When to trying out new products? PJ Stretchers, a lil help please. LOL


New Member
Okay, my question to you PJ stretchers (I should call out some names, but I won't :D) is this: When do you try out new products and how many chances do you give it?

Here's the sitch:
I am several months into a stretch and trying not to touch-up until mid July. I got my Giovanni's Direct from Amazon the other day, so I tried it today and so far, I am not impressed. However, my hair is rather unruly now and the only thing that can really tame the NG is S-Curl. So should I wait until I touch-up to decide yeah or nay on the GD? Do you stretchers try new products far into your stretch? If so, if the product doesn't work well do you give it another shot after you touch-up?

I hope that made sense, I couldn't get it to come out of my fingers the way it's dancing around in my head. :perplexed
I'm may be the od ball out but I say 1 chance. And that's it. Especially if it gives my hair a bad reaction.

I actually LIKE to try products when i am really post relaxer because if they work well then, well they will work well anytime.

Now I have tried something, it didn't work and I may come back to it mos down the line. But that's just me.
You make a good point, at the same time, hair needs different things at different times though right? Eh, I'm not gonna write GD off just yet especially since I got 3 of em :look:.

Thanks Locks!
GD didn't do much for me, relaxed or natural. So I gave it away. I generally tend to give a product one or two chances and that's it. I think that as I learn what I like and don't like, it gets much better. That's what I'm trying to do now...
