When People Let You Down!

People will let us down, but we have also disappointed others. If we have been on the other side of seeking forgiveness. Then, we need to be quick to forgive others. We have to give others the benefit of the doubt especially if it is not a repeated offense. A good friend will be honest with you especially if something will harm you in the future.

Also, people observe how we react to offenses and they will copy our behaviors if they never had a proper role model. The ones who are seeking to make genuine changes in their lives. So, your reactions matter a whole lot.
Same here always. Folks need to know that when 'Shimmie' calms down, it's because you, @Laela, and @pebbles have been praying and those prayers of yours are no joke....

I love you too, always. :love3:
Awww....you do the same for us..trust!

What an absolutely, beautiful, on time thread! I haven't been in the CF in a bit and would have missed this. Thanks so much for the mention, Shimmie! :cry4:

Shimmie, for all the times I've let you down, I want you to know that I am truly sorry. I love you always. :kiss:

Nice & Wavy, thank-you for this thread. I was reading the original post, and I see me, for I have disappointed countless people, myself included. :Rose:

I continue to marvel at the works of GOD. HE never fails to answer prayers. :yep:
You are more than welcome...I'm so happy that you posted and shared, this is what I'm talking about.


This is an on-time thread... lots of words of wisdom shared. I've been on both sides of offense and believe it happens to everyone at some point or another. The key is to have a forgiving spirit... roll with the punches and keep it moving. That is not to say be non-chalant about people's feelings, but can't live life trying to please people.
Thanks, sis. I believe too that we all have had this happen at one time or another.

Yes, forgiveness is the key...forgiving those who hurt us and forgiving ourselves for hurting others.

People will let us down, but we have also disappointed others. If we have been on the other side of seeking forgiveness. Then, we need to be quick to forgive others. We have to give others the benefit of the doubt especially if it is not a repeated offense. A good friend will be honest with you especially if something will harm you in the future.

Also, people observe how we react to offenses and they will copy our behaviors if they never had a proper role model. The ones who are seeking to make genuine changes in their lives. So, your reactions matter a whole lot.
Yes, we should respond moreso than react. :yep:
Now see I'm working REALLY hard on forgiveness looking at Nice & Wavy's siggy pic of Prime Rib, Lobster Mac and..... and ... and... I never did get the chocolate chip cookies... :look:



It's hard to forgive when you're looking at food that good and you're hungry. :lol:

Actually, it's quite easy to forgive, especially when you love your friends and family and the heart of Jesus which loves you into loving others.

Now see I'm working REALLY hard on forgiveness looking at @Nice & Wavy's siggy pic of Prime Rib, Lobster Mac and..... and ... and... I never did get the chocolate chip cookies... :look:



It's hard to forgive when you're looking at food that good and you're hungry. :lol:

Actually, it's quite easy to forgive, especially when you love your friends and family and the heart of Jesus which loves you into loving others.


Oohh girl, please! No talk of food! I'm on a diet. :sad: :cry4:
I sorry:lol:...I'm going to make some Christmas cookies this year...you are first on my list :kiss:

That food was soooooooooooooo good! Yummmm!

Now see I'm working REALLY hard on forgiveness looking at @Nice & Wavy's siggy pic of Prime Rib, Lobster Mac and..... and ... and... I never did get the chocolate chip cookies... :look:



It's hard to forgive when you're looking at food that good and you're hungry. :lol:

Actually, it's quite easy to forgive, especially when you love your friends and family and the heart of Jesus which loves you into loving others.

Shimmie, sweetie.... Lobster Mac is not low cal! :cry3:
At least not the way my sister makes it! LOL! :lol:
My cholesterol is so high that my doctor has put me on a strict diet and I'm on
Cholesterol medication. :sad:

I thought I was taking good care of myself. Guess not. :nono:
Shimmie, sweetie.... Lobster Mac is not low cal! :cry3:
At least not the way my sister makes it! LOL! :lol:
My cholesterol is so high that my doctor has put me on a strict diet and I'm on
Cholesterol medication. :sad:

I thought I was taking good care of myself. Guess not. :nono:

pebbles.... :nono2: No, none of that... No blaming yourself. It happens due to so many additives that are in today's foods (even fresh foods) that our liver has to process.

