Who else is not living up to their full hair potential?


Well-Known Member
I'm not. I have two hairstyles, twists outs and a bun up-do. My hair is long enough to do a lot of styles but I'm lazy and not skilled. Last year I did a blow dried twist out that looked okay on me but I'm too lazy to try it again and style it differently. I just got off of Blackmasterpiece's hair blog and she has a blow out half up-do that might look fabulous on me but....we will see.:nono: I'm not living up to my potential, am I the only one? Do I need a kick in the pants?:look:
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I get what you're saying. It is times like these that I wish I never had a relaxer and was taught to do my own natural hair from the very beginning.

I would love to learn how to do those very complicated, intricate up dos.
I could do a lot more styles with my hair but I am lazy and not that interested. It just seems like too much work and effort.
I also did a twist-out on blow dried hair once. It took hours to blow dry because I was nervous about damaging my hair. On top of that, as soon as I stepped outside,
POOF humidity kicked my butt. :ohwell:
I can't imagine how much time it would take to straighten. :nono:
For me, it ain't worth it.
For right now, I do just fine and am very happy with my twists.
I get what you're saying. It is times like these that I wish I never had a relaxer and was taught to do my own natural hair from the very beginning.

I would love to learn how to do those very complicated, intricate up dos.

I know, right?

I'm learning how to cornrow, flat-twist, blow dry, straighten (if I ever buy a flat iron) RIGHT NOW.

I'm conquering flat twists first, then moving on to cornrows.

I tried blow drying my hair with the tension method... Not the best :nono:. My hair is fine so I can't fry my hair like I need to in order to practice.

My hair was/is at its longest point it has ever been. I never BC'ed, just kept in extensions so I have all this hair that I NEVER dealt with before.

And when I was relaxed, someone always did my hair. My mom, the stylists. I could roller set, but I only did that like five times.

Sorry for the vent... I just feel so behind with this hair thing.
I do not think I a living up to my potential as well. But that is one of the reasons I love this forum. It is full of members with great styles who are willing to tell others how to achieve it as well. I might be slow to get it right but I sure am learning a whole lot here.
I'm not, I don't DC enough to reach my fulll potential.
But I'm working of improving the frequency of my deep conditioning.

Ya'll need to stay on me about this! Crack that whip!
I'm not! I keep my hair in 4 celie braids and keep it in a bun....every day....unless I feel like being cute which is very rare. I was doing braidouts but got bored with them so its been celie for weeks
I think I am in terms of HHC, but I give myself a C/D grade when it comes to styling.

I can't even blame ability, cuz I have 3 young daughters so I had to teach myself how to twist, braid, cornrow etc when they were little. Where I struggle is with "grown up" styles for my post-TWA-length hair. I don't do anything in the morning except remove my celie braids I put in every night and wear a braid out.

Help! Lol
Geez, I can't style for the life of me. I've always had someone to do my hair.

Imma get me a mannequin head with afro hair and getz to practicin'!
Imma get me a mannequin head with afro hair and getz to practicin'!
Me too. I keep crashing and burning. Can't find a decent regimen, my wigs don't lay right.. I'm ready to chop it all off but then that won't be good either. I gave myself a touch up after 4 months and burned 30% of my scalp!:lachen: I suck.
Guys, don't beat yourselves up too much! it doesn't help anything!
I found that by feeding my youtube addiction to natural hair videos, I was exposed to more styles I wanted to replicate, or redefine on my own mane.
Seriously, a few yrs ago I learnt how to do single braid extensions. Then cornrowing took 1 year to improve. In the last 6 months, I've learnt to twist, flat-twist, curl and bantu-knot my hair in several different styles. My flat twists still need ALOT of work!

Give yourself a challenge each month. One style to practice on the weekends (braidout, twistout, curly fro, bantu knot-outs...) and you will get there!
I'm not but not for lack of skill. My hairstyling skills are awesome!! Always have been. I'm the girl that does evryone's hair. My problem is after dealing with a toddler all day I don't feel like styling my hair. I'm too tired and lazy.

Also, I don't want to style my hair everyday. I worry that it's too much manipulation and that it'll set me back. Paranoia, I suppose.

I am doing a cornrowed frohawk this weekend, though. I want to test the style for DD's birthday in Oct. It'll suit me, I think.
Wow! This post came at such a good time...

This is exactly how I feel! Hair potential? Major fail

I can't style my hair dry. I've only ever worn wash n' gos. I need some help 'cuz I'm determined not to go through another cold Canadian winter with wet, frozen hair! HELP ME find dry styles I can do!
I certainly am not meeting my full potential, and even after posting that "Learn a New Skill Challenge." thread :nono:

And looking at my hair, a lot of people might think that I don't have much to work with anyway, but really there's lots of stuff I can be doing with my hair! And lets not even mention the fact that I've had short hair all my life so I definitely know my way around three and a half inches of hair! :rolleyes: I mean sure it's a different texture and shrinks up like nobody's business, but I'm a very creative, artistic person. There's really no reason I should be wearing WNG's or puffs all the time.

Laziness ain't been playin' with me these last few months... :nono:
That's always been me. I am not down for spending a whole lot of time making a hair style. I just don't care that much, lol. I just bun and go about my business. I like my buns.
There's nothing wrong with having a couple of "go to" styles that are convenient and flattering on you. If you do want to try something new, focus on that one thing until you learn it. Use lhcf, youtube, fotki, blogs etc until you master it. Or don't! Nothing wrong with being content with your hair as is.

Where I think I fall short is going above and beyond with babying my hair. I have three kids including a newborn and so often I plan to DC, prepoo or whatever but end up taking shortcuts because i'm tired or don't have enough time. A simple routine is the only thing that works for me right now. I just try to accept that for now and still enjoy my hair even if I can't do everything I want right now.
I'm not. I have two hairstyles, twists outs and a bun up-do. My hair is long enough to do a lot of styles but I'm lazy and not skilled. Last year I did a blow dried twist out that looked okay on me but I'm too lazy to try it again and style it differently. I just got off of Blackmasterpiece's hair blog and she has a blow out half up-do that might look fabulous on me but....we will see.:nono: I'm not living up to my potential, am I the only one? Do I need a kick in the pants?:look:
:sad: Same here OP. I have two hairstyles, twist outs and ponytail/bun. My hair is now at a length where I can do more but I am simply lost on how to style >.< everything seems so complicated. I can do twists but leaving them in as a style looks icky on me. As well as DIY braids. I don't know many protective styles I can pull off by myself, that hide my ends. WHich is probably why my ends are suffering so much. I definately do not have my full hair potential. I'm hoping to change that with research and tutorials.
Guilty as Charged. I love the progress my hair has been making but I don't know what to do with it, I can only do 2 hair styles, Up or Down. I have to ask my little sister to braid my hair for me (hangs head down in shame). I can work the hell out of a pony though, all I need is a brush, hair tie and a flower for decoration, then I'm partying like a :rocker: No one can tell me nothing. Heck if u gonna do something do it with pride, regardless of how meager it is.
Hmmm, I don't think that I am in terms of styling. I would give myself a C- on styling. I thought that I had cornrows mastered, but apparently not. So, with that in mind, I'm starting off with flat twists and then moving back to braids. Other than that, I wash/deep conditioner/ baggie/and take my vitamins regularly. I honestly don't know what else I can do...
I am seriously style challened. I actually end up doing it more harm than good generally when I try to do anything too complicated to my own hair. I seriously think I'm swearing off ever heat styling my own hair, its usually pretty disastrous (dry, crispy, breaking, and not straight), but is all soft, silky, shiny, and pretty when a stylist does it.

I wanted to try to do a braid out, but on my first trial run it just seemed like so much manipulation and then later poof and tangles. makes me not want to try again and just keep on throwing on my wigs:nono: If I see a natural style that I like, Im seriously thinking I will just end up going to a natural salon and paying someone to do it for me.
I'm the worst in styling. I would have an idea and give up because it would take a long time to complete. The worst thing is that I can actually cornrow really good but I can part a straight line to save my life! I generally hide my hair with half-wigs and now weaves since I suck at actually doing my hair. When I do leave my hair out my only style is the banana clip with either a hump in the middle or the bang area clipped to the side. Maybe I just need patience.
Guys, don't beat yourselves up too much! it doesn't help anything!
I found that by feeding my youtube addiction to natural hair videos, I was exposed to more styles I wanted to replicate, or redefine on my own mane.
Seriously, a few yrs ago I learnt how to do single braid extensions. Then cornrowing took 1 year to improve. In the last 6 months, I've learnt to twist, flat-twist, curl and bantu-knot my hair in several different styles. My flat twists still need ALOT of work!

Give yourself a challenge each month. One style to practice on the weekends (braidout, twistout, curly fro, bantu knot-outs...) and you will get there!

I'm doing this right now :yep: I'm trying to perfect my flat twists. I have a style that I'm wearing out in public, but it's not neat as I'd like plus my parts are not straight.

I'm gonna be real trifling and try to perfect my parts, wash/condition my hair in the style, let it dry, and then re-do as is :lachen:

Hopefully I'll re-do every two weeks.