Where am I? (pics!)

Odd One

Well-Known Member
I was telling my mom that i wanted to set me a SL goal(september) and she was telling me that i already had hair down to my shoulder... but i still feel like i am neck length:look:

plz help set a goal!:drunk:

Here are some pictures i took yesturday

ETA: ok it MIGHT look like its touching my shoulders but i got a bunch of layers in the front making me look neck length... ARGH!

ETA again lol: beleive it or not, this is going to be the longest my hair has ever been! all i can remember is ear length hair with a completely broken nape! thanks LHCF! :grin:


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I agree, straightened you'd be SL in the back. Maybe you can make full SL your next goal since you say your hair is shorter in the front?
I agree, straightened you'd be SL in the back. Maybe you can make full SL your next goal since you say your hair is shorter in the front?

yep yep yep, this is what i'm going to do. Simple! lol

Thanks for the responses and letting me know that i'm SL. yaaaaaaay!!:lol:

BUT! i won't claim it until i make full SL.... dont want to jinx it or something:giggle: