Where are YOU NOW!!! Before and After pic :)

I didn't know you made WL. Congrats!!

Ediese, I didn't know either LMAO :lachen:
I am not 100% sure its WSL, but guess what I'm going to claim it anyway! woot woot! :grin:

ETA: I tried sending you a PM but its closed. Can you update your BKT thread? I have a friend who's interested in getting this and I just wanted to see how you're doing.
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What do you think happened to the nape?

Mine looks like that on one side and I don't know what happened

Oh I know what happened. I put a perm (curly) over a texturizer and it broke off like the rest of my hair. I thought the texturizer didn't take so I thought I would be okay. Oh how wrong I was. That section is the weakest so it took the trama the worst. I spent a year slowly trimming off the damaged hair. I'm natural now and don't plan on messing with any checmial again. I get above average grow so I was able to retain a lot of length but I've cut over 6 inches in the past few years.
The first pic is my relaxed hair in 2004 and the second pic is my pressed natural hair in March 2010.


^^^^^This was after a three year transition and lots of mini cuts and trims. My last relaxer was 2006 and I got the last 2-3 inches of relaxed hair chopped of last year. Me and my hair have been through so much and have grown so much. I never would have thought in a million years that I could grow hair this long.

CelinaStarr - did you ever experience thin ends?? and what did you do about them? or what do you think should be done about them? (to thicken them up to where the rest of the hair is at thickness-wise)
I have been actively growing since September. I am BSL currently, couple of inches from MBL :grin:



APRIL 2010

Sorry for so many pictures. :look:

I am texlaxed (people always ask).

I am so happy with the progress I have made. I never thought I would have hair like this. I am so grateful to all the women who share their regimens and etc. all You tubers, LHCF member, hair Bloggers, and fotkis. :)

Starting point

Bantu Knot Out

Braid out ponytail

My attempt at a old braid out puff


Took this picture today. I flat ironed (which I don't do a lot right now) and did a small trim yesterday, wrapped. Then today I put in 5 jumbo caruso steam rollers for a little bump on my ends.
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omg LOVING this thread. Just went through about 10 pages lol. Gonna go back later. Here's mine.

Feb 2009:

April 2010:

July 2009:

March 2010:
CelinaStarr - did you ever experience thin ends?? and what did you do about them? or what do you think should be done about them? (to thicken them up to where the rest of the hair is at thickness-wise)

Wyldcurlz, I didn't experience thin ends but I also had lots of mini trims and like two mini cuts during this time. I think the trimming helped. I tend to finger comb and wear my hair up a lot which prevents damage. I think that helps too. Also my hair strands are thick/coarse which probably also has an effect preventing major thinning.

For me pretty much trimming, low manipulation, and keeping the hair up as much as possible mostly likely prevents thin ends.
Well I don't have much but I will give you what I have. I started taking care of my hair this January after finding LHCF but these pics are from September 2009 to now. I had a cut and color and the length was CL and NL in the back. Now I am a little past shoulder length which means it took me less than 7 months to go from CL to past shoulder length! Actually less than that because the length I am now, is about the same length I was back in March :lachen: (I think)

Just thought I would share to keep everyone encouraged...HAPPY GROWING:grin:! I can't wait to reach APL this year:yep:



you are holding out.. give us the goods.. OMG, you went from above APL to practically BSL in like three months and your back looks average size so its not like its short.. :thud:

:lachen: I'm not holding out. My reggie is in my blog. Nothing amazing tho. And my back is definitely average. I'm 5'8". But, even when I look at my progress, I'm like...:thud:
i found a pic from july 08. bopy was my hair damaged. I am goign to wait until i get my perm in July to do a two year comparison. I shall return!
Sorry my picture taking skills SUCK. I'll have better ones taken once I straighten next month.

First pic is my starting pic on June 23rd
Second pic was after a 13 week stretch and I relaxed in August
Third pic was after a 13 week stretch and my last relaxer on Nov 27
Fourth pic if my current length with 24 wks worth of new growth
Fifth pic was taken lower down so I could see relative to my waist


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^^^ Awesome progress. & I LOVE your hair. Do you flat iron it yourself?

Yes I do. :yep:

Before I came to LHCF though, I was addicted to going to hair salons. I'd go at least once a week, sometimes more than that. What made me stop was the realization that no one would or could ever care for my hair as well as I could.

And, at the very least, should something bad happen to my hair, at least I know I have myself to blame and no one else, you know?
I don't think I ever contributed to this thread so here goes....

Nov 2007 - Rollerset and flatironed hair. This was 2 months after my BC. I loved this length.

May 2010 - My current length.

I would do curly comparisons but the shrinkage kills it

BostonMaria: Beautiful before and after! You have gorgeous hair!:yep:
Everyone has such great hair around here.
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I've had a random hair journey. I got my first relaxer in 2005 before I started college. My oh so scissor happy stylist cut my hair from about APL to NL. oh did i cry lol. When i went to undergrad in '05 i didn't know how to take care of my hair and my growth was definitely stunted and i had some breakage in the back middle. Finally between 07-08 i found THE best stylist and she taught me about how to manage and take care of my hair. and as you can see, it grew tons in that year and i was sooo proud of myself lol. Tho i still wasnt on that LHCF status lol, i was just doing basic maintenance and going to the salon. I got layers in 2009 (between APL and BSL) before i graduated and i have a love/hate relationship with them. got to med school in 2009 and i have zero time to go to the salon (and i had to leave my stylist) except for relaxers, soooo i decided to grow my layers out and start taking care of my hair on my own. Feb 2010 was my last layered trim which took me above bsl and the april pic is about where i'm at now. my hairs getting thicker and i'm back on the management bandwagon trying to reduce my heat usage and flat ironing. LHCF has been a Godsend!

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October 2008. This is when I first found LHCF :yep: & decided to stretch my relaxers. Of course, a few months later I decided to go natural.

I haven't straightened my hair since I went natural in February, but my most current pic of my hair is in my siggy from May 2010.
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