When The Africans Braid Your Hair....

This reminds me of last summer when my MIL took my fresh 3 yrs old to her African braider :burnup:
I don't blame the braider...she has been braiding my MIL, SIL and my oldest for yrs. But why my MIL thought it was a good idea to take the baby I do not know. She caught every single tiny hair and charged her a grip too....:brucelee: I was so mad...I think I came here and started a thread about it.
So...does this pain apply to Senegalese twists as well? I'm looking to get some but my tolerance is lower now that I'm older. Tight puffs give me a headache now.
with your hair, don't do it. Try the crochet version of Senegalese twists
Yes, I've been getting my hair braided my entire life and lord. I went a few years with no braids and went back and wanted to rip my scalp off.
Find someone who will listen and understand when you say it is too tight. Or learn on YouTube
This. There are tons of tutorials on Youtube, but I like Beautycanbraid's channel and Instagram
OMG this thread is the best! :lol:

I went to the African Ship one time for my prom...never again! She braided my hair soooo tight I could barely close my eyes. They wouldn't close all the way without hurting my scalp. It was insane. My mom told me I looked filipina because my face was so tight.

You will look beautiful....but you will suffer.
I thought I successfully repressed the memories of getting my hair braided at the African braids store.

Lawd. When they snatch your roots then dip the ends in hot water, even the steam hurt my scalp. Lol

Hell, as deeply as they braided into my brain,traumatic, repressed memories of years past were brought back to the surface. I mean like the first a$$ whooping I got, the time by puppy was struck by lightening when I was 4. I had one ATTEMPT, halfway through I said no mo! No no no no no no no no no no no no no no.
My mother used to send me to her friends Jamaican housekeeper to braid my hair when I was a teen. She always wore the teensiest of frayed jeans shorts. I can still smell her punani decades later. She used to suffocate me and I was too timid and embarrassed to tell anyone. So I suffered. And suffered. I still wonder what was wrong with her vagina...
My mother used to send me to her friends Jamaican housekeeper to braid my hair when I was a teen. She always wore the teensiest of frayed jeans shorts. I can still smell her punani decades later. She used to suffocate me and I was too timid and embarrassed to tell anyone. So I suffered. And suffered. I still wonder what was wrong with her vagina...
:lachen::cry3: I laughed but that is so f'd up
They had me looking like the Predator! I wanted some kinky twists. I have a peanut head. They used all the hair in the shop on my head. And the color she suggested didn't look good on me. Three of them attacked my head. I felt they jumped me in an alley! It was horrible!

They knew they had me looking a mess too! Gave me a free pen and compact mirror I think. That was back in 2000? Their work are in a ton of hair braiding magazines. I thought I was gonna come out looking like one of those pictures! Not!

no no no no no

i remember when i had mine done. ...now i now that thee may be good stylists out thee...but i haven't come across them. i remember when i had my hair done in micros. the only person who do micros in my hair is my niece. no one else.

well after the first week of not sleeping ..not able to get comfortable...i cut that mess out of my hair.... my scalp thanked me so much. i was pissed...all of that money...everytime i pass that shop i get pissed. argue with your man on your own time, not while working on my head.
that video was too damb real. i didn't know. i tried to get my hair braided while pregnant. kid you not, i went to the bathroom after and had started bleeding. :/ like, they literally almost braided the fetus out of me. i cut them out 2 days later, why were they so tight? i should have known though, cuz i also got my hair cornrowed by west africans when my arm was broken many years ago and they braided super tight then too. BUT, when i had my hair cornrowed once and braided once in zimbabwe, i had no problems. they were gentle. so i think this may be a west african thing, them super tight braids. no more, no more. even if i break my arm, maybe i'll just cut all my hair off or something. cuz no more.
that video was too damb real. i didn't know. i tried to get my hair braided while pregnant. kid you not, i went to the bathroom after and had started bleeding. :/ like, they literally almost braided the fetus out of me. i cut them out 2 days later, why were they so tight? i should have known though, cuz i also got my hair cornrowed by west africans when my arm was broken many years ago and they braided super tight then too. BUT, when i had my hair cornrowed once and braided once in zimbabwe, i had no problems. they were gentle. so i think this may be a west african thing, them super tight braids. no more, no more. even if i break my arm, maybe i'll just cut all my hair off or something. cuz no more.
It's definitely a West African thing. I've had my hair braided in Zambia, Ethiopia and Senegal. Only the Senegalese ones were painful. I was a little kid and my mom was hovering to make sure they weren't too tight, and they still hurt for a bit.
LOL - there are exceptions... I am extremely tender headed and have two african braiders that take care of me. One of them in Pittsburgh, and the other in NJ... Beautiful hair with almost 0 pain! I'll never let anyone else on the planet touch my hair, as a matter of fact when I go home (to Nigeria), I don't even let them do my hair - those people have no respect for my fine 4c strands...

The next time you come home ,I will introduce you to someone who is excellent!! She does the best braids and you will feel next to nothing. I promise.
I think it a Senegalese and the other french countries that do hair with them thing. Ghanaians, Cameroonians and Nigerians don't braid hair like that. My main issue with them is after all that pain, the hair isn't even that nice. I think the main problem is most of this people can't braid hair. They learn when they get here and it takes a while for them to master how to do hair and be gentle.
The next time you come home ,I will introduce you to someone who is excellent!! She does the best braids and you will feel next to nothing. I promise.

Please keep me in the loop as well....Kinda found one but she always wants to pick all my thin edges + she is not into new styles.
Never again will I allow an African braided to braid my hair. I couldn't even think straight I was in so much pain the first time. It was years before I tries again and yes same thing, different shop. No wonder so many black women have alopecia.
I haven't read the thread but I guess I'm in the minority. I love getting my hair braided/twisted by the Africans. There were time where the nape was so tight that I couldn't turn my head. But while they're hooking me up I actually enjoy that feeling.

I am not tender headed though.
Please keep me in the loop as well....Kinda found one but she always wants to pick all my thin edges + she is not into new styles.

Lol! " not into new styles".
Don't worry the lady I use has been " trained" about edges and just hair pulling in general. I literally used to pull her hand off and get up from my chair. She is a lovely woman though, only does home service, and gets on well with adults and kids. As for styles, she can do anything. She once said to me, when I was struggling to describe what I wanted, " why don't we google it?". I was like " ah, see you oh, you know google"????