White Women Wrap too? The Secret is Out LOL

This reminds me of this article I saw in Cosmo, but I haven't read it yet. It caught my attention though because it's called "Get Long Hair Fast" and it has a picture of a WW with her hair soaked in EVOO. *off to read the article now*

ETA: I took a quick looksie over there and cracked up when I saw this:

http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=156 :rofl:

Hair really is just hair :grin:

:lachen: Sounds like it works....
dang... I guess if someone said their hair grew 2 in in mo from daily dunking in a used toilet ..... :lachen::kneel::kneel::kneel::kneel::kneel:
I actually remember reading an article in Glamour some years back (some time when I was in undergrad (1999-2003) and they were talking about wrapping the hair and silk scarfs for preserving your style and making blow outs last longer so they've been hip to the game for a while. Also, one of my patients (who is white) actually wraps her head at nights when she gets a blow out and DC and baggies under her wigs. I was like say what!
Folks would be very surprised. White women do a whole lot of things to their hair that most people wouldn't think they did.
Wow! I have seen older white ladies in satin bonnets and scarves, so I guess hair wrapping wouldn't be too far down the line.
I think we tend to think all the "crazy" stuff we do with our hair is unique but even women with hair we think is problem free have issues too lol. I guess women are just perfectionists when it comes to hair.
Since I've been focused on hair lately, I've notice A LOT of white/hispanic women with long hair have their hair in a bun most of the time