When you/your daughter was a kid, anybody play in your hair?


Well-Known Member
I was just thinking back to when I was in daycare, I was about 2/3/4...my Mom would be boiling mad everyday because the Hispanic and White ladies at the place would completely undo my hair, play in it, shoddily try and rebraid it(but of course they didn't know what de hell they were doing) and send me back home to my Mama looking a hot mess.

My Mother confronted them, but they'd blame it on me saying I undid my own hair and they were just trying to fix it, them lying hoes. I distinctly remember this young white chick saying "Oh, it's so long and stretchy! It feels wierd..." My Mama had to use 1/3 of a bottle of detangler on my hair every time she combed it! Why would I WANT to undo my own hair?

My Mother pulled me out of there and kept me at home for 6 months until it was time for me to go to Kidnergarten. The same cycle started again, until my Mama told me to stop letting those children play in my hair or else she'd whip my ass. I was timid and that didn't work, so she was forced to braid and fix my hair in styles that were not easily accessible.

Does anybody play in your child's hair or did they play in yours? How did you handle/remedy the situation?
I once when i was little probably like 8 or so let my neighbor comb my hair. I remember hearing snap crackle pop :eek: and seeing all this hair in the comb (my hair was natural at the time and my mom used to press it). Well she pulled the hair off the comb and was like "YOU SEE THIS....THIS IS DEAD HAIR!" So i went back to my mom and told her about the "dead hair" like I was teaching her something. Well to make a long story short that girl never played in my hair again. :lol:
uh-uh.....my mama is from Mississippi by way of spooky ass Louisana....I was told you don't let folks in your hair UNLESS you want a root put on your a$$!

I didn't know what a root was, but if it could make it's way from my a$$ all the way up to my hair - I didn't want no part of it! :eek:
I wish somebody would try and touch my head. Even when I was little I was fussy about my hair. I didn't let anyone except my sister or another famliy member do my hair. I never went to sleep without tieing my head either. In fact I probably take worse care of it now than I did then. lol
I was in a hospital for a couple of weeks when I was a toddler and my mom made me some braids so the nurses would not try do deal with my hair and told them so!
Sure enough they opened them could not deal with my hair and cut it all off.
I`am so mad when I just think about it:mad:
I didn't let anyone play in my hair because I was (and still am) very tenderheaded....when my daughter was 4 months old in her first daycare everytime I'd pick her up after work my baby would have a different hairstyle than the style I did, those heffas was putting rubberbands in my baby's hair :mad: :eek: she'd have the same amount of diapers in her bag and her bottles barely touched :mad: after the 3rd day that happened I went the **** off and promply took my daughter out of that daycare. :mad:

The daycare she's in now don't fool with the kids hair!
I did once or twice and almost got my ass whooped for it. I remember being in preschool and this little white girl called herself trying to do my hair. I was natural then and had 2 french braids. The heiffer tried to comb my hair with a rattail comb and put vaseline in my hair! :eek: I remember when my mom came to get me one of the employees there was like you might have to just wash it a few times to get it out. I put it in my hair for Halloween once and it was hard to get out but I just washed it a few times. And I was standing there looking at my mom like uh oh. :( Needless to say I never did that again. I'd be the first to say NAH UH MY MAMA SAID I CAN'T LET NOBODY PLAY IN MY HAIR... :lachen: Oh yeah as I got older I got yelled at for attempting to take it down myself too. I was relaxed by then so it was easy to manage and comb through. I thought I was being cute taking my hair out and trying to let it swing. My mother would never let me wear it out. I think by the time I was finally old enough to wear my hair out I didn't have any hair because I was the one taking care of it. But anyway, my mother could always tell I did something to it. So she almost whooped my ass for that one too. Luckily she could look me in the face and make me bust out crying... :lachen:
My daughter knows to tell the kids not to touch her hair. I told her that kids playing in each others hair makes it dry and tangled and it'll break off and fall out.

When I was a kid I wore a press n curl a lot.The lady that pressed my hair told me that the oils from your hands causes the press to revert faster so keep my hands and everyone else's out of my hair!!I sat in that basement shop from morning till night as a kid to get that my hair done so I never let anyone mess with my hair after.
bmoreflyygirl said:
I did once or twice and almost got my ass whooped for it. I remember being in preschool and this little white girl called herself trying to do my hair. I was natural then and had 2 french braids. The heiffer tried to comb my hair with a rattail comb and put vaseline in my hair! :eek: I remember when my mom came to get me one of the employees there was like you might have to just wash it a few times to get it out. I put it in my hair for Halloween once and it was hard to get out but I just washed it a few times. And I was standing there looking at my mom like uh oh. :( Needless to say I never did that again. I'd be the first to say NAH UH MY MAMA SAID I CAN'T LET NOBODY PLAY IN MY HAIR... :lachen: Oh yeah as I got older I got yelled at for attempting to take it down myself too. I was relaxed by then so it was easy to manage and comb through. I thought I was being cute taking my hair out and trying to let it swing. My mother would never let me wear it out. I think by the time I was finally old enough to wear my hair out I didn't have any hair because I was the one taking care of it. But anyway, my mother could always tell I did something to it. So she almost whooped my ass for that one too. Luckily she could look me in the face and make me bust out crying... :lachen:

Gurl, your post took me back! :lachen: