Who else has never gone natural?

Who else has never gone natural?

  • I've never stopped relaxing.

    Votes: 45 73.8%
  • I've gone natural before, but generally stay relaxed.

    Votes: 7 11.5%
  • I routinely switch it up.

    Votes: 3 4.9%
  • I only relaxed once - never again!

    Votes: 6 9.8%

  • Total voters

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
I realize that by default we were ALL natural at some point. But I'm wondering who else out there continuously relaxed ever since they started.

My mom started relaxing my hair as a preteen. (I think I was 11 or 12.) Since then I've only worn relaxed styles. Any time I try to stretch (not to transition, but just simply for the sake of stretching), I get freaked out by the new growth . . . I find it uncontrollable and, I'm ashamed to say, unattractive. (Yes, I've been brain-washed by society, I know, I know . . . .) I don't think I could ever transition. I woudl just have to big chop (like, go BALD, big chop) and then just let it grow in.

Anyways, all of that is to ask, who has never gone natural?
First started being relaxed at the age of 1.5 years :look:

been relaxed every since... no desire to put for the effort to transition and I don't wanna do short hair at this point in my life.. not that I even want to transition, but yeah
I haven't. I was always relaxed as long as I can remember. This is the most NG that I have EVER had and I am pleasantly surprised by the way it looks and feels.

The longest that I had gone w/o a relaxer was 8 mos prior to this and that was b/c I was too poor to get one!

eta: I LOVE relaxed hair and straight styles...we'll see where this transition takes me :look:
I started getting relaxed at 9 or 10, not sure, let's just say I was a pre-teen. Been relaxed ever since. I haven't had any major damage or hair scares to make me want to go natural and I remember as a child my nautral hair not having ANY curl pattern, just a big frizzy puffy mess. So that scares me now that I'm an adult.
My mom started relaxing my hair when I was like 4 :perplexed

Haven't stopped since, and don't plan on stopping for a long time. I'm like you Glib, I'm way too chicken to transition. And I'm DEFINITELY too chicken to bc!
My mom started relaxing my hair when I was like 4 :perplexed

Haven't stopped since, and don't plan on stopping for a long time. I'm like you Glib, I'm way too chicken to transition. And I'm DEFINITELY too chicken to bc!

Ditto, except I think I was probably about 8 when I got my first relaxer. Been creamy crackin' it ever since! :lachen:
I've been getting relaxers or some sort of chem (had a jheri/ wave nouveau for a while :grin:) since I was 5 or 6. I am 3 mos. post right now and debating my next move. This is also my longest stretch. I hope to stretch for at least another month w/out any damage to my hair
I've been relaxed since I was a child, on into my adulthood. At least until the end of Nov. 2007, for I chopped and then texturized, and as of now, I've gone natural. Only 4 mos in so far. But if it wasn't for this board, I'd have never gone natural I honestly don't think.
i've been relaxing since i was 10, texturizing since i was 16
now that all my bone straight ends are gone, i'm in love with my [modified lol] curls!! i may transition.
Yep, I started out relaxed at 12 or 13, hair got jacked up from D&L then I got a curly perm to get it to grow back, kept that for about a year or two, then switched back to relaxed hair. Been relaxed ever since.
Ditto, except I think I was probably about 8 when I got my first relaxer. Been creamy crackin' it ever since! :lachen:

Same here. That's all I knew. I don't remember my natural hair at all. I remember thinking whenever I washed my hair and blow-dried, the frizzy, poofy hair was my natural texture :rolleyes: :lol:....it was that bad :perplexed

I def want to go natural one day, but I'm just not ready for short hair :perplexed I don't think I'll be transitioning either :nono: Big chops is how it'll be done.
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I begged my mom to relax my hair at 12, b/c I hated being teased about my natural hair by the boys in my elementary school. At the time, my mom used to 'blowdry' it and I would wear it in a bun with the front cornrowed. I definitely remember my natural texture and I remember it was hard to detangle and that it didn't have much curl definition, unlike my little sister's hair. Also, if I ever wore it 'out' natural, like a puff, it would tangle up something fierce. Perhaps this was due to the techniques that my mom used, who knows...Anyways, I like my relaxed hair. It's a lot easier for me to deal with. If I don't want to wear it straight, I can just wash and smooth into a ponytail and keep it moving.

Eventually I will go back to being natural, but that's when I'm much older. With school, full social life, etc., I don't have time to transition.
I was relaxed at 9 or 10 and kept it up for a little over 21 yrs. I'm natural now and love it. I'll never use chemicals again. :yep:
I've been relaxed since I was about 10. I tried to go natural twice, but couldn't hang after 5-6 months. I really love the ease and versatility of my hair right now. I do plan to complete my transition one day, but no time soon.
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I got my first relaxer when I was 7 or 8. Every now and then I think about going natural but I think I'll be relaxing my hair forever.
I was relaxed at 9 or 10 and kept it up for a little over 21 yrs. I'm natural now and love it. I'll never use chemicals again. :yep:

Ha! I was relaxed for over 21 years too! So I was relaxed a majority of my life, pressed straight for another six years before that, so I was straight for 27 years and certainly couldn't remember my natural texture.
I've been relaxed since about age 11...have been since. I began underprocessing my relaxers years ago because I didn't like bone straight hair. Overall, I like my hair texture as is with the underprocessed relaxer...(tensions are high about texlaxing, I have to be clear. :ohwell:).

I haven't retouched in a while...I'm thinking I could probably transition without a lot of trouble but I'm scared of what my natural texture may look like. I wouldn't wanna BC and HATE my hair and be stuck with hair shorter than when I BC'd. So for now, relaxed is good for me.
I think I am relaxed in my pre-school graduation photo, so it's been a while. I was SO freakin tenderheaded my momma just went ahead. I'm still tenderhead, that's why I've been self relaxing for so long. I tried transitioning and it just wasn't for me. A stretch is all I can do right now.
I've been relaxed since I was 9 years old and I currently have no intention of going natural. I don't know what my natural hair would look like but if it's anything like my childhood pictures, Imma stay relaxed.
i was relaxed somewhere between 7 and 10. i been relaxed ever sence but now i am transitioning and have been for 9 months. i have noticed that my hair is getting harder to detaingle but i dont care. i will never relax again. plus for the summer it is so easy to wash and wet bun and during the winter i will just rollerset and flat iron weekly.
My hair has been relaxed since I was about 10 or 11 years old I believe and today I am still relaxed and to be honest I'll probably never go natural if I can help it.
i was 11 or 12 when i got my first relaxer. ive never stopped but ive taken breaks...for example...i dont relax for a yr or more then relax again. not transistioning jus cudnt be bothered to relax then when the new growth got annoying i would relax again...i think thats partly y my hair grew long b4.
My mother used a kiddy kit on my hair when I was 5. Even then I was so tender headed I was happy to have it done. I've been relaxed ever since. I will continue to relax my hair as I'm still the most tender headed person on the planet. :lachen:
Natural from baby, until I was 14, got a perm, cut it off. Went back natural at 17, got a perm, grew it out. Got another perm at 20, had it ever since. Now, I am trying to transition back to natural. Believe you me, I was not one of those gals who didn't know what texture my hair was. I clearly knew!:lachen::look:
I got my first relaxer around 12 years old, Ive never had a desire to go natural. I did at one point contemplate locks because I just did not know what to do with my hair. Now Im happily relaxed and stretching is working well for me, if I had known what I knew now I would have more hair on my head....lol :lachen: