Where can I buy White Camellia oil?


Well-Known Member
I checked out new directions but they only had rose hip oil so which is another oil I want to try. Can anyone tell me where I can buy this oil in bulk at a good price and oh please keep in mind that I live in Canada.
Thx ladies :)
You can buy it at Amazon (search for camelia oil). There prices seemed a little pricey, and one of the reviews recommended getting it cheaper at "The Republic of Tea".

I bought mine here http://www.republicoftea.com/. It is called by its alternate name "Tea Oil" here (short for Camelia tea bush) . It's sold as a cooking oil, but you can use it for whatever. There version is all organic and extra virgin. The oil itself is very, very, light, and absorbs well. I use it mostly on my hair, and occasionally on my face when I can remember.

Also if you want to shop locally, you may want to try Asian food and supply stores. The camelia tea bush is found in China. It is used in some stir fry cooking. Make sure to ask for it by it's alternate names if they don't recognize it at first.
I just bought some from NDA in Canada. It got it really recently (like a week ago). They do run out from time to time but it should be one of their stock products.