Which relaxes hair straighter: ORS Olive oil LYE or NO LYE?


Well-Known Member
It's amazing what you learn about your hair when you air dry and then analyze your hair for an hour with a home made 3 way mirror while cotched on the side of a sink :look:
I realize, A; my hair used to be relaxed bone straight (back when I used Precise/Mizani), but the most recent 4" of my hair has an interesting kinky/straight texture that I attribute to the ORS No lye I've been using for the last 6 months. I'm curious how the lye relaxer compares. I'm not sure how I'm liking this new texture.
I've noticed this same texture with ORS Olive oil no lye with my hair I've also noticed on some of the heads (those who use the ORS no lye) here on the board in their photos.

I would like to know the answer to this as well.

I am thinking of trying the lye for my next touch in Sept/Oct. I'm a little nervous about it since my hair is fine and I haven't used lye in years. Although, if I do try it I'm going to use Serenity_Breeze's (I think it was her) method of adding EVOO and Almond Oil to the relaxer.
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I used ORS Lye Regular at my last touchup and was very pleased! My hair was nice and straight! (I do relax my hair in sections, and that goes a long way to getting it really straight because I can spend 15-20 mintues per section which gives a lot of time for smoothing, as opposed to 15-20 minutes for the whole head). I plan to use it again at my next touch up. I never used ORS No-lye so I can't compare. I think I prefer lye for my hair and plan to begin slowly cutting off my no-lye ends starting with this next relaxer.
I had the same problem with ORS no-lye. That's why I stopped using it. I used Hawaiian Silky Lye (regular strength) for my last touch-up and my hair came out pretty straight. I didn't know ORS has a lye formula. I'm gonna have to try it.

I also think that using no heat contributes to our hair being less straight. I have about 4 inches of hair, from the ends, that is just always straight, bone straight. That's the hair that I still have left over from when I used to flat iron my hair after every wash. I think the combination of the relaxer and flat ironing over time makes the hair strands get straighter. IMO. I'm wondering if roller setting sometimes would help. :confused:
I've used both. I relaxed with ORS Reg no lye in April and recently switched to using Lye relaxers and used ORS Reg lye 2 weeks ago. I relaxed for the prescribed times for both (18 min no lye and 15 min lye). Both relaxers straighten, however, I find that my ORS Lye relaxed hair feels alot smoother and silkier than the rest of my no-lye relaxed hair. The difference is VERY noticable. The ORS no-lye relaxed hair is fairly straight but there was still a very slight wave and doesn't feel as silky and smooth as the ORS lye relaxed hair . I plan to use ORS reg lye from now on because I soooooo pleased with the results. I regret not using it sooner. I definitely recommend it. HTH:)!

ETA:Sorry...to answer the question directly, IMO, the ORS Reg lye straightens better and quicker.
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OMG I just relaxed my hair last night and as i was roller setting I noticed the samething. But I have been using the ORS Lye instead. I wonder why this is. i thought maybe i was doing something wrong.

Can you see where it is wavey a little just relaxed


This is just a differnt view but you can see it did relax the new growth

This one at the time was 4 week post relaxer
SleekandBouncy said:
It's amazing what you learn about your hair when you air dry and then analyze your hair for an hour with a home made 3 way mirror while cotched on the side of a sink :look:

I realize, A; my hair used to be relaxed bone straight (back when I used Precise/Mizani), but the most recent 4" of my hair has an interesting kinky/straight texture that I attribute to the ORS No lye I've been using for the last 6 months. I'm curious how the lye relaxer compares. I'm not sure how I'm liking this new texture.
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Thanks for the feedback.
I really don't like to switch around with my relaxers, but it was really shocking looking at my hair last night and realizing for the past few months it's not been relaxing the way I'd thought. I don't want to continue with this new texture and then realize it doesn't work for me when it's too late and I'm stuck have to consider a corrective.
chocolatesis said:
I had the same problem with ORS no-lye. That's why I stopped using it. I used Hawaiian Silky Lye (regular strength) for my last touch-up and my hair came out pretty straight. I didn't know ORS has a lye formula. I'm gonna have to try it.

I also think that using no heat contributes to our hair being less straight. I have about 4 inches of hair, from the ends, that is just always straight, bone straight. That's the hair that I still have left over from when I used to flat iron my hair after every wash. I think the combination of the relaxer and flat ironing over time makes the hair strands get straighter. IMO. I'm wondering if roller setting sometimes would help. :confused:

Maybe this is what happened to me!!!
eyunka said:
OMG I just relaxed my hair last night and as i was roller setting I noticed the samething. But I have been using the ORS Lye instead. I wonder why this is. i thought maybe i was doing something wrong.

Can you see where it is wavey a little just relaxed


This is just a differnt view but you can see it did relax the new growth

This one at the time was 4 week post relaxer

My results are similar, only slightly straighter. I might ask my stylist to spend a little more time smoothing it, because I really do like the ORS otherwise.
ok i thought no lye made your hair straighter.

