When People Let You Down!

Nice & Wavy

Well-Known Member
A Day of Offenses - When People Let You Down (by:Pam Clark)

This is a season of offenses. We have to deal with them, and so few people do things the Biblical way when they are upset. It can be big things, it can be little things, but people and even ministers can let you down.

Usually the little things you can work through, realizing we are all human and subject to weakness, but the big things can be a real battle for your soul - especially if you really looked up to the person to represent something to you.

Someone ran off with someone else, someone lied or did things to gain advantage leaving wreckage in their wake, someone ignored you or made a point to cut you out, some people were majorly ripped off, some were played for the fool, some have even been murdered. Some just plain don't care.

You grieve the loss, sometimes like a death, because it or they die to you. I lost dear friends over betrayers and senseless acts, and it stung, it hurt, it wasn't fair or right and I had to make a stand for the conviction in my soul, but there was a grieving and mourning period over it. You can even get angry at yourself for mourning those who betray you or let you down, but you have to realize it is because you put value on it, even if the others didn't.

You try to make excuses and justify it but sometimes the facts are just plain out there! Yes, you have to forgive them and go on and trust them to God for His higher will and good purpose, but some things are damaging and don't "just go away." We wish they did!!! Some things can never be recovered and there is a reality to that.

But God can help!

God is still there to carry us through the mourning period, and it's really bad if the betrayal or loss identifies you with something out of your character and is not true. But, trying to define yourself usually doesn't work because it makes it look like you are justifying yourself for what went wrong. It never hurts to try, but sometimes it is just beyond us.

I think of the people who proudly endorsed their minister's leadership only to find that he (or she) failed them. Different things mean something different to different people on different levels. What bothers some does not bother others as much and it's hard when people can't hear what your heart is saying. You cared!

Many times people you look up to have helped you heal and when they let you down, it seems the wound has become ripped open again. For some, the event is a total shock. Sometimes let downs come in waves. Job experienced this. One thing after another after another, while all his friends said, "Job, you did it wrong! You didn't fear God!" But, he did. Or they say "Just get over it" because the depth of its effect is light compared to the way you feel/felt it. Remember this: only God can carry our sorrows. And when others are calloused and indifferent, you finally realize that it doesn't matter if they don't understand. You still have value that perhaps they can't see.

While we don't understand why, we have to know that God knows. Sometimes people are acting out of their own pain. Sometimes they are just foolish and sometimes they are selfish and we become self-focused when the value we have put on it is high - it's important to us to make a noise about it because it meant something to us.

But, we still have to take it to the Word and filter life through the Scriptures. Sin happens and there are consequences. You must realize that no one escapes pain and that God is the great justifier! Even in the Psalms, the writers cry, "Why do the wicked prosper?" It seems all they do flourishes. It's denial to say there is no evil in the world, but you have to ask yourself, whose side do you want to be on? Life can go on because you do have hope and faith in God.

Some things work to steal your identity. Slander, lies, attacks, verbal abuse, thefts, betrayals….but God still sits on His Throne!!! We can't go on if we don't allow this to be a learning and growth experience. You still have your identity in Him as His child. If you read the Scriptures, you will see that He is a God who justifies. If may take awhile, sometimes seemingly even forever, but He holds eternity and no one slides by with injustices. No one.

Because of violence and the wickedness that was so prevalent, God destroyed the world in Noah's day. He will reckon with it again. Only a blind person would not notice that evil is on the rise, but for the believers in God, He has made a way of escape, even life forever more. That is something to hold on to. Selah.

Sometimes the pain is such that we don't want to live anymore. That is a death to self. It's ridiculous to think others can judge you there. Only you and God can. In death to self, a wisdom comes that takes you beyond the present circumstances and it enlarges your vision. It's true that in the bigger picture, you may have to travail for your hope, but you can do it. You can get it again, even a greater one possibly, if you can see at all beyond the present circumstances.

People will try to read into what you do. But you know, it doesn't matter because people are either on God's side and His ways or on the devil's side. Sure they will deny it when they did it wrong, but often the convicting power of the Holy Spirit did not go away. He is dealing with it, but…He is dealing with it in you too! You have to allow Him to be your friend. People who hold you to the past are limited themselves.

If you sinned, repent so you can be set free. But, if others have sinned against you, trust your future to God. Sometimes survival is a big deal. The dainty often abhor the streetwise until its time for them to survive. Then, they are open for lessons. God is a justifier and an equalizer.

Your prayers are very important in times of grief and sorrow. Your earnestness is showing! Sometimes our efforts for God show best to Him then. Then when He blesses you later on, you don't feel so guilty for getting blessed, even if others gnash their teeth at your blessing!

God is in the business of souls. An easy life does not make a tranquil soul or an approved one. Most all of us do the best we can but some have forsaken the restrainer or acted out of their own pain. Some the Bible says, have seared themselves as with a hot iron and are callous. Know that one day the callouses will come off. It's what you do with your tender feelings that matter. Were those feelings given to God? If so, there is hope in your end! God noted that and even though its hard, what you do for HIm and in Him makes a difference.

MAKE YOUR LIFE COUNT! Keep your value on it. Don't throw it away because people let you down or came against you. Somewhere out there, someone will be healed when they find out that someone else went throughout the same thing or similar and survived.