Back in the day of our grandparents, they didn't have all of these chemicals/preservatives and their livers did not have to work overtime, trying to filter out toxins in their bodies.

Take note:

* Cinnamon capsules...

* Fiber capsules with each meal

* Red Yeast Rice (capsules)

* Beets and Beet Juice

* Fresh Brocoli, Kale and Spinach

Just add these to your diet. And in the name of Jesus' you are healed totally and completely, Amen and Amen.

Oh... and no more Romney/Ryan appetizers... too many LDL's (bad chloresterol) .... :lol:
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@pebbles.... :nono2: No, none of that... No blaming yourself. It happens due to so many additives that are in today's foods (even fresh foods) that our liver has to process.

Back in the day of our grandparents, they didn't have all of these chemicals/preservatives and their livers did not have to work overtime, trying to filter out toxins in our bodies.

Take note:

* Cinnamon capsules...

* Fiber capsules with each meal

* Red Yeast Rice (capsules)

* Beets and Beet Juice

* Fresh Brocoli, Kale and Spinach

Just add these to your diet. And in the name of Jesus' you are healed totally and completely, Amen and Amen.

Oh... and no more Romney/Ryan appetizers... too many LDL's (bad chloresterol) .... :lol:


LOL!!! :lachen::lachen::lachen: That is hilarious!!! :lol:

Thanks so much for the recommendations! I'm going shopping tomorrow morning. :yep:

I was so stunned when I got my test results. I drove home from the doctor's office and honestly don't remember the commute. I was in a daze, because my numbers were so shockingly high. It's scary. :blush:

And I receive my healing, in Jesus name! Amen!

Thanks so much, sis! :kiss:

LOL!!! :lachen::lachen::lachen: That is hilarious!!! :lol:

Thanks so much for the recommendations! I'm going shopping tomorrow morning. :yep:

I was so stunned when I got my test results. I drove home from the doctor's office and honestly don't remember the commute. I was in a daze, because my numbers were so shockingly high. It's scary. :blush:

And I receive my healing, in Jesus name! Amen!

Thanks so much, sis! :kiss:


'When our bodies 'let us down'... we forgive our bodies and God's healing flows.

'When our bodies 'let us down'... we forgive our bodies and God's healing flows.

Wow, that's it! That's exactly how I felt. Like my body let me down, or that I let it down. It was a strange feeling. I was trying to explain it to my sister, but I couldn't find the words to express how I felt. You just said it for me. :yep:

@pebbles... I think Lobster is low cal. :look: :lol:

@Nice & Wavy... why I gotta' wait til Christmas... (pouting) :lol:

Shimmie, sweetie.... Lobster Mac is not low cal! :cry3:
At least not the way my sister makes it! LOL! :lol:
My cholesterol is so high that my doctor has put me on a strict diet and I'm on
Cholesterol medication. :sad:

I thought I was taking good care of myself. Guess not. :nono:
I didn't make it, my son took me to BTK Steakhouse in Miami Beach and it was so pretty, I had to take a picture...I had desserts too that was delicious.

I'm so sorry....I will keep you in my prayers, sis. Jesus is Lord over your body....and mine!

@pebbles.... :nono2: No, none of that... No blaming yourself. It happens due to so many additives that are in today's foods (even fresh foods) that our liver has to process.

Back in the day of our grandparents, they didn't have all of these chemicals/preservatives and their livers did not have to work overtime, trying to filter out toxins in their bodies.

Take note:

* Cinnamon capsules...

