Where/How Did You Meet Your Man - The Master List

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
So, I was going to start a thread asking, "Where did you meet your man?" but then I thought, "There must be another thread out there on that topic." Boy, was I ever right. :lol: So, I thought I'd compile them for easy reference so that they can be found with ease.

How/where did you meet your boyfriend

Where/how to meet a man, where did you meet yours?

Married Ladies or those in a serious relationship - where/how did you meet your SO?

How did you meet your non-black SO/DH?

How did you meet your soulmate?

Where did you meet your husband?

Where/how did you meet your dh/so?

Where and how did you meet your spouse?

You're welcome :grin:

Mods, can we make this a sticky? Pretty please?
This is right on time for me. I'm getting my man this coming year. Somebody hold me accountable. :)

I'm working on being more approachable, smiling more and appearing friendly. I have heard numerous times that I seem unapproachable.

Thanks for this compilation, Glib.
I met my fiance through a mutual friend. Didn't think much of it as I was dating someone at the time. He became my best friend for years, and we started dating a little over a year and a half ago (and have been engaged since June of this year).:grin:
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I met my husband in college in a Discrete Math class. Looking back 9 years (7 married, 2 years dating), I never saw that that guy who I borrowed a pen from would be my husband.

Funny enough, I didn't really loose my pen, I just asked if he had an extra because some girls were whispering in the class about a cute guy sitting behind me. Good excuse to take a look!
At orientation, first day of med school. He thought I was judgmental, I thought he was militant. Who knew we'd be the perfect match :lol:
We met in Dallas last Feb at All Star I def didn't think I would find my SO there but we were meant he's going to be my husband......I don't think I would recommend where we met but they say when you least expect it He finds you ;-)
Me and DH met through a mutual friend. She set us up on a blind date and we were married 9 months later to the day we first met. We're going on 8 years this year. :grin:
We met at a event....He proposed in December, 8 1/2 months after we met... our wedding is this summer :love:
I met my SO at work (the least likely place for me). Like they say, God blesses you when you least expect it. Our cubes were back to back. He courted me for about 6 months and we have been together for 3 years. We are getting married this May. I appreciate the fact that we accept one another as we are. He is really my best friend and I am grateful for his friendship!
We both played in our state church's orchestra. I was 13, he was 14. He played trumpet, I played flute. I knew he liked me, but I was being a dummy over other guys :P(that's another story). Ten years later...he gets the girl, and I get a reality check. :)
Me and my papi met several years ago in passing but didn't know it until we met again on blackpeoplemeet.com

A year and a half later, after a bunch of frequent flyer miles and a 900 mile move to GA we're getting hitched 2012!
I met my man at the unemployment office back in 2009. I was laid off from my job on Jan 12, 2009 and I went to the unemployment office on Jan 15. As I was leaving, this nice handsome looking man approaches me. He works at the unemployment office as a workforce development specialist. He asked me a few questions, got my phone number, and we went on from there. We've been together for 2 years. :)