who do YOU trust with your hair?

Who do you trust with your hair?

  • Nobody does it better than me!

    Votes: 121 57.6%
  • Only me and (insert family member) touch this hair!

    Votes: 36 17.1%
  • I only trust my stylist for the big stuff, but I'll wash/DC it...

    Votes: 41 19.5%
  • No one does my hair but my stylist, not even ME!

    Votes: 3 1.4%
  • other - elaborate, please!

    Votes: 9 4.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Right Now........Nobody:naughty:.

My Hair is in 'Critical Condition' therefore, I am the best one to see to all of it's needs.

After major Salon Mishap and being a 'weekly' client. And Spending a decent amount of money weekly for supposedly top quality 'hair care'

That may change later, but right now...No.:nono:

I need to do this.:yep:
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I trust no one with my hair but me.

The only people I'd possibly trust with my hair are LHCF ladies lol, cause at least we're learning the same things.
I'm the only person who touches my hair...period. I don't trust anyone else with it at all. That means if anything goes wrong it's all on me, but the greatest reward lies in knowing that the person who appreciates my hair the most is the primary and only care provider.
Nobody but me.
I have been burnt and fried too many times to let anyone but me touch my hair.
This board combined know more than any stylist on the planet.
I trust my mother, my stylist, and myself. I have to say out of those 3 people I was probably the worst until last year :wallbash:. My mom is a natural and all about protective styling :grin:, and my stylist listens to what I want and has NEVER loaded my hair down with spritz, mousse, or gel.
I don't really wholeheartedly trust any hairdresser. There are some I feel comfortable enough for relaxers and trims. However, no one will care for my hair and be as diligent w/ it as I am. When I get a wash and set, they don't saturate my hair the way I do, they don't detangle as well as I do.
I voted that I only allow ME in my head. Im going to start clipping my ends myself. I do everything myself.
well i have someone who does my weaves.. But weaves come to an end in July and since i got this maxiglide and it got my hair straight, i may not need her :look:

when i was relaxed, it was me.. and my mom...
Me and only me. I asked my cousin to cornrow the front of my head today and I gave her instructions not to comb it or be too rough. She listened to me and tried to be careful but she was still 10x rougher than I'd ever be. And I don't even really like the style.

It honestly wasn't worth it. Next time I'll just have to do my own janky cornrows.
I go to my stylist for relaxers only. I do everything else myself. However, my stylist knows about my haircare journey and she doesn't even mention trims as she knows that I will always do this myself. She will only relax and flatiron. That is it. She supports what I am trying to do and I feel like I am in control of my hair when I am in her seat.
I actually do trust my stylist.:look: I've been with her two yrs and have never had a problem as far as my retouches and trims are concerned.
Me, my sister and my ex's aunt (who is a stylist and owns a salon-- she's helping me repair my hair at its worse condition ever and she knows if she disappoints, my ex-- who, i'll admit is a hot head-- will make her fix anything wrong. She's also very educated about hair and delicate with mine and I've come to trust her with it :) )

p.s., i trust my sister because her hair is not only growing long and is so healthy, but she's always been the super careful, cautious, delicate person with her hair and I know she'd do the same with my hair. I'm teaching her more about haircare because she knows I'm a member here, but I almost feel like there's no need for me to give her advice; she's learning great tips and tricks on her own just by being careful and gentle with her hair :)
Me, me, and oh yeah me.

I am still pissed off about back in October when I went for a blow out and flat iron ended up with the ends of my hair being damn near fried off. Never again will I go see a stylist. Back to DIY. Even the best one can slip up because after all it's not their hair.

Besides I pay $40-50 for them to do my hair and it looks like crap the next day. I do my own hair and it looks better and last me a week.
Since I'm not focused on growing my hair out right now the only person I trust is the stylist I've been going to for the past 6 months. He is absolutely AWESOME...the best stylist I have had. He is the only person I trust with cutting and styling my hair. I don't have to hold my breath and cross my fingers whenever he picks up the scissors and starts cutting because he knows how to make a cut work. I don't ever worry about anything being too short because he puts the focus on the style, which is always wonderful. Some stylists are just great when it comes to specific things, and his niche is definitely for cutting and managing short hair.

And even though my hair is short, a good cut is still important. Looking back on who was doing my hair prior to him, my hair cut was definitely jacked up and not what I wanted, but I settled for it because I didn't know what else to do or where to go. I literally flinched whenever any other stylist picked up the scissors or clippers because I was always worried about the style of the hair not fitting my face.

Brandon will never give someone a cut or style that doesn't flatter their face, whether they get upset or not. He's honest. And to top it all off, my hair is the HEALTHIEST it has ever been in a long while. Because even though other stylists I have been to have focused on getting my hair healthy, I always had to worry about breakage due to manipulation. When I first got my hair chopped off I was still wrapping it, and my bangs tore off into pieces within months. Brandon does my hair to a point where I rarely have to put a comb or flat iron to it. My bangs have maintained more length in 3 months than they would've in twice the time. When I was in Chicago I did my hair myself and came up with creative/funky styles with the cut he gave me to keep low maintenance in between visits. He and I are the only two pairs of hands I allow to touch my hair, and I wouldn't have it any other way right now.
I voted Me. My mom actually refused to do my hair anymore because the last time she did it, I had her use extra, EXTRA care when doing my corn rows. Needless to say, it took her much longer than it used to take her when I was a teenager. She couldnt understand the concept of being as gentle as I do so as not to break any hair. So she said: never again. She is natural but she does not do all the "hair board" stuff that I do :)

But otherwise I would've put her and me lol.
Nobody but me. I'm in this strange place where nobody around me understands healthy hair care, and the process of growing hair. So it's all on me. I will go to my stylist once a year for a professional trim. And she does just that...trim. I think she's more careful about trimming than I am. The only problem I really have with her is that she presses the hair whether you have a relaxer or not. Even though she doesn't fry my hair, it's more heat than my hair is use to. I love the way it bounces and behaves when she gets finished with it.
For the day to day wash and DC, me for trimming only one stylist, for blowdrying hmmm, not sure yet, haven't found someone who does it following ALL the rules I would like for them to follow! We'll try it again in Feb...
me ONLY!! I have not been to the shop in about 2 and a half yrs and I wont again....I braid my own hair and do everything else in between