithe in the greek means: time, talent and money. As stewards of God's given resources we want to manage everything God gave us so that He might be glorfied. Jesus in the new testament takes tithes to next level and says to give also according to your blessing. In other works if you can give more than do so. The tithes is the 10% of your income(off of gross) and the offering is unlimted. My pastor once said to you are blessed on the overflow that you give which is the offering since we OWE the tithe portion to God. :)
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I've been tithing monetarily for so long I can't remember. Been tithing my time since I joined my church a few years ago, it wasn't until I joined that I learned I should've been tithing my time too.
i give offerings alot and tithes sometimes, are we required to tithe under the new covenant, i give what i have cheerfully(havent worked full time since 2001) and i try to come close to tithing but didnt think it was required anymore although i do it
I used to give tithes and offerings faithfully, but haven't as of late. I told my mother just this morning that I am going to start giving my tithe again, because the Lord blesses me EVERY day, not just one day.
Yes, when Jesus came He came to fulfil the law and build on already established principles of the old testment. Old testment is still in effect but He came to fulfill or live it out. In the new testment Jesus mentions about giving according to your blessing(still looking for scripture for you but I know it is there). God never change the tithes and Jesus just added to it. Although, we are under grace of new testament and not the law of old testatment this does cancel out the old testment. We owe our tithes to God since He gave us everything. We want to pay the 10% so God will bless the remaning 90%. I tell people I cannot afford NOT to tithe. You will find your remaining money goes further, your car tires last long, things do not break as much in the house and on, on on. It is some kind miracle with tithing. I know people who stopped and said how the money was going out still in other places like law suits, car problems and sometimes even their health. So it seems like you pay it one way or another but with God it is spiritual investment for your present and future life. Try to pick a book on this at a Christian store or do a search on the web. God bless!!

msportugal said:
i give offerings alot and tithes sometimes, are we required to tithe under the new covenant, i give what i have cheerfully(havent worked full time since 2001) and i try to come close to tithing but didnt think it was required anymore although i do it
I do tithe and return offerings. I've been doing it since I was a child. Years ago my allowance was $1 per week and I would return 10 cents to my church.
Tithing isn't just about money. When I was in school and didn't have money, I did the church programs ev'ry week; I also verbally did the announcements each Sunday and was on the finance committee.

I gave my time and donated my services to the church until my dad, who was the Pastor, retired. That was in 2000.
Blossssom said:
Tithing isn't just about money. When I was in school and didn't have money, I did the church programs ev'ry week; I also verbally did the announcements each Sunday and was on the finance committee.

I gave my time and donated my services to the church until my dad, who was the Pastor, retired. That was in 2000.
Giving of your time is great and we're supposed to do that, but it is not a substitute. Tithing and using talents for his service are two different things.
kisz4tj said:
Giving of your time is great and we're supposed to do that, but it is not a substitute. Tithing and using talents for his service are two different things.

Thank you... I wasn't aware of that. When I go to church now (which isn't often), I give an offering, but I don't tithe. I can't afford it.
Poohbear said:
I've been giving tithes ever since I started working which was back in 2000. The Lord commands us to give 10% of what we earn. The money I give is to God and His church, not man...

I agree poohbear and I can testify to that. I tell people all the time tithing is about relationship to God not man...people say all the time I am not giving the money to that church so they can do so and so. I point out that YOU need to be faithful and obedient as long as the spirit is leading you to do so. If there is a misuse of funds it will be revealed and God will take care of it. It is about your obedience and nothing else. I was unemployed for 5 months with no income but DH's take it that we are a 2 family income. During that time all of our bills were paid we had an overflow in the cabinets and freezer and I truly believe that to our faithfullness in tithing and offering way before that gave us that blessing. Because we should have not been able to do it on 1 salary. It is truly better to obey than to sacrifice.
I try to always do both, and have for many years. However, I probably give more to offerings than I give in tithes...I visit other churches and we have special offereings (benevolence) at our church that I give to. I don't feel it's too much for God to ask of me given all I have from Him, not too much at all. :)
So let me get this straight.... tithing and offering are different? From what I hear you guys give all your tithing to one church and if you give to charity you don't consider that portion of your tithing?
I tithe. Once it was revealed to me that I didn't need to be a member of a church to tithe, I began tithing. I give extra when I can.
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Keen said:
So let me get this straight.... tithing and offering are different? From what I hear you guys give all your tithing to one church and if you give to charity you don't consider that portion of your tithing?

Yes, they're different. Tithes are an obligatory 10%. All else is an offering.
10% our income does not belong to us, that's why its obligatory. We must return unto God what is his. Its literally robbing God when we don't. I have been guilty. But returning tithe is such a blessing and yet another promise from God.

Malachi 3:11
Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings.

Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation.

Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.
I agree with the 10% but I have included my charitable contributions in that 10%. I consider giving to needy people giving to God because God takes care of his children. By me giving to them is God taking care of them through me.
I give tithes and offerings to the Lord. My parents taught me as a little girl. I have been tithing since I got my first job about eleven years ago, but my parents always gave us money to put in church services even as children.
Keen said:
I agree with the 10% but I have included my charitable contributions in that 10%. I consider giving to needy people giving to God because God takes care of his children. By me giving to them is God taking care of them through me.
But how does God consider it? Do you give the 10% because you don't want to use extra for charities. His word is very clear. I know that we don't want to be like Cain and Abel offering God gifts that we deem acceptable.

Genesis 4:2-5
Now Abel kept flocks, and Cain worked the soil. 3 In the course of time Cain brought some of the fruits of the soil as an offering to the LORD . 4 But Abel brought fat portions from some of the firstborn of his flock. The LORD looked with favor on Abel and his offering, 5 but on Cain and his offering he did not look with favor. So Cain was very angry, and his face was downcast.

Please don't take this as a lashing...
pebbles said:
Amen! I give my tithe and offerings weekly. I never miss a week. And I can tell you, when you take care of the needs of God's house faithfully, He returns the favor more abundantly than you can imagine. My life is a testimony to that fact. So while I hear people say all the time that it's not necessary to give tithes and offerings anymore, believe me, it goes in one ear and out the other. :)

I agree! I first began tithing when I was about 9 or 10, I would give my lunch money many times. I would always be blessed with more than I had given when I least expected it. I tithe everytime I go to church tithing is very important to me.
I give my tithes and offerings-always have. What I don't like is how some ministers perform a 1 hour sermon right before giving, which has people giving out of fear or due to compulsion. I also plan on using my tithes and offerings to other services, to assist the homeless and needy.