Where do you wash your hair?

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Hey guys i was wondering where you wash your hair. In the shower, over a sink, or over the tub? I wash my hair over a tub and it is a *&#^%I think i am gonna start washing it in the shower. I say this because i am getting a shower filter and i don't think the filter will fit over the faucet(or would it? I don't know a shower filter work. Please specify what you do and its benefits.
Re: How do you wash your hair?

I wash in the shower and the biggest benefit is that my hair is already in the direction I want it to be in for a ponytail or down. In other words my hair isn't all on top of my head which means I don't even have to comb it.
Re: How do you wash your hair?

i do it in the shower unless im doing an unexpected wash. then i do it over the sink which sucks when its time to detangle.
Re: How do you wash your hair?

I do both. On shampoo days, I use the sink for the pre-poo, and poo. After I've applied my deep conditioner, I will hop in the shower for the final rinse out.

It's the same for my daily conditioning washes. I use the sink then leave condioner on for 10 minutes and again hop in the shower.
Re: How do you wash your hair?

I wash over the tub. I did not get good results the one time I did wash my hair in the shower.

Re: How do you wash your hair?

I wash my hair in the shower. I separate my hair in about 10 sections and wash each section and then detangle it with my brush and conditioner.
Re: How do you wash your hair?

Only in the shower... any other way, my hair is a tangled mess no matter how gentle i am with it.
Re: How do you wash your hair?

thanks guys..uhh does anyone shower after shampooing and conditioning in the shower? Won't your body feel slimy after all that "stuff" rinses down on it. I'm sorry if that was an "unusaul" question
But i have to research stuff to death b4 trying it.
Re: How do you wash your hair?

after i put the conditioner in my hair i soap up, than rinse off. i than get out of the shower and clean up, read or whatever (with the conditioner in my hair). i than get back in the shower (after about 30 mins usually), i rinse my hair and re-soap my body. it does sound like a lot as i type it but it's really not.
Re: How do you wash your hair?

I shampoo and condition in the shower. I wash (myself) first and then my hair, then I rinse (myself).

For shampooing, here's how I do it: Comb hair (dry), wet hair thoroughly and add conditioner to the outer layer of my hair and on the ends. I put shampoo on my scalp and scrub gently for about two-three minutes, then rinse. Next, I put conditioner on my hair and leave it on until after I finish washing (myself), and then rinse my hair.
Re: How do you wash your hair?

I wash in the shower after gettin tired of my hair being tangled and losing more hair than I have to combing out
Re: How do you wash your hair?

I wash my hair over the sink because I do hot oil tx before
every shampoo and this is more conveint for me.
Re: How do you wash your hair?

In the sink with bottled water becauseI don't have a shower filter right now. I'd rather do it in the shower though
Re: How do you wash your hair?

I think I just did my last sink wash...I usually wash in the sink and do my final rinse in the shower, but in order to accomodate my growing hair, I'm going to split up the days that I do my hot oil/deep condition. Usually I do them on the same day, but if I do one on one day and the other on another, I'll be able to do the whole shampoo in the shower.
Re: How do you wash your hair?

I always wash in the shower. It's more convenient for me. One thing I noticed when I started washing my hair more often is that my skin would feel drier than normal. It didn't make any sense until I had an epiphany one day when rinsing my hair. I was doing just a rinse (no poo), when it occurred to me that my hair can get pretty clean just from rinsing. My skin can too, for that matter. So when I was washing with my moisturizing body wash, I was remaining in the shower to condition and do all this stuff to my hair, and the "moisturizer" from my body wash was getting rinsed off in the hot water.
Long story short (too late
) I now bathe right before I rinse out my last conditioner, rinsing hair and self at once. Then I get out of the shower right away and towel off. Silky skin once again
Re: How do you wash your hair?

In the shower (daily rinses) for ease. I sleep in conditioner under a shower cap and just rinse it out. Then I wash my body. Then I give my hair one last rinse so it will be wet enough to apply my products and have them look right.

Over the kitchen sink once a week when I shampoo and deep condition and all that...just for the circulation benefits.
It's easier for me in the shower. My hair is hanging down and it's so much easier to comb the conditioner through (I leave it in for 30 min) and detangle while standing in the shower.
For years I used to bend over and wash my hair in the bath until approx one year ago when I changed to washing it in the shower which I prefer. I got a shower filter about 2 months ago and its making a difference too to my skin as well. Got it from thstore.com, the Royale one.

In the shower the hair is in the right direction and I think that helps avoid tangles, makes it easier to detangle under the water and keeps the cuticles lying flat in the right direction without having to flip my hair back.
ok in the shower it is
thanks to everyone for their input
Re: How do you wash your hair?

thanks guys..uhh does anyone shower after shampooing and conditioning in the shower? Won't your body feel slimy after all that "stuff" rinses down on it. I'm sorry if that was an "unusaul" question
But i have to research stuff to death b4 trying it.

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I wash in the shower. When I wash my hair upside down in the sink it takes a longer time to detangle.
I shampoo & condition first then I wash my body. I don't like the feel of conditioner sliding down my body so I wash afterwards.
Re: How do you wash your hair?

Shower Baby!!! It all slides down the drain, and it's easier for me to comb after getting out of the shower. I used to wash my hair in the sink, but I got a stiff neck.