Where do you stand ?


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Wednesday, December 03, 2008 • Print Article
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Where Do You Stand?
Bishop Donald Hilliard
"nor standeth in the way of sinners..." Psalm 1:1
Where do you stand? What is your belief system? Have you looked at it, truly examined your beliefs and your actions? If so, are they aligned?
Who you stand with often suggests where you stand, not just physically, but emotionally, philosophically, and yes, spiritually.
If you stand with those who do not believe in one husband and one wife long enough, just like the odor of cigarette smoke, the chances are good that this belief will rub off on you. If you stand in the way of abusers, like the stench of rotten meat, again, it will rub off on you. If you stand in the way of those with questionable morals, like the foul scent from a drunk's blood and bile-filled vomit, it will rub off on you. By the way, how do you smell and where do you stand?
Let's examine ourselves:
1. Take inventory of your beliefs-write down your three main beliefs, and compare them to your behavior- do they match or do you see marked differences?
2. What changes in friends, family, atmosphere are you willing to make in order to "stand" in the right place?
3. Do you have a plan for success- who will help you succeed?
1.) I no longer believe that God gives you what you want. I believe he gives you thing according to his will, no matter how much you, pray, beg or fast on the matter. I can't tell you how many times this has been true for myself and others.

2.) I have to work on personal relationships with family to feel closer.

3.) My idea of Success is. Living a life that honors God in heaven, being able to have a loving family of ones own and Working at a company you love/enjoy working for. Nothing is worse then going to work at a job you hate day in and day out.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008 • Print Article
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Where Do You Stand?
Bishop Donald Hilliard
"nor standeth in the way of sinners..." Psalm 1:1
Where do you stand? What is your belief system? Have you looked at it, truly examined your beliefs and your actions? If so, are they aligned?
Who you stand with often suggests where you stand, not just physically, but emotionally, philosophically, and yes, spiritually.
If you stand with those who do not believe in one husband and one wife long enough, just like the odor of cigarette smoke, the chances are good that this belief will rub off on you. If you stand in the way of abusers, like the stench of rotten meat, again, it will rub off on you. If you stand in the way of those with questionable morals, like the foul scent from a drunk's blood and bile-filled vomit, it will rub off on you. By the way, how do you smell and where do you stand?
Let's examine ourselves:
1. Take inventory of your beliefs-write down your three main beliefs, and compare them to your behavior- do they match or do you see marked differences?
2. What changes in friends, family, atmosphere are you willing to make in order to "stand" in the right place?
3. Do you have a plan for success- who will help you succeed?
Thank you, Mitcy! Thank you very much! This has truly blessed me.
Thank you for posting this. This is a blessing.

I believe that God has blessed me so I will be a blessing to other people. This is in Genesis 12. This is a scripture that God told me to read about four years ago. This scripture has really been on my heart lately. I think about how far God has brought me and nobody but God could have done everything that He has done. I don’t ever want to be someone who talks about all the good they do; I just want to do it with joy. More than ever, I believe that God has positioned me where I am right now in my career, finances and everything else so I will be a blessing to others.

I believe that it is not right to gossip about others. At my previous job, me and a couple of my co-workers would spend a majority of our day talking about people and laughing at people. I knew it wasn’t right. I knew it wasn’t pleasing to God. I knew that it looked bad considering that I call myself a Christian. But I kept doing it. I should have been praying for the people I was gossiping about. The thing is I know that God has called me to be above all the gossiping and backbiting. Other people see that call. My last day at that job a woman who had not known me very long gave me a small box of chocolates with a note attached. Her note said, “May you be blessed just as you have been a blessing to others.” She had only known me a month, but she gave me a gift with a meaningful note attached. I miss her because I feel like we had some fellowshipping to do.

I believe that God has joined me with my husband for several reasons. One of those reasons is to put an end to some of the generational curses. I have to be in prayer over those things a lot more than I have been in the past.