How do YOU clarify?


Well-Known Member

I just clarified my hair tonight and I am less than happy with the results (1 hour to clarify after doing LOC method for a week?!?!?:spinning:) . Needles to say, I feel like I'm doing it wrong :lol:

This thread exists to share knowledge/help others avoid setbacks from the (dreaded?) clarifying wash day.

Please answer the following questions:

1) How often do you clarify? Do you use regular shampoo on other wash days or do you only shampoo when you clarify?

2) What products do you use to clarify ? Do you prefer natural or cones?

3) What products do you use to moisturize/DC? Do you prefer natural or cones? (I hear using cones produces more buildup faster, which ay be my issue)

4) How do you wash your hair when clarifying? (ie, section it, stroke down the strands only, go over once or twice, rub the scalp to test its cleanliness, ie)

5) How long does the process take?

6) Do you experience drying, tangling. matting, dredding, after/during clarifying? What do you do to combat it?

7) How do you tell when it's time to clarify?

8)) Do you experience a lot of product buildup?

9) Have you had any bad experiences clarifying? What have you learned from them to avoid setbacks?
Idk i just use organic root stimulator aloe shampoo and deep condition afterwards. I actually need to clarify soon.. I think lol

I hope you get some more replies.
Very good thread

1) How often do you clarify? Do you use regular shampoo on other wash days or do you only shampoo when you clarify?

I clarify monthly or as needed up to once per week. I use shampoo whenever I feel like it.

2) What products do you use to clarify ? Do you prefer natural or cones?
I use a clarifying shampoo or a dandruff shampoo. Cones are not a regular part of my hair product regime, but I like them.

3) What products do you use to moisturize/DC? Do you prefer natural or cones? (I hear using cones produces more buildup faster, which ay be my issue)

I mainly use butters, oils and teas to moisturize. My go to leave ins are either Komaza or Claudie's. I like domincan products, and occasionally use alter ego coconut. Waiting to get my hands on some silicon mix again too.

4) How do you wash your hair when clarifying? (ie, section it, stroke down the strands only, go over once or twice, rub the scalp to test its cleanliness, ie)

I focus on my scalp, and just run my fingers through my hair.
Mix baking soda and yogurt then scrub my scalp until it can breathe.
Grab a dandruff shampoo and wash it out.
Wash with a moisturizing shampoo

5) How long does the process take?
If I am doing a baking soda treatment it takes 20 min. If I just use dandruff shampoo 10.

6) Do you experience drying, tangling. matting, dredding, after/during clarifying? What do you do to combat it?

Since I use so many heavy butters, oils and teas along with ghe my hair is quite moist at all times. Plus all I do are celie plaits, and they lock in moisture as well.

7) How do you tell when it's time to clarify?
If my scalp gets too itchy
hair feels hard
hair looks dull
Products aren't working like they should
If all else fails I clarify

8)) Do you experience a lot of product buildup?
Because I wear my hair in plaits I like a lot of product so I think this is for the ladies that wear their hair out.

9) Have you had any bad experiences clarifying? What have you learned from them to avoid setbacks?

My hair has been dried out by over clarifying, but it was because I needed to let go of spilts. I have learned to trim my ends more often.
I too use ORS Aloe Shampoo. I clarify once a month. I have fine strands, so I do not like or want buildup, even though 80% of the products I use are mostly natural. I do DC afterwards, unless I am doing a henna treatment. Then I DC after that. I have been using this shampoo for years. I use to use Neutrogena, way, way back. Before I even knew the purpose of it. ORS, for some reason clarifies, but doesn't strip.