* Fiber capsules with each meal

* Red Yeast Rice (capsules)

* Beets and Beet Juice

* Fresh Brocoli, Kale and Spinach

Just add these to your diet. And in the name of Jesus' you are healed totally and completely, Amen and Amen.

Oh... and no more Romney/Ryan appetizers... too many LDL's (bad chloresterol) .... :lol:
Please, explain the Cinnamon and Rice yeast. You are hilarious:lol:


LOL!!! :lachen::lachen::lachen: That is hilarious!!! :lol:

Thanks so much for the recommendations! I'm going shopping tomorrow morning. :yep:

I was so stunned when I got my test results. I drove home from the doctor's office and honestly don't remember the commute. I was in a daze, because my numbers were so shockingly high. It's scary. :blush:

And I receive my healing, in Jesus name! Amen!

Thanks so much, sis! :kiss:
I can imagine....that's crazy. :nono:
^^^Awww, Look at that beautiful salad! :yep: Yes, that's much more my speed these days! :lol:

And I've had to start praying over myself and being more disciplined about my food choices. I kid you not; I've prayed about a lot of things in my lifetime, but I never thought I'd be praying over eating! LOL! As my mother likes to say, just keep on living. You'll see a whole lot you never thought you'd see! :lol:
^^^Awww, Look at that beautiful salad! :yep: Yes, that's much more my speed these days! :lol:

And I've had to start praying over myself and being more disciplined about my food choices. I kid you not; I've prayed about a lot of things in my lifetime, but I never thought I'd be praying over eating! LOL! As my mother likes to say, just keep on living. You'll see a whole lot you never thought you'd see! :lol:
I've been pretty good these days in eating, ever since the fast we did in the CF. I'm really thinking about doing the Daniel fast again in October....I haven't felt that good in a long time.

My mother use to say the same thing....our momma's had some sayings, right?:lachen:

I didn't make it, my son took me to BTK Steakhouse in Miami Beach and it was so pretty, I had to take a picture...I had desserts too that was delicious.

I'm so sorry....I will keep you in my prayers, sis. Jesus is Lord over your body....and mine!

Please, explain the Cinnamon and Rice yeast. You are hilarious:lol:

I can imagine....that's crazy. :nono:

Hey Love... :love2:

Here you are...

Cinnamon: I take two cinnamon capsules daily.



Red Yeast Rice



Dr. Weil mentions this midway through the article.

I am a 'health junkie'.

Back in 2005 my doctor put me on Crestor 10 mg a day. A famous Chlorlesterol medication. I fought it for 6 weeks, had an anxiety attack behind her admonishments that I needed to take it and :blah: :blah: :blah:

But it made my body ache and I'm used to moving around at a fast pace. Then I was told to take advil, motrin or Tylenol for the pain. Two years ago, she tried to increase the dosage by doubling it. I gave her a flat NO.

I began taking cinnamon capsules, fibermucil and plant steriols. My numbers went from 175 to 157... YEP :yep: Since then, I've been looking for other natural methods to keep my numbers low. I'm not completely off of the Crestor, as I'm using God's wisdom, however if I can get my numbers lower, I will seek her monitoring of my levels as she weans me completely from off of the Rx. I do not like drugs. :nono:

Chlorlesterol Rx's are statins and they have a painful effect on the body. My legs are among the strongest part of my body (from dancing, walking and stretches). I have cried my way through train stations, airports (traveling to / from Florida), I've fought back so many tears in dance class, until I had enough. Getting through the body pains were not easy. However God showed reminded me of three women who endured extreme body pain and through it, developed exercises which helped and healed their bodies and others as well, including mine.

Classical Stretch,

Lotte Berke and


I have every DVD and I love the results of their healing.

Eating brocoli and beets are soooo beneficial to heatlh. They fight cancer cells and cleanse the blood, which cleanses the liver, which lowers chlorlesterol. The liver is the key factor here, for it has to confront every toxin that enters into our bodies. Our liver is our internal guardian angel. Remember the scripture (if we eat any deadly thing, it will not harm us.... well thank God and your liver for that). :yep:

I don't like either brocoli or beets but I keep them in my diet and eat them as much as I can tolerate them.

Pausing for a moment to say this:

Precious Wavy, I am so sorry for derailing your thread. I can start a new one on this to continue.
Hey Love... :love2:

Here you are...

Cinnamon: I take two cinnamon capsules daily.



Red Yeast Rice



Dr. Weil mentions this midway through the article.

I am a 'health junkie'.

Back in 2005 my doctor put me on Crestor 10 mg a day. A famous Chlorlesterol medication. I fought it for 6 weeks, had an anxiety attack behind her admonishments that I needed to take it and :blah: :blah: :blah:

But it made my body ache and I'm used to moving around at a fast pace. Then I was told to take advil, motrin or Tylenol for the pain. Two years ago, she tried to increase the dosage by doubling it. I gave her a flat NO.

I began taking cinnamon capsules, fibermucil and plant steriols. My numbers went from 175 to 157... YEP :yep: Since then, I've been looking for other natural methods to keep my numbers low. I'm not completely off of the Crestor, as I'm using God's wisdom, however if I can get my numbers lower, I will seek her monitoring of my levels as she weans me completely from off of the Rx. I do not like drugs. :nono:

Chlorlesterol Rx's are statins and they have a painful effect on the body. My legs are among the strongest part of my body (from dancing, walking and stretches). I have cried my way through train stations, airports (traveling to / from Florida), I've fought back so many tears in dance class, until I had enough. Getting through the body pains were not easy. However God showed reminded me of three women who endured extreme body pain and through it, developed exercises which helped and healed their bodies and others as well, including mine.

Classical Stretch,

Lotte Berke and


I have every DVD and I love the results of their healing.

Eating brocoli and beets are soooo beneficial to heatlh. They fight cancer cells and cleanse the blood, which cleanses the liver, which lowers chlorlesterol. The liver is the key factor here, for it has to confront every toxin that enters into our bodies. Our liver is our internal guardian angel. Remember the scripture (if we eat any deadly thing, it will not harm us.... well thank God and your liver for that). :yep:

I don't like either brocoli or beets but I keep them in my diet and eat them as much as I can tolerate them.

Pausing for a moment to say this:

Precious Wavy, I am so sorry for derailing your thread. I can start a new one on this to continue.
You are not derailing the thread at all...I thank you for all this good information. I really do need to eat more beets and broccoli too. I appreciate you sharing this information....we "let our bodies" down, so what you are sharing lines up with this thread! :love2:
Thank-you so much, N&W! I can remove the posts later if it does get to be too much. I really appreciate it. :yep:

Shimmie, if my cholesterol were 175 I think my doctor would do cartwheels. I know I would. My cholesterol is 319, and my LDL is 249. :sad:


No, that's not a typo. :nono: Cholesterol does run in my family, but even I was taken by surprise. I was so shocked because I thought I wasn't heavy, I couldn't possibly have those types of numbers. But my doctor said it has nothing to do with weight. She told me she has overweight patients who don't have those types of numbers. She said it was serious, and there was no question I would have to start medication immediately. That was a month ago.

My mother has been on cholesterol meds for years, and she took Crestor and suffered as you did. She refused to stay on it, so her doctor kept trying different brands until she tried Pravastatin. It's the first one she took that didn't leave her with muscle pain. She takes it along with one Fish Oil pill, 1000mg, and she has no pain. None at all. So when it came time to discuss what brand I would take I asked for Pravastatin. The doctor would have prefered to start me on 60 mg, but started me on 40 mg to give me a chance to adjust. I take the Fish Oil pill as well, and I have no aches or pain. Talk to your doctor about switching brands.
No, no, no....this concerns the Whole man....spirit, soul and body! I am praying for you.... "no plague shall come nigh your dwelling place" in the name of Jesus!

Thank-you so much, N&W! I can remove the posts later if it does get to be too much. I really appreciate it. :yep:

Shimmie, if my cholesterol were 175 I think my doctor would do cartwheels. I know I would. My cholesterol is 319, and my LDL is 249. :sad:


No, that's not a typo. :nono: Cholesterol does run in my family, but even I was taken by surprise. I was so shocked because I thought I wasn't heavy, I couldn't possibly have those types of numbers. But my doctor said it has nothing to do with weight. She told me she has overweight patients who don't have those types of numbers. She said it was serious, and there was no question I would have to start medication immediately. That was a month ago.

My mother has been on cholesterol meds for years, and she took Crestor and suffered as you did. She refused to stay on it, so her doctor kept trying different brands until she tried Pravastatin. It's the first one she took that didn't leave her with muscle pain. She takes it along with one Fish Oil pill, 1000mg, and she has no pain. None at all. So when it came time to discuss what brand I would take I asked for Pravastatin. The doctor would have prefered to start me on 60 mg, but started me on 40 mg to give me a chance to adjust. I take the Fish Oil pill as well, and I have no aches or pain. Talk to your doctor about switching brands.
Sickness and disease whether by neglect or inherited I believe it is one of the enemies plans to keep and make us dependent on drugs notice all the side effects and the increasing amounts of new ailments that can only be regulated by drugs, what a time that we are living in.

But we know that it is Gods desire that we are healthy and whole by His stripes we were healed, praise God!
Nice & Wavy...

Thank you, Precious Wavy... :kiss:

I'll keep the rest of this brief.


I'm so glad that you will not have to suffer the muscle pain that I went through. In 2005 my numbers were 235, that's when I was place on Rx. The first Rx she prescribed was Vytorin and I never took it... my numbers went up to 237 and then she prescribed Crestor. I stopped taking it two years ago because i hated the muscle pain.

I have an active life and I could not stand he pain, my numbers were up again and she wanted to double the dose. I said No. That's when I became aggressive with Natural methods and my numbers went from 212 to 175 in 3 months and then from 175 to 157 in about two months. The biggest contributors are the fiber capsules and plant steriols. They really work.

NOTE: I don't advise anyone to try this without their doctor's monitoring and advise.

pebbles, your doctor had to place you on the Rx at 319. Rx's are compounded so potently, but it's only because it makes them more aggressive and faster acting then natural methods. You needed aggressive treatement, hence the Rx.

Natural methods take longer to work, but they do work well once they are in one's system and are taken consistantly. I applaude medications which are indeed keeping people alive; the side affects come from the strong potency.

I still have to have my bloodwork done every six weeks to see how well I am doing. My goal is to come off of the Rx completely once I have my numbers under control with natural methods.

Pebs. you are so right about the Fish Oil. I take 2000 mgs a day. I also take Co-Q10 because statin Rx' depletes the Co-Enzymes in our bodies.


Vitamin D3, Calcium with Magnesium are vital and Vitamin B - complex.

Most of all Beet juice. I don't like the taste but I drink 4 ounces of it each day. My goal is to get my numbers down to 135 and to maintain it.

I take Andrew Lessman's supplements (the brand) and I stay well stocked.


The best deals are when he's on HSN... free shipping and lower prices.

I have this book and it was well worth the money.




But getting back to the beets and brocolli... I've never felt better. it's something about 'cleansing' the blood and this is what beets do, they cleanse the blood.

I still want Nice & Wavy's chocolate chip cookies... :look: :lol:
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Sickness and disease whether by neglect or inherited I believe it is one of the enemies plans to keep and make us dependent on drugs notice all the side effects and the increasing amounts of new ailments that can only be regulated by drugs, what a time that we are living in.

But we know that it is Gods desire that we are healthy and whole by His stripes we were healed, praise God!

