Where is the weirdest place you have hair products


New Member
I went out with my mother this morning to the farmers market and had a great time. Well, that was until we got out side and the whole sky had opened up:wallbash: So my hair got totally drenched, we got so wet that I had to even take off our underwear when we got back to my parents house:blush:. My mom asked me what was I going to do to my hair and I told her that I got it covered. I went to my truck and pulled out my hair bucket. I got shampoo, leave in conditioner, conditioners and a shower comb in my trunck:look: My mother fell out laughing and said that I have gone too far. So I am sitting with sedal keraforce mask on my head covered with plastic wrap as I type this. :drunk: The only thing I didn't have in my trunk was my dryer :lol:......maybe I should buy an extra one:look:
i have hair products in most rooms of my apartment, at my parents house and at my office. not too weird...
It is funny you mentioned this because I planning on one day soon putting a small emergency hair care box in my car. I will keep a conditioner, a small thing of shampoo, a small thing of gel, and a small thing of oil or oil moisturizer in it. Sort of like a first-aid kit, but for hair. You never know what might happen during the day. You could be out and get rained on or your child could touch your hair with gunk all on their hands. My baby had eaten one day and she was very messy especially her hands, and when i picked her up to take her to the bathroom and clean her up, she laughed and put her hands on both sides of my head and I had to wash my hair.I was not at my house, but at my family house when this happened.
Depending on whether I wear my bigger purses I keeps me: a wide-tooth comb, a rat tail for parting, a mini brush, and some products in there too along with lip gloss, liner and other essential things.
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I went out with my mother this morning to the farmers market and had a great time. Well, that was until we got out side and the whole sky had opened up:wallbash: So my hair got totally drenched, we got so wet that I had to even take off our underwear when we got back to my parents house:blush:. My mom asked me what was I going to do to my hair and I told her that I got it covered. I went to my truck and pulled out my hair bucket. I got shampoo, leave in conditioner, conditioners and a shower comb in my trunck:look: My mother fell out laughing and said that I have gone too far. So I am sitting with sedal keraforce mask on my head covered with plastic wrap as I type this. :drunk: The only thing I didn't have in my trunk was my dryer :lol:......maybe I should buy an extra one:look:

hee heeee...was your hair a giant poofy ball? LOL, I can just imagine how funny this was to your mama though. My mama and sisters would've laughed too. But then again my mama knows Im the "girly girl" and the "pretty/stay cute girl" in the family so she probably would not have been shocked at all. :look:
I went out with my mother this morning to the farmers market and had a great time. Well, that was until we got out side and the whole sky had opened up:wallbash: So my hair got totally drenched, we got so wet that I had to even take off our underwear when we got back to my parents house:blush:. My mom asked me what was I going to do to my hair and I told her that I got it covered. I went to my truck and pulled out my hair bucket. I got shampoo, leave in conditioner, conditioners and a shower comb in my trunck:look: My mother fell out laughing and said that I have gone too far. So I am sitting with sedal keraforce mask on my head covered with plastic wrap as I type this. :drunk: The only thing I didn't have in my trunk was my dryer :lol:......maybe I should buy an extra one:look:

lol, ok, i'm not quite there yet.... i have stuff in my bathroom and my bedroom... that's it for now. but now you're giving me ideas... this forum will be the death of me.

OT--is that u in your avatar?!!! now you're like a real person, lol. cutie!
I used to keep a small tube of fantasia gel in my desk to tame flyaways. The other day I bought a brush to keep in there.
lol, ok, i'm not quite there yet.... i have stuff in my bathroom and my bedroom... that's it for now. but now you're giving me ideas... this forum will be the death of me.

OT--is that u in your avatar?!!! now you're like a real person, lol. cutie!

Yeah, its me. I really feel like a "real" member now :lol:
hee heeee...was your hair a giant poofy ball? LOL, I can just imagine how funny this was to your mama though. My mama and sisters would've laughed too. But then again my mama knows Im the "girly girl" and the "pretty/stay cute girl" in the family so she probably would not have been shocked at all. :look:

My hair puffed up like a birds nest. Thats what I get leaving the house unmoisturized...:wallbash: My mom is natural so all she had to do was pick out her fro
In my garage I have a organizer full of rollers,marcels,and some products. I also have a crate of products in my bedroom where they dont belong.
The armrest in my car has my favorite moisturizer, gel, and a pair of scissors for dusting my ends while stuck in traffic. :look:
I have extra hair supplies in my car trunk because of the gym!

I bought a 4-shelf unit to hold my hair supplies- but I "still" have stuff in my bedroom, Bathroom and kitchen. I also tend to hang my wigs anywhere once I get home instead of on the wig heads! :drunk: