Who gets 3/4 or 1 inch of new growth monthly

Hi, Leejure
I'd be more than happy, to present you with my natural 4B hair photo's, I'll even post you an indepth guide to my hair growth regimen.
Seeing your regimen I don't feel nearly so bad about mine now! /images/graemlins/grin.gif You're making me want to up my Biotin dosage to 8mg a day *sigh* (and I swore I wasn't gonna add anymore pills.)

So let me get this right... You are taking 3000mg of EPO, 1680mg of Fo-Ti and 12 Amino Acid tablets (mine are huge) a day?!! Girl I am scared of you. I don't even think I can afford to be on that regimen. /images/graemlins/crazy.gif lol

I'd like to know more about the kelp and the nature's cleansing program. What are the brand names?

Edited to say: And I think we'd all LOVE to see your photos and in depth regimen if you're willing to share. Sounds like we could all benefit. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Thanks Girl!

I am really excited! How do you wear your natural hair? do you wear a lot of protective styles? How long did it take for you to grow your hair out or have you always had long hair?

Sorry for all the questions, I am jsut excited to se long waist length natural hair! It gives me extra hope! LOL!

Thanks Den,

That is quite an impressive and agressive regime. How long have you been using this routine? And definately, I'd love to see your beautiful natural hair. Thanks again. --kc
Hi, Keylargo
I intially began taking iron after my GP prescribed them for my anemia problem. However, there are apparently no known side effects in the consumption of 200MG a day.
Hi, there
I usually wear my hair in protective braids styles; singles and cornrows, I wrap a silk or satin scarf, or sometimes a hat lined with the similar types of material i have named above, the braids, besides others, are one of the main factors in my current regimen, which intially aided in faster hair growth. However, I've had quite long hair all my life, but never this much. I removed my braids last night and was shocked to find that my hair reached 4-5 inches above my waist. I'm hoping to reach waist length soon, if all goes well.

send me youur email address and i'll post my full regimen.
Hi Kasey,
I started this regimen around, seven months ago.
I wish you good luck with your hair growing!

The brand name for kelp is a company called healthcrafts it also contains some calcium. Kelp provides Iodine which is extracted from natural Seaweed Sources it speeds up cell metabolism, thus enhancing cell growth. Hence the increased hair growth.The cleansing herbs , is a great way to growing healthy hair as it actually removes all the toxins from the body, resulting in great looking, skin, hair, nails etc, so your body is able to work more efficiently in absorbing, processing, then distributing the excess nutrients into the bloodstream. The correct name is; Cleanse purify, natures cleansing program, made by the pure body institute of Beverly Hills.
Wow thanks so much for the info. You really have done your homework on this. I need to pace myself so I don't start buying impulsively. I'm a really bad PJ ESPECIALLY when it comes to supplements. /images/graemlins/blush.gif

I'm gonna go try and find some sites for the companies you mentioned now.
In the winter, I probably get a half an inch per month, but during the hot and humid summer months, I get 1 to 1.5 inches of growth. It is too bad that I don't live somewhere where it is hot all the time. Along with the vitamin routine posted in my signature, I also exercise 4 times a week and I take a tablespoon of the Amino Fuel right before I exercise.
<font color="red"> </font color> Anyone considering taking 200mg of iron on a daily basis for even a short while, PLEASE consult a physician!

I seriously thought that was a typo. I am hoping that that was from an inorganic source where the elemental yield is MUCH MUCH lower.

<font color="red"> </font color> Anyone considering taking DLPA who suffers from anxiety, panic attacks, high blood pressure especially, PLEASE consult a physician!

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Hi, keylargo I grow 1 inch every two weeks, due to the vast amount of vitamins and minerals I consume per day.

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You have what! Can you please share what you are taking, I can definately use some increase in growth /images/graemlins/grin.gif
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
I take fo-ti, flax-seed oil, evening primrose oil, amino acids, zinc, iron, B-vitamins, Multi-nutrients, biotin, msm, kelp, Dl-phenylalanine, cleansing herbs. I also have a high protein diet and i excerise on a regular basis. I have natural 4b hair, 4 inches up from my waist

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Wow Den1!

A natural and almost waist lenght. Sorry to be a pest but can you shed some light on the brands and amount of these brands you are taking. Can you also share your regimen and how long you have been growing your natural hair? Hairstyles, etc.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Hi, Leejure
I'd be more than happy, to present you with my natural 4B hair photo's, I'll even post you an indepth guide to my hair growth regimen.

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I'm interested too! /images/graemlins/grin.gif Sorry, I came in late on this post and seem to be asking questions you have already answered /images/graemlins/frown.gif
I started taking vitamins for hair growth in October and have experienced at least .75inch/month. I also exercise daily and massage my scalp nightly with rosemary oil and evening primrose oil.

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
send me youur email address and i'll post my full regimen.

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Can you please send it to me also. Just click on my name. Like Leejure, I'm also excited about seeing your hair and regimen
Wow Den! I have been natural now for 16 months and could use the help. Please send me the in depth regimen with brand names of your supplements at: [email protected].

Thank you! /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Happy Hair Growing

Den1 (not being funny or offensive) but is there a reason as to why you won't post your regimen on the board rather than e-mail it to each person individually. Pictures I can understand because the internet is accessible to anyone. But if it's text it's easier to copy and paste it here just one time.
I've visited this site quite often and I have to say that I have always believed what I have read. I know this may sound very presumptious, but frankly den1, I don't believe that anyone can grow 2 inches in a month. Even Indian hair which is the most resilient in the world does not grow that long that fast. At 2 inches a month, you would have 2 feet of hair in a year!! ( In 7 years you would be competing with the longest hair in the world from a woman who has been growing her hair for 28 years). It just does not add up.

I may be wrong in being a sceptic but it's just an opinion. I know this post may be offensive to you but I think that the ball has really been in your court to prove your claim and reading all the posts, you haven't done it yet.

I apologise again for being rude but I think your claim is very misleading. Misinformation is worse than no information at all.

I would love to receive your regimen and pictures also. I do not doubt the 2 inches per month as I believe anything is possible with faith coupled with doing the right things. Congratulations on your amazing growth rate.

My email is [email protected]

Thank you! /images/graemlins/smile.gif