:amen: :amen: :amen:
Thanks, Shimmie! :kiss: Oddly enough, I love broccoli! And I've been making natural beet juice. I think it's good, actually. :lol: The information and links you've provided are priceless! I went shopping today and got the pills you mentioned last night! :trampolin I'm on a mission!

I'm not too young to have a stroke or a heart attack at 46. This past June, one of my childhood friends who was the same age as I am died of a heart attack in New York. And she was healthy, I thought.

But I will say as the Psalmist in Psalm 118:17, I will not die but live, and declare the works of the Lord. :yep:
@Nice & Wavy...

Thank you, Precious Wavy... :kiss:

I'll keep the rest of this brief.


I'm so glad that you will not have to suffer the muscle pain that I went through. In 2005 my numbers were 235, that's when I was place on Rx. The first Rx she prescribed was Vytorin and I never took it... my numbers went up to 237 and then she prescribed Crestor. I stopped taking it two years ago because i hated the muscle pain.

I have an active life and I could not stand he pain, my numbers were up again and she wanted to double the dose. I said No. That's when I became aggressive with Natural methods and my numbers went from 212 to 175 in 3 months and then from 175 to 157 in about two months. The biggest contributors are the fiber capsules and plant steriols. They really work.

NOTE: I don't advise anyone to try this without their doctor's monitoring and advise.

@pebbles, your doctor had to place you on the Rx at 319. Rx's are compounded so potently, but it's only because it makes them more aggressive and faster acting then natural methods. You needed aggressive treatement, hence the Rx.

Natural methods take longer to work, but they do work well once they are in one's system and are taken consistantly. I applaude medications which are indeed keeping people alive; the side affects come from the strong potency.

I still have to have my bloodwork done every six weeks to see how well I am doing. My goal is to come off of the Rx completely once I have my numbers under control with natural methods.

Pebs. you are so right about the Fish Oil. I take 2000 mgs a day. I also take Co-Q10 because statin Rx' depletes the Co-Enzymes in our bodies.


Vitamin D3, Calcium with Magnesium are vital and Vitamin B - complex.

Most of all Beet juice. I don't like the taste but I drink 4 ounces of it each day. My goal is to get my numbers down to 135 and to maintain it.

I take Andrew Lessman's supplements (the brand) and I stay well stocked.


The best deals are when he's on HSN... free shipping and lower prices.

I have this book and it was well worth the money.




But getting back to the beets and brocolli... I've never felt better. it's something about 'cleansing' the blood and this is what beets do, they cleanse the blood.

I still want @Nice & Wavy's chocolate chip cookies... :look: :lol:
Wow, I didn't know you both were going through this. You both are giving me something to stay on my face about, that's for sure.:yep:

I am going to try my hand at Gluten Free baking to see how it tastes. If its as good as what I've been using, I will make some with those...will get them to you, I promise :love2:

Thanks, Shimmie! :kiss: Oddly enough, I love broccoli! And I've been making natural beet juice. I think it's good, actually. :lol: The information and links you've provided are priceless! I went shopping today and got the pills you mentioned last night! :trampolin I'm on a mission!

I'm not too young to have a stroke or a heart attack at 46. This past June, one of my childhood friends who was the same age as I am died of a heart attack in New York. And she was healthy, I thought.

But I will say as the Psalmist in Psalm 118:17, I will not die but live, and declare the works of the Lord. :yep:
AMEN!!!! I'm in agreement with you!
Thank-you so much, N&W! I can remove the posts later if it does get to be too much. I really appreciate it. :yep:

Shimmie, if my cholesterol were 175 I think my doctor would do cartwheels. I know I would. My cholesterol is 319, and my LDL is 249. :sad:


No, that's not a typo. :nono: Cholesterol does run in my family, but even I was taken by surprise. I was so shocked because I thought I wasn't heavy, I couldn't possibly have those types of numbers. But my doctor said it has nothing to do with weight. She told me she has overweight patients who don't have those types of numbers. She said it was serious, and there was no question I would have to start medication immediately. That was a month ago.

