Which protective style promotes the best hair growth ?

Which protective style gave you the most hair growth?

  • Bunning/Updo's/Pony's

    Votes: 266 47.6%
  • Braids/Cornrolls

    Votes: 201 36.0%
  • Wraps/Extensions

    Votes: 39 7.0%
  • Others please specify

    Votes: 53 9.5%

  • Total voters
My hair breaks less/I retain more wiiiiitttthh
Cornrows. Braids. ECT.

Things were im not touching my hair at all. Something like a bun or french braid would be good too expect the fact that i will take those down and play in my hair whenever im bored.
I voted other. I part my hair in 6-8 sections, "grease" my scalp with my MN mixture ( I am on the MT bandwagon now:yep:), moisturize, and seal. I put my hair in 6 braids and place it under a baggy. Then wrap one of my favorite scarfs around my head. That is what helped me grow and retain length.
i'm gonna say bunning although i think the way i came to my conclusion is skewed...se, bunning was the only PS that helped keep the breakage at bay when i was transitioning but i havent done it since the BC. conversely, i had little to no breakage when i was cowashing daily but when i took down my kinky twists i found broken pieces. i have cornrows now and im kinda scared as to what i will find when i take them out later this week.
Sorry, I voted "other".

Protective styles promote better "retention" not growth. I acheive the best "retention" with braids.

Sorry about the ...pet peeve.
I would have voted braids/ extensions but I think the buns and ponys give more control especially those with fragile hairlines, you can control the tension so I voted buns/ updos...
Since I can't make a ponytail yet since my Big BC in December, I've been hiding my hair under lace fronts. I wash and condition once per week and apply my growth aid about 3 - 4 days per week. I have retained about 95% of my growth since December and I am surpised at how my braids are hanging down now when I couldn't even grab enough to twist back in March. This is the best protective style I can ever imagine, even the hair on my edges is growing and it's long. I am going to do a big reveal in December when I get it straightened for progress pictures. I am not doing anything before that so that I can continue to retain all my growth which has been greatly accelerated with my MT custom mix.

I will continue this protective styling until I can make a nice ponytail. At that time, ponytails will become my protective style of choice. This has been the most rewarding experience ever for me because I have been able to workout, look pretty / wear nice hair styles while at work, or going out and care for / protect my hair at the same time. I never had it this good.

ETA: This thread is really about hair retention not growth per se. Protective styling helps you to keep the hair you grow, not to increase the rate of growth from your scalp. It has the appearance of increase growth because you actually get to keep the hair you grow on your head rather than in the sink and on the floor and in the comb :laugh:
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Bunning works best for me... I'm starting back so that I can get to BSL, which seems to be taking forever and a day....
I will say wigs... full wigs. If you keep your hair moisturized, and in good condition while under wigs, you will get growth. This is what allowed me to grow my bangs out. They aren't full shoulder yet (even though it's 2 years later, but I trimmed them several times)... but they went from my eyebrows to the end of my nose in about 9 months, trims included.
Ponytails have helped me retain the most length. I've tried other methods but have never been able to keep them long enough to see a difference. I always go back to the ponytail/bun. Cornrows under my lacefront have also allowed me to retain a lot of length.
braids and cornrows help me retain the most length! Right now I'm in kinky twists with cornrows in the front.. I just got the front redone on Sunday because of growth!
I voted braids and cornrows. 95% of the times i'm in weaves but i have cornrows underneath which i keep in for 1mth at a time after which i wash clarify and d/c after which i do another weave this has helped me tremendoulsly to retain length and grow my hair longer and thicker too. Weaves are my forever best friends.
Cornrows work really good for me. I am an LF girl now, so I wash weekly and cornrow and sew the ends up.
Probably cornrows. I wore them off and on for years and my hair grew like crazy.

I'm doing buns now and it still grows really well.
Keeping my hair moisterized under half wigs and bunning now that I've learned to do it correctly.
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I say up do's. It has helped me retain alot of length in the beginning stages of my hair growth....although I haven't really ventured into the corn rows im scared of the pulling and the itchs associated with it. Single plaits were doing it for a bit a while back but im loving the simple up-do's