Calm Down/Shut Up/Quit Trippin'

Welll daaang. Okaay!!! MAYBE THIS IS THE ANSWER TO THE THREAD I JUST PUT UP, duh!!! But I just don't know how to NOT be a lil concerned????? :wallbash:

I received this email today and thought I would share, hope you enjoy it as much as I did :)

Psalm 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God."

So many times we make situations more than they are due to our anxiety,

CALM DOWN! God has your life under control; He knows how to handle even the seemingly complex situation with ease.

SHUT UP ! Stop having pity parties and talking about your business all
the time; don't you know that the power of death and life is in the
tongue! Stop speaking negative things into existence in your life and
in others.

QUIT TRIPPIN'! When you look at your situations through your eyes, you
often read more into the situation than what is there. It's not as bad
as you think particularly if God is in your life; Stop over analyzing
your life.

Be courageous
2 Timothy 1:7 - "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of
power, and of Love, and of a sound mind.
Fear is not of God. Have the courage to step out on faith and do the
seemingly impossible. Start your own business; go into the ministry;
pply for that promotion; anything that you've been afraid to do and
you know that God has called you to do - JUST DO IT!

Have confidence

Philippians 4:13 - "I can do all things through Christ which
strengthens me."
Remember, greater is He that's within you than he that's in the world.
You have the power of the most High God working in you, and you have
His Son steadily making intercession for you. You have nothing to worry
about! Walk with your head up! You say you have low self-esteem;
somebody told you that you'd never amount to anything; the devil is a
liar! Know that you are somebody not because Jesus said it, but because
you are a child of The King!

Walk in the VICTORY !
Romans 8:28 - "And we know that all things work together for good to
them that love God, to them who are the called according to His

Does anything else need to be said?
The jury has been out and the verdict is in - YOU WIN!

God has already worked it out for you. It may not come the way you
think it should come (or when you think it should), but remember - CALM
DOWN, SHUT UP, AND QUIT TRIPPIN'! He's working it out for "YOUR" good
(in His time).

Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps, if you are not willing to move your feet.
Be Blessed TODAY !!
One of our young ladies here said she wanted to be here to read the testimony . . . WELL HERE IT IS!!!!

Yesterday I interviewed at two places: Tampa General Hospital (which interview yielded AT LEAST 3 possibilities). When I shared with the Nursing, hr person my situation . . . her fingers went flying on the telephone to find managers to interview me on spot. She kept harping on "Why are you applying for a HUC position with your skills?" She said it so much that I just went on and told her the circumstances of how I got here. K, so I left there having had an on-the-spot interview for a unit secretarial position AND an appointment for another job on Monday.


I had an interview scheduled that afternoon at a university.

Not too long after I left that interview the cell phone rang . . .


I am still pinching myself. You see, my rent is paid up 'til the 30th . . . I have like $150.00 in the bank TO MY NAME.

I am so awe-inspired that Jehovah God heard my prayers. My family and friends (cyber and real) had my back in support in this endeavor. I am sooooo happy. I am going to use this as a springboard to my program of understanding that Jehovah means what he says, that I need to speak and confess that Jehovah is real and he is indeed able. And, I need to overstand that Jesus died for ME TOO.


Lovin' Locks
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One of our young ladies here said she wanted to be here to read the testimony . . . WELL HERE IT IS!!!!

Yesterday I interviewed at two places: Tampa General Hospital (which interview yielded AT LEAST 3 possibilities). When I shared with the Nursing, hr person my situation . . . her fingers went flying on the telephone to find managers to interview me on spot. She kept harping on "Why are you applying for a HUC position with your skills?" She said it so much that I just went on and told her the circumstances of how I got here. K, so I left there having had an on-the-spot interview for a unit secretarial position AND an appointment for another job on Monday.


I had an interview scheduled that afternoon at a university.

Not too long after I left that interview the cell phone rang . . .


I am still pinching myself. You see, my rent is paid up 'til the 30th . . . I have like $150.00 in the bank TO MY NAME.

I am so awe-inspired that Jehovah God heard my prayers. My family and friends (cyber and real) had my back in support in this endeavor. I am sooooo happy. I am going to use this as a springboard to my program of understanding that Jehovah means what he says, that I need to speak and confess that Jehovah is real and he is indeed able. And, I need to overstand that Jesus died for ME TOO.


Lovin' Locks

I am so happy for you, and so encouraged to know the "Truth".

Jehovah is an awesome God!
One of our young ladies here said she wanted to be here to read the testimony . . . WELL HERE IT IS!!!!

Yesterday I interviewed at two places: Tampa General Hospital (which interview yielded AT LEAST 3 possibilities). When I shared with the Nursing, hr person my situation . . . her fingers went flying on the telephone to find managers to interview me on spot. She kept harping on "Why are you applying for a HUC position with your skills?" She said it so much that I just went on and told her the circumstances of how I got here. K, so I left there having had an on-the-spot interview for a unit secretarial position AND an appointment for another job on Monday.


I had an interview scheduled that afternoon at a university.

Not too long after I left that interview the cell phone rang . . .


I am still pinching myself. You see, my rent is paid up 'til the 30th . . . I have like $150.00 in the bank TO MY NAME.

I am so awe-inspired that Jehovah God heard my prayers. My family and friends (cyber and real) had my back in support in this endeavor. I am sooooo happy. I am going to use this as a springboard to my program of understanding that Jehovah means what he says, that I need to speak and confess that Jehovah is real and he is indeed able. And, I need to overstand that Jesus died for ME TOO.


Lovin' Locks

@Lovin Locks
Awesome God is so good. Congratulations !

@Lucie Thank you for bumping!

I was praying today and I just had to come in here. God is so Awesome. :grin:
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God always sends what you need just when you need it! I just found this thread and I am so glad I found it because this is what I needed. Praise God for He is an awesome God.
I really needed this message today. I've been so anxious and depressed lately. Sighs. Thanks for bumping @skyslady

I so understand, I was getting anxious too and I just feel like things aren't coming together fast enough for me. I ran across this and remembered that God is in control. nappystorm just remember that the plans that God has in store for you are good. He wants you to prosper and live in peace! Trust in the Lord my sister with all your heart and mind. Keep your head up WE ALREADY HAVE VICTORY IN CHRIST JESUS!
I've been praying for a move of God since 11/22 concerning my child. I stay in GODs face and was just thinking Lord help me to be anxious for nothing help me to stay out of worry and fear. Then I thought let me look at the christian forum and this thread popped.

It has helped me today.

"Does anything else need to be said?
The jury has been out and the verdict is in - YOU WIN!

God has already worked it out for you. It may not come the way you
think it should come (or when you think it should), but remember - CALM
DOWN, SHUT UP, AND QUIT TRIPPIN'! He's working it out for "YOUR" good
(in His time).