My mother has been on cholesterol meds for years, and she took Crestor and suffered as you did. She refused to stay on it, so her doctor kept trying different brands until she tried Pravastatin. It's the first one she took that didn't leave her with muscle pain. She takes it along with one Fish Oil pill, 1000mg, and she has no pain. None at all. So when it came time to discuss what brand I would take I asked for Pravastatin. The doctor would have prefered to start me on 60 mg, but started me on 40 mg to give me a chance to adjust. I take the Fish Oil pill as well, and I have no aches or pain. Talk to your doctor about switching brands.

Pebs, I cried when I read these numbers. They shall indeed come down in Jesus' Name and in the ideal way that the Holy Spirit leads and guides you, in Jesus' Name... Amen and Amen.

If you feel lead of the Lord, please add fiber capsules to your regime. And please drink the beet juice to protect and cleanse your liver. I am in total agreement for your health and healing all the way. I support whatever you decide... stay on the Rx until the Lord releases you via your doctor. :yep: Add beets to your new diet.

Beets... Protect the Liver

Beet Juice for Liver Cleansing


Among all the health benefits of beet juice, the most well known are the health
benefits that beet juice provides for the blood and liver. The liver is a vital organ that provides many functions in the body including detoxification of the blood, protein synthesis, and production of biochemicals necessary for digestion.

Like beet roots, beet juice is a great source of a wide range of nutrients. Its most significant phytochemical is betaine.

Betaine helps the liver and kidneys recycle the amino acid methionine in order to maintain the body's stores of s-adenosyl-methionine (commonly referred to as SAM-e). SAM-e occurs naturally in the body and is required for cellular growth and repair. Although SAM-e is distributed throughout the body, it is produced and consumed mostly in the liver. SAM-e contributes to maintaining mood levels.

It's involved in the biosynthesis of several hormones and neurotransmitters that affect mood, such as dopamine and serotonin. Studies show that elderly people and individuals suffering from osteoarthritis, depression, and various liver disorders tend to have low levels of SAM-e. Although SAM-e supplements are available, further research is being conducted about the safety of taking the supplements.

Betaine also helps the liver to process fat, thereby preventing the accumulation of fatty tissues in the liver. Fatty liver disease is a reversible condition where large vacuoles of triglyceride fat accumulate in liver cells through steatosis (the process of abnormal retention of lipids within a cell).

Fatty liver disease has many causes, but it's often associated with heavy alcohol intake and other diseases that influence fat metabolism such as diabetes, hypertension, and obesity. Malnutrition and excessive weightloss can also cause fatty liver disease.

Since the liver is the primary mechanism for detoxification of the blood, it is essential that it functions properly.

Aside from beets and beet juice, three well known herbs that provide liver cleansing benefits are milk thistle, burdock root, and dandelion.

All four of these super foods provide natural detoxification for the liver and they also help to keep it functioning properly.


Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia

Murray , Michael N.D.. The Encyclopedia Of Healing Foods.
New York: Atria Books, 2005.

Bowden, Jonny, Ph.D., C.N.S. The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth.
Fairwinds Press, 2007
Thanks, Shimmie! :kiss: Oddly enough, I love broccoli! And I've been making natural beet juice. I think it's good, actually. :lol: The information and links you've provided are priceless! I went shopping today and got the pills you mentioned last night! :trampolin I'm on a mission!

I'm not too young to have a stroke or a heart attack at 46. This past June, one of my childhood friends who was the same age as I am died of a heart attack in New York. And she was healthy, I thought.

But I will say as the Psalmist in Psalm 118:17, I will not die but live, and declare the works of the Lord. :yep:

I'm sorry about your friend; very sorry. :love2:

However... In Jesus' Name...

Though a thousand may fall by your side, ten thousand by your right hand, it shall not come nigh you. (Psalm 91)