Where do you see yourself....relationally?


New Member
A guy asked me this question last night. It kind of caught me off guard because it came out of nowhere somewhat. He didn't want me to "think too hard" about the question, but to just answer it with any and everything that came off the top of my head...

So I'm curious to know....where do you see yourself...relationally? (I know that the question could be more specific, but I wasn't given specifics on how to answer it either, so I just wanted to know what kind of responses people would give.)
I too wondered if that's a word...

But if asked that question and to give an answer off the top of my head w/o understanding the specifics of the question, i'd say - In a committed relationship w/ my SO headed towards marriage. And by headed towards, I don't mean years down the line, I'm talking about w/in a year :yep:.
I really and truly don't visualize myself dating much. As much as I know I have to date to find the 'one'... I just want to find 'the one' w/o kissing any more frogs, plus i'm a serial monogamist, I dont' even know what it's like to date several men at once. My introvertedness wouldn't know how to finess that.
........is that a real word?..... :look:

LMAO...I almost choked on my sandwhich reading this. Especially cause that was the same thing that went through my head when he asked me that. I was like "relationally"......?...?
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^^^Yeaaaa is if someone asked me that, I probably would've busted into a fit of laughter.....which is what I did when I read your title :look: :lachen:
What was your answer OP, because I have no idea where to even begin with that question. I would love to see how you tackled that broad A$$ generic question.:lachen: