When trying out new products, do you clarify first?


New Member
Hey y'all, I've been doing my usual "lurk and search" thing as I'm always on the lookout for fabulous products to add to my Wish list, but I just got to thinking -- these reviews that people post a/b products -- I wonder if they clarify first before they try new stuff...When you've been using something for awhile and then use something different, it may not really act how it would if you started from scratch, y'know what I mean?

Also, if you unknowingly try a protein product but your hair needs more moisture (or vice versa) , you may think to yourself "This product sucks" and throw it out, but your hair just wasn't in a condition at the time to really need that type of product.

I definitely keep in mind when reading reviews that everyone's hair is different, but that just makes it even more difficult to discern what would be a good fit, and as much as I (as a PJ) hate to admit it, it's not realistic (or $$ feasible) for me to try EVERY SINGLE product line created. :wallbash:

Just a thought :ohwell:
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I always test a product for 30 days before I rave or chunk it. I won't throw a product away until I've tested it on freshly clarified hair, but really I want it to work whether I've clarified or not.
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There's a shampoo/conditioner set I've been testing out, that I can't even make it to 30 days with it, it's so :barf: we won't even discuss it further :nono:
But I do try to go 30 days to give each one a fair shot.
I most definitely clarify first. My first time trying Silicon Mix I thought it sucked because my hair was a tangled mess. I read somewhere that you should always try a new product for at least 2 weeks before deciding whether it works for you, so I decided to try it again. The 2nd time around, I clarified first, and my hair was sooo soft and very easy to detangle. I'm glad I didn't rule it out the first time around because I wouldve missed out on the softest, most moisturized, most easy to detangle hair.