Which Product(s) Were RAVED About On LHCF, But Just Didn't Work For You?


Please list product(s) and hair type.

Giovanni Direct Leave-in
Elasta QP Mango Butter

Hair Type 3c/4a?
NTM (the whole line:ohwell:), I'm neutral with the serum its not great but it didnt mess my hair up like the rest of the products.
Nexxus Humectress, Keraphix

ORS Replenishing Pack

BBD Glass

Because I CG, I don't get a chance to try most of the shampoos or products containing silicones. :(
My hair type ia 4a.

NTM products don't work for me except the leave-in on dry hair only.
Dang...some of the items yall talking about worked wonders for me! I love the ORS Pak and Keraphix. Now the NTM Mask didn't do a doggone thing for me but make me mad. :mad: My hair was all dry. The rest of their line was cool, but that mask was a hot boilin' mess.

I guess it depends on what type of hair you have. Some things work better than others. :ohwell:
Surge :ohwell: I want to try Mane and Tail Conditioner but i dont want that to be a bust either. There was like a 30 page thread on it somewhere around here.
Elasta Mango Butter (left my hair hard)
Mane and Tail shampoo & conditioner (too strong)
NTM shampoo & conditioner. Although I may try the leave in.
newslady said:
Amen to these, plus Keraphix.
Plus the ORS pack everyone else treated like THE HOLY HAIR GRAIL.
:yep: I'm still on the fence about that one. I gave it another try 2 weeks ago, and still nothing.
Also, the Jamaican Mango Catus leave-in. I'm on the fence about it causing my knots.
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Oh y'all... Where do I start?

1. Salerm 21 Leave in
2. Dabur Amla
3. Surge Plus 14 (and although is a less popular product, Surge Woojee Cream)
4. Keracare Humecto (but I have the bottle so before I totally discount the worth of this one, I'm picking up my tub of it today - it's supposed to be thicker...)
5. Most Dominican Conditioners used separately (but mixed together like Anky's PR Concoction and they work better!)
6. Mango and Lime products. PERIOD.

Texture: 4b (Textlaxed 60%)
newslady said:
Amen to these, plus Keraphix.
Plus the ORS pack everyone else treated like THE HOLY HAIR GRAIL.

Me too....I think I have one left and I might mix it with other oils or something to see if it works better.

Elastq QP Mango butter
Carols Daughter stuff
MTG - it only made my hair stink - not grow
Surge - burned my neck - I was like "it must be working" just kidding
Mango Butter - doesn't moisturize my hair but I DO like the smell
Neo AF - just makes my dry scalp flake; no noticeable growth
Conditioner washes - yeah right, not on my 4a/b hair sorry

But I must say that I tried these things because they do work for so many people. I think it's all about trial and error. I'm glad that you all post your recommendations, I'm glad that I tried the products and there are so many things I've learned here that I couldn't have found out anywhere else.

Love my LHCF sistas!
lana said:
MTG - it only made my hair stink - not grow
Surge - burned my neck - I was like "it must be working" just kidding
Mango Butter - doesn't moisturize my hair but I DO like the smell
Neo AF - just makes my dry scalp flake; no noticeable growth
Conditioner washes - yeah right, not on my 4a/b hair sorry

But I must say that I tried these things because they do work for so many people. I think it's all about trial and error. I'm glad that you all post your recommendations, I'm glad that I tried the products and there are so many things I've learned here that I couldn't have found out anywhere else.

Love my LHCF sistas!
I forgot about that one. CW made my hair dry!
so1913 said:
Silcon Mix, yuck!!!

Me, too!:( I was soooo disappointed b/c this has been on my list of things to try and I don't think my 3 months post relaxer hair is liking it at this moment. The jury is still out on this.....maybe it'll work on my freshly relax hair. I love the way it smells and the fact that it lingers:)
NTM Shampoo and Mask, I don't hate them but they weren't spectacular. Ok, I take that back, I Hate the shampoo :lol:

The Silk Touck isn't much of a leave in :ohwell: I used it to wrap and it came out really well, but still after it's gone, for me it gone for good!
Keracare Humecto - Suave does the same thing at 1/12th the cost
Giovanni Direct Leave In - It made my hair stiff. When I rubbed some between my fingers they got gummy:eek: I had to clarify my hands:grin:

I am relaxed 4a/4b
Elasta QP Mango Butter: It did nothing for my hair, and i find the smell gets to me after a while. To me it smells like someone's car freshner.

Cheapie Conditioners: I dont know why but Suave, V05, etc just does not work with my hair. I wish it did though. It would save me alot of money.
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I just had to agree with Britt--your hair is georgeous MissJetsetter!!! So nice, thick and black.

I also wanted to add CW's--made my hair feel dry and filmy.:ohwell:
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Giovanni Direct Leave-in...WTH?
Deep Brilliance (Reconstructor, Manage Leave-in, Moisture Shampoo)...NOT
ORS Replishing Pak...it's alright
IC Sparkle Lights Gel...ewww slimey
Bed Head end treatment (I forgot the name)...worked for about 1.5 days then it made my hair crunchy
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glossyxlipz said:
Elasta QP Mango Butter: It did nothing for my hair, and i find the smell gets to me after a while. To me it smells like someone's car air freshner.

Cheapie Conditioners: I dont know why but Suave, V05, etc just does not work with my hair. I wish it did though. It would save me alot of money.

I 2nd both of yours. Mango Butter is just not that moisturizing, in my opinion. I could even tell when I tried to pass it off on my son. It did nothing for either of us.

Suave and V05 type conditioner don't work for me either, but I can use the cheap Lustrasilk ones. I love the Shea Butter Cholesterol one.

Also, my hair never liked:
Nexxus Humectress, Therapee or Botanoil
-ACV Rinses
-MTG (well I just could not deal with the smell!)
-CON shampoos. - I used to love these, but now they just leave build-up and make my hair look dull
-ORS Replenish Pak - Okay I do like how soft my hair feels with this, but it seems to leave build-up
-ORS Relaxer. Did not straighten my hair and they don't give enough shampoo
Humectress made my hair like straw! Just goes to show what works for a whole lot of people may not always work for u.
Fantasia IC Gel was okay for transitionign styles, but now my natural hair hates it! I've had better results with Sebastian Potion #9 for styling and Elasta QP Glaze for smoothing.
SILICON MIX :swearing:
Lustrasilk Mango Cholesterol
Sta Sof Fro :swearing:
Pantene Hydrating Curls Con for CW
NTM Mask -- hated it
MSM for beautiful skin :swearing: My face is still recovering :( I look soooo ugly now. :(
Lacio Lacio-- thougt I liked it until Giovanni's showed me what I was REALLY missing. This was the reason I could never airdry soft. :ohwell: