who do YOU trust with your hair?

Who do you trust with your hair?

  • Nobody does it better than me!

    Votes: 121 57.6%
  • Only me and (insert family member) touch this hair!

    Votes: 36 17.1%
  • I only trust my stylist for the big stuff, but I'll wash/DC it...

    Votes: 41 19.5%
  • No one does my hair but my stylist, not even ME!

    Votes: 3 1.4%
  • other - elaborate, please!

    Votes: 9 4.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
myself, umm I used to trust this guy but everytime he ripped through my hair but gave a fierce cut. But it was worst when he was angry at his wife for something...the ripping. I couldn't take it so now I am just going to go to this white girl for a trim cause' I heard on campus she does fierce cuts and can do black hair well.
myself, umm I used to trust this guy but everytime he ripped through my hair but gave a fierce cut. But it was worst when he was angry at his wife for something...the ripping. I couldn't take it so now I am just going to go to this white girl for a trim cause' I heard on campus she does fierce cuts and can do black hair well.

Whoa are you kidding me
myself, umm I used to trust this guy but everytime he ripped through my hair but gave a fierce cut. But it was worst when he was angry at his wife for something...the ripping. I couldn't take it so now I am just going to go to this white girl for a trim cause' I heard on campus she does fierce cuts and can do black hair well.

Whoa are you kidding me

Actually, I go to a white girl for my trims. She does a great job and she doesn't require that I straighten to trim. And she's not a SHS!

I also go to a natural hair stylist occasionally for styles.
I don't trust anyone! I've tried to find a beautican but I can't. I've learned to do things myself with help from the board and youtube.
If I want a style then I will trust a stylist or a friend.

However, if I want my hair to be combed properly without it being ripped out, not have to argue about trimming if I dont want to, not worry about overprocessing or any other unhealthy hair practice-I trust only me.

I find that people arent going to be as careful with my hair and asking them to be can be a nuisance.
the word "disappointment" is common in this thread. what kind of disappointments?

my dissapointments were bald spots from the relaxer not being washed out properly, broken places from my hair being burned off from the hot comb, etc..

so now im doing my own relaxers. i wont let anyone else do tthem. i only let the dominican stylist rollerset my hair because ive been to other salons and they ripped through my hair with the fine comb.

i dont even trust my mother in my hair. i decided this year i will take my hair care in my own hands and see how my hair reacts to it.
Myself and my Dear Hubby. He gives the best the best trims. I never have to worry about my hair being uneven. He always get is straight across the back (even though you can never tell cause I don't wear my hair super straight). He doesn't cut to much because he doesn't have an agenda of his own. He is just getting a chance to play in my hair so he does what is asked.

Other than that, I do everything else, texlax, color, protein, braids whatever. Plenty of people can do it better than me but I am not spending hours at anyone's salon.
I trust myself and my mamita. She taught me many helathy hair practices (rollersets, limited heat protection, protective styles) when I was young. It wasn't until I went contrary to what she taught me that my hair rebelled. :perplexed

the word "disappointment" is common in this thread. what kind of disappointments?

I'm glad that you've had good experiences. Most everyone else has had to endure someone overlapping their relaxers, BCing in place of a trim/ dust, being blowfried with minimal protection or getting charged too much for something you could have done yourself.
I finally realized, I am the best person with my hair, and that isn't saying much. I don't trust stylist too much anymore.
I barely trust myself let alone someone else. I still go to the salon though, mostly for my curly styles that take forever to dry and if I want a good press but I know I'm taking a big risk when I do, because stylist can only be trusted so much.
Nobody but me. I only go to the salon for retouches and I feel nervous every time I go. I wouldn't go at all if I mastered how to self-relax.
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MYSELF! Everytime I think someone else [another stylist] does my hair great and I stick with them, they always end up getting to comfortable. Damn I can't stand that!!!
The only person I trust with my hair is myself. And it got this way even before LHCF, in fact, I found LHCF because I promised myself I was never going back to another hair salon ever again.
After having relaxers left on too long, not washed out properly, having my roots burned with a blow dryer, it was amazing that I still had hair left on my head, though it was most definitely thinning.
In August 2007, I got a relaxer and had about 6 inches of hair cut off and that was the last time I set foot in a salon; I've been doing my own DCs, protein treatments, relaxers (my first self relaxer was a scary experience), trims, everything ever since and I have no intention of ever going back to a salon.
Anybody who is willing to do it....I know it sounds desperate but I am. I am so desperate which is why I got fed up not knowing where my next hair do is coming from and decided to take control. I am so tired of being run over by my hair (so frustrating). So many women have healthy hair and I was not blessed with hair skills or a family that could afford to let me frequent the salon growing up and the internet was not easily accessible, so no LHCF. It wasn't until I joined the service and started making my own money that I could really take control where I met this wonderful woman in Maryland when I was in training who managed the salon on base and WOW she took good care of me. I mean I would wait all night for her and she would even stay late to do me if I was a walk in. I'm talking about 1am! I mean by that time she was more like a mom away from mom but thats probably why she was the only stylist that has seen me more than twice ever!! If she was only here with me now....sigh :ohwell: This is a woman who I trusted to chop my hair off for the first time ever and I wasn't afraid! Ever since i had my son, i was a lil more strapped for money as a single parent and these expensive Alaska stylists don't make it no better (I'm STILL trippin over this after living here for 2 years)....so my trust has indeed been all over the place. It's a bad habit to let EVERYONE do your hair but I LOVE freebies and a good scalp massage...hopefully I can find someone that is as wonderful as my old stylist and stop bein a lil hair hoochie...I'm so silly! I feel like I just been all over the place!!:lachen:
I need to post again about this.
I made a couple of phone calls based on some recommendations from the ladies here on the forum....
And even though they treated them great, I never got a call back, and I could not get any answer about a flat ironing only.

I would say that this lack of professionalism always disturbs me.

I have had so many BAD experiences, and, after reading SistaSlick's article on Relaxers, I know for a FACT that I have been tortured in the hair department.

There really is no one to do my hair out there. I have to do it.... All...Braids, twists, Flat ironing...

Dayum Shame....But - I will spend the 6 hours for a flat iron session, or 2 days to braid.

Otherwise.... I will be bald. :nono:
Who I trust? Who I trust? ME, that's who!

But when I want cornrows I only let this ONE person in my head. Otherwise, stay the hell away from my hair!

Oh yeah, forgot about Madear. My godmother, she has been pressing hair since before I was born and the only person besides mom that has pressed my hair. So I definitely trust her as far as applying heat...
I thought I would be able to let someone do my hair here. It's so cheap to get your hair braided in S. Africa. I think the max I would pay would be $20. But I just can't do it. Esp. since my hair is regularly so tangled I think normal people would pass out if they had to do it. Either than or torture me to death while combing it out. So I guess if I'd rather spend 15 hours for a job someone else could do in 6, it must mean I trust no one else but me.
Now that I'm natural, myself. :yep:
BUT there will be a time when I need to get it cut, I will go to a professional natural salon for that.
Nobody. I haven't found anyone with what I feel is "good energy".
If their energy isn't right they can not touch my hair.
Only loving hands are allowed to touch this head.:grin: