Which protective style promotes the best hair growth ?

Which protective style gave you the most hair growth?

  • Bunning/Updo's/Pony's

    Votes: 266 47.6%
  • Braids/Cornrolls

    Votes: 201 36.0%
  • Wraps/Extensions

    Votes: 39 7.0%
  • Others please specify

    Votes: 53 9.5%

  • Total voters
Keeping my hair in 6 braids or twists underneath my half wig has worked for me. At the end of the day I take off the half wig then moisturize my hair and seal with oil. I also use MT.
i voted braids and conrows, more conrows as i do mine myself and i redo them every 4-5 days, this way i can control the tension and avoid too much manipulation, i put a phony pony on the end of the conrow to spice thing up as in my aviator pic :yep:
I cannot say that ANY protective style promotes GROWTH, but IMO, they all heavily aid in RETENTION.

My favorite protective style is the bun (b/c it's the simpliest and cheapest :grin:), but braids are the best (IMO) IF you keep your hair properly moisturized and your scalp clean.
For me it's any style that doesn't require much manipulation. Whatever that style is (twists, braids, buns) that's low mani, that's where I retain my growth. As long as I am not constantly messin with my hair it does really good.
Canerows (aka cornrolls) seem to be the best protective style for me because:
1) they allow access to my scalp- I can oil and massage my scalp when I please...and keep a clean scalp.
2) they are able to stay reasonably neat for up to a month
3) My hair just loves being braided- and left alone!
4) There just seems to be some link between cornrolls, hair growth and hair retention.

Response to a previous poster who said that protective styles do not promote growth: I disagree...
Regular ( and not too tight) braiding invigorates and stimulates the scalp, thus causing blood flow to the follicles...this then causes growth :yep: They key is to not make the braids too tight.
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I'm also agreeing with your views ajargon02, just got mine cut the 2nd time this year. So manipulation is a problem of mine. After the 2nd cut it lloks good....so now i'm in a babying mode. Taking my time with braid comb-outs etc.....Anna
i personally think biweekly-weekly box braids. promote the most growth.

along with proper hair care of course
My opinion may be a little skewed since I can't keep braids in long enough to see the benefits because I have hair ADD. :lachen: Bunning has really helped me out, though.
I like braids and canerows. I oil my scalp and re-plait my hair every week or fortnight. I moisturise my hair with a water based curl moisturiser spray most days and keep my hair damp. This has helped me to retain more and lose less hair. Nothing helps me with natural hair growth but keeping my hair clean, healthy, moist and protected helps me to retain the hair that I do grow.

i dont know what 'wraps extensions' really meant but i voted for that, in reference to SEW INS. sew ins definitly got me a lot of growth.. cuz ur hair is hidden.. all while u still take care of it by greasing ur scalp or keeping it moisterized wtih a spray. while u can still look cute and burn up the weave... (i go to nowhere but the best hair salons.. n get decent hair.. not the 100dollar hair. but the avg 60-75pk hair)... n it always looks natural.. so yea, thats been my prized protective style. i guess this is one of those: for eachs own... type opinions.


I voted braids because that is all I have done to get to a longer length, but I am going to try and experiment with bunning for a while after I take my braids down and see what happens.
The best protective style for me is the one that I can do every day, without fail, and feel fabulous wearing.
I voted for buns/updos. But I actually keep my hair in twists that I then never wear down. I've gotten the best growth retention this way and intend to keep this up until I reach my final length goal.
I voted for buns/updos. But I actually keep my hair in twists that I then never wear down. I've gotten the best growth retention this way and intend to keep this up until I reach my final length goal.

off topic:
gloomgeisha, your siggy is very interesting. What is tangling BTW:ohwell:?
off topic:
gloomgeisha, your siggy is very interesting. What is tangling BTW:ohwell:?

It's actually a quote from Mwedzi a member here. She was talking about how her hair tangles all the time for no reason what so ever. I still laugh to this day reading it, so it's been in my siggy ever since.
I voted other... Wigs, baby, yeah!:band2:

I had lost that lovin' feelin' for my wigs when my edges got beat up. But then I *finally* took CurliDiva's excellent advice and removed all the combs from my wigs... I took it one step further and removed the adjustable hooks in the back too. The little buckle things for those straps would get caught in my hair and rip it out! :nono: This would happen constantly.... :cry3:

But now that I removed all the hair damaging stuff from my wigs, I can wear them to get the look I want without the damage! :yay:

I had a billion half wigs that I wasn't wearing cuz I didn't want to blend... so I bought a dozen black headbands from Ebonyline.com that I'm gonna sew to the half wigs. I can apply my products to my poor hairline, put on my wig, and I'm off to the races!:cowgirl:

ETA: I only just now realized I had already posted my answer in this thread! :spinning: Oops!
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Really any style that is going to protect your ends will help w/ growth retention. I however wear buns/ponytail w/ ends tucked under everday. It is helping a lot.
I have only worn wigs for the most part, and it did wonders for retaining my length. I can't really comment on any other types of protective styles. When I used to wear braid extensions or weaves I was not taking care of my hair at all and actually didn't really care about my hair or how long it was so didn't retain much length.

I've been bunning for about a month now, but I think I'll be wigging it again.