Which option is best: block, delete, or "do not answer"?

Which option is best: block, delete, or "do not answer"?

  • Block his behind!

    Votes: 16 45.7%
  • Delete!

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • "Do Not Answer"

    Votes: 17 48.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
When deciding that you've had enough and it's time to cut ties, which option is best - block his number? Delete it from your address book, or keep it in there but list it as "do not answer"?

There are pro's and cons to each.

With my phone carrier, if you "block" a number, you simply don't know that they've called you. They go straight to vm.

If you delete them, they can still contact you. It's just up to you to ignore them. Same thing with "do not answer."

The latter two options are good for your ego...if you want the satisfaction of knowing that they've still tried to reach out to you....

Block his number.

It's best not to know that he is calling you....You'll have his name/numer/memory pop up in your mind at random times during the day if you see that he calls you. Then hindsight will be 20/20 and all rosy where you'll focus on all the great things about him and not the bad.

Out of sight, out of mind.
I would only block his number if he is sending threatening/not nice text messages or voicemails. I don't want to see or hear all that.

But I voted "do not answer" because yes, it's great for the ego :grin::lachen:to see if he's still calling/texting and that you have moved on. If he's a non-issue, I won't be hurt or affected emotionally if I see he has been calling/texting. And it's good to know who calls even if you don't answer.
I would just not answer. Why would I need a DNA as I assume you would already know his number by heart. If you block him, he can call you from another phone number that is not blocked. It's up to you OP. Good luck.
I would just not answer. Why would I need a DNA as I assume you would already know his number by heart. If you block him, he can call you from another phone number that is not blocked. It's up to you OP. Good luck.

I actually don't have the number memorized. (The only number I know by heart are my parents' cellphones. Everything else is just a voice-command "Brother Home" :lol:)
It depend on your personality. I don't have to block delete or anything. I just don't pick up. If you won't be able to resist then block and delete.
I've never blocked or deleted an ex. I never even though to do that actually. I just don't answer. One called me at home a few times, years later, and kept getting DH. I finally spoke to him after he called like 10 times. He had nothing important to tell me.
It would depend on the person and situation. If it were a bad date that left a bad taste in my mouth and I had no interest in the person or someone I have no interest in talking to again, I'd block them. My ex's are still in my phone, if I don't feel like talking I just don't answer.
Breakups: I block and delete their number. TBH, at the early stages of a breakup I am not able to just not answer.

Everything else: I just ignore and DNA.
I've blocked a number before and I've also just not answered. I have the lack of curiosity to not answer, so I don't really need help with that. However, if he's being obnoxious with relentless calling, then I'd definitely say block him. Ain't nobody got time for dat!
The very best thing to do is to tell him to stop f*ing calling me. REASONABLE human beings will respect that. If he continues to do so after that, block the number. Note though, people can get around a block by simply calling you from another number so I've never found that to be effective. People that are simple-minded enough to continue to contact someone who asked them not to are usually the ones who will attempt to circumvent a block. They have "issues". You also get calls from "private numbers" and I use Trap Call to unblock those for a few months after a bad breakup. Past all of those, I just change the number.
Once the phone I have allows me too, I block outright. I don't want to know if you called, how many times you called etc. I just want you out of my life.
I don't block numbers . I either ignore or delete the number if I know I ll be tempted to contact him again.
When my ex texts me I just don't reply . He ll get it and find himself other options ..one day.
It depends. I would only block someone if I was completely done with them and they were harassing me. Like someone said, a very direct, very firm, do not call me, works with most people.
It depends. I would only block someone if I was completely done with them and they were harassing me. Like someone said, a very direct, very firm, do not call me, works with most people.

I block if I truly don't want to hear from them.

I firmly told one of my exes that I didn't want to talk to him anymore and deleted his number. One night after we happened to be at the same bar, he starts texting that he needed to see me, blah blah blah. I told him I meant it when I said I didn't want to hear from him again and blocked his number. Some guys, even if they're not harassing, can't respect boundaries. He didn't respect my wishes.

On the other hand, a different guy that I dated knows not to bother me. We're cool and all....I just ran into him yesterday. He knows his boundaries and leaves me alone. His number is not blocked or deleted.

Sent from my iPad mini mini.
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I decided not to block or delete. My ego wouldn't let me do it.

Do you know this fool texted me this morning like nothing is wrong?

I was like,


It did my ego good. Now I can move on with my life.

I also just un-invited him from my birthday party. (Deleted him from the evite. I know he's disorganized so he didn't bother to write down where and when it is. If he decides to be slick and try to make a surprise appearance he won't be able to do so.)
I have never had a problem after saying the words "there's no reason for you to contact me anymore." If they call again, I repeat myself. If they text I repeat myself. When I hit the point where I have nothing else to say, this is all the other person hears from me.
Mr. Number block app is your friend.

so is the delete button.

girl. out of sight, out of mind.

there have been more than a few people I've dated (and a few others) that have called a few weeks later when I picked up the phone had to ask "who is this?" I only answered because I didnt recognize the number. :look:

people need to know when they've been forgotten. sometimes it's crucial to learn how to forget them.....
When a guy I want to get lost text me I respond: who's this? He responds: its William. I respond back: who?.

he got the hint:yep:. I never heard from him again. It works.
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