I was going to use the ors no lye. I have been using mizani lye and i notice with other lye relaxers my hair does not get straight. it wasnt until i used lye relaxers that people started telling me it looked like I wore a press.

My hair isn't bone straight. I also dont use any heat at all. I've been heat free since august.
It's amazing what you learn about your hair when you air dry and then analyze your hair for an hour with a home made 3 way mirror while cotched on the side of a sink :look:
I realize, A; my hair used to be relaxed bone straight (back when I used Precise/Mizani), but the most recent 4" of my hair has an interesting kinky/straight texture that I attribute to the ORS No lye I've been using for the last 6 months. I'm curious how the lye relaxer compares. I'm not sure how I'm liking this new texture.

I just noticed this too, I used it for my last 2 relaxers. Not sure if I should be on the search for another relaxer
ok i thought no lye made your hair straighter.

I was going to use the ors no lye. I have been using mizani lye and i notice with other lye relaxers my hair does not get straight. it wasnt until i used lye relaxers that people started telling me it looked like I wore a press.

My hair isn't bone straight. I also dont use any heat at all. I've been heat free since august.

Some people notice this because they are processing longer than they maybe should be because their scalp isn't burning as quickly. No-lye pentrates the hair shaft slower but is harsher on the hair in terms of dryness.
Some people notice this because they are processing longer than they maybe should be because their scalp isn't burning as quickly. No-lye pentrates the hair shaft slower but is harsher on the hair in terms of dryness.

How long should the relaxer be on your head?

this might be a no-no but at the dominicans they would leave the relaxer on for like 25 including apply and smoothing. And people would still comment on how my hair isn't straight. i got some resistant hair:ohwell:

Yeah I know no lye can cause dryness but the chelating shampoo fixes that right:look:
How long should the relaxer be on your head?

this might be a no-no but at the dominicans they would leave the relaxer on for like 25 including apply and smoothing. And people would still comment on how my hair isn't straight. i got some resistant hair:ohwell:

Yeah I know no lye can cause dryness but the chelating shampoo fixes that right:look:

Yeah girl, just chelate.......25 mins:nono: I have yet to see a relaxer that says 25 minutes. The time on the container is for the WHOLE shebang....application AND smoothing. Many many many people are overprocessing themselves at home or in the salon because they don't remember this. If you are leaving it on that long and you still aren't straight then its time to consider increasing the strength. Even if you are not burning, after 25 minutes you are risking serious scalp damage. See, what happens to people sometimes with no-lye is they say, well I am not buring yet so let me keep it on for another 5 mintues. Then when they start noticing extra dryness and other problems they say, that relaxer was crap but really their application played a part in that too. As far as chelating is concerned, many companies make their neutralizing shampoo a chelator to help remove the minerals. I know Mizani and ORS do this. To this day, Mizani no-lye was one the best relaxers I had....its just that my overall hair care at the time was crap. If I ever when back to no-lye, I would go to that one.
Sleek....I am noticing this too. I was using Mizani mild and even though it looked straight, now when I wash my hair, I can see a good amount of waveage....I haven't decided it I like that yet. I have seen some benefits from it but it was an adjustment.
I admit that my hair was straighter when using ORS no-lye but I have decided to go back to Lye relaxers.

I used the No-lye version of this relaxer in 2007 but in 2008 I found the Lye Normal version (18.50 ounces for $6.99). I first relaxed in December or January (methinks) with the lye relaxer and my hair came out okay (everyone knows my hair is resistant).

The second time I used it (End of February) my hair did not relax at all-- especially on my left side) and I still have all of this unbearable new-growth under the underprocessed hair. I have recently bought the ORS Lye Super in hopes that it will relax my hair better. I will post an update on this thread in the next couple of days.
ok I can relate to all you resistant-haired ladies cuz my hair is VERY resistant!! I actually use the ORS LYE relaxer in SUPER and my hair used comes out really straight when my old hairdresser did it, however I believe she may have left it on (applying + smoothing) for longer than the recommended time...but I didnt have a clock so I'm not sure. However, at my last touch up with my NEW hairdresser, my hair seemed like it was straight when I left the salon but when I washed it a week later some parts of my head were a little underprocessed :perplexed. It could have been due to the fact that my new hairdresser may have left it on less but I'm still not sure cuz I can never see a clock :lachen:......or it could be due to the fact that I had been using the sulfur containing Boundless Tresses....unfortunately I just dont know. However, I am going to continue to go to my NEW hairdresser and next time I will just tell her how my hair didnt process as much as I would have liked
no lye relaxers can revert ur hair after relaxing... also it is not good for ur hair period. no relaxer is however no lye has more chemicals to substitute for the missing lye. i read and did research... i now use ORS regular... and I am currently transistioning to textlax. my hair is flufflier and stronger. i will post a pic after i rinse out this conditioner lol...