Your pains is yours. It puts a value on things and on you because you will act out of that. God puts a value on you when you do it His way and give it to Him. He will recompense, and He is zealous and jealous over His own! YOU ARE HIS OWN!!!

He made you and He loves you. God knows you fully and accepts you fully…isn't that something!

God has a message for the world and that message is simply this: He loved people so much that He gave His only begotten Son (sent from Himself, not created) that whosoever believe in Him would not perish, but have everlasting life. God did not send His Son to condemn the world; but that the world through Him (Jesus) might be saved! John 3:16 & 17

Let's give that message…even if we must endure and take on the fellowship of His sufferings. The good news is that trouble is not forever if we are in Him!!!
Thanks for sharing this Precious Wavy... beautiful message such as you and Pastor 'A'. :love2:

I most definitely fit both sides of this message. While there are those who have disappointed me, yet I too have disappointed others.

To be honest, every human being in this earth lives on both sides of this message. Disappointing others may not be intentional, yet it happens.

To God be the glory for healing the hurts on both sides.

Thanks for sharing this Precious Wavy... beautiful message such as you and Pastor 'A'. :love2:

I most definitely fit both sides of this message. While there are those who have disappointed me, yet I too have disappointed others.

To be honest, every human being in this earth lives on both sides of this message. Disappointing others may not be intentional, yet it happens.

To God be the glory for healing the hurts on both sides.

ITA. I think that most people don't look to hurt or disappoint others, but when it happens, many deal with it and many take it to heart to the point of no return. I also notice that people tend to blame God for it and so walk away from Him. My heart goes out to those this happens to because I went through this years ago and I understand how it feels.

Thanks for posting....I appreciate it because this is a topic that I thought would bring discussion, but I guess its a little to deep and close to the heart to talk about.

Love always....:love3:
ITA. I think that most people don't look to hurt or disappoint others, but when it happens, many deal with it and many take it to heart to the point of no return. I also notice that people tend to blame God for it and so walk away from Him. My heart goes out to those this happens to because I went through this years ago and I understand how it feels.

Thanks for posting....I appreciate it because this is a topic that I thought would bring discussion, but I guess its a little to deep and close to the heart to talk about.

Love always....:love3:

I dived right in, because I know how much I've hurt others in my life. I never meant to and to be honest, I wasn't aware until 'afterwards'. My bottom is too big to fit on anyone's pedestal. I'll slide right off everytime.

You are presenting Ministry here that pierces into the soul but only to purge what does not belong. One thing I've learned is that when I do not forgive someone who has let me down, it becomes a grudge that presses upon someone else. Without intention, someone else bears the brunt of my hurt/disappointment, for it has not been released unto God for healing and forgiveness.

Your message says to let it go, for if we do not it will surely hurt another who has absolutely nothing to do with the one who caused the hurt. It becomes a cycle of hurt and the only 'cut' and sever is to forgive.

You know what God says to us, Precious Wavy... ? He says we are fighting a fight that has already been won. It was won on the Cross where Jesus bled and died.

Precious Wavy, you know what scripture your message has placed into my heart?

"... Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us..."

We've been redeemed...

Just so you know, all that I've shared are the results of the prayers you've prayed; they have borne the fruit you desired to see... in me.

Thank you... :kiss:
I thought it would bring discussion too, but I didn't want to be the first one as I have somewhat of a different spin on this (as I always do on most things):yep:

The day before you posted this I was thinking really asking God about how much times we have disappointed him (yes, I know he is almighty all knowing) but the thought entered my mind because God forgives us innumerable times yet when people disappoint or hurt us somethimes in the slightest way, we want to sent them to the gallows kwim, we are not willing to forgive them or extend the hand of mercy as God so often does towards us, *sighs*...

ITA. I think that most people don't look to hurt or disappoint others, but when it happens, many deal with it and many take it to heart to the point of no return. I also notice that people tend to blame God for it and so walk away from Him. My heart goes out to those this happens to because I went through this years ago and I understand how it feels.

Thanks for posting....I appreciate it because this is a topic that I thought would bring discussion, but I guess its a little to deep and close to the heart to talk about.

Love always....:love3:
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I have a question for all of you that I'm hoping someone can help me with. Is it really forgiveness if you tell yourself you forgave the person that hurts you but you yourself are still hurting inside? When you forgive the person, are you suppose to still be hurting by what they've done to you?
I have a question for all of you that I'm hoping someone can help me with. Is it really forgiveness if you tell yourself you forgave the person that hurts you but you yourself are still hurting inside? When you forgive the person, are you suppose to still be hurting by what they've done to you?

Your heart is not 'random', it's not without the need for healing. Healing does take time. Forgiveness is not holding the 'other person(s)' to blame for the hurt any longer. Each day, is a day and a moment closer to being free from the pain.

Even while Jesus was dying upon the Cross, His pain was beyond anyone's imagination, let alone the humiliation and the torment and chiding from those surrounding him. Yet in His utter pain, He prayed: "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."

So yes, while in pain you can still be in forgiveness; it means releasing them from the blame of your pain and focus and praise God for your healing heart.
I have a question for all of you that I'm hoping someone can help me with. Is it really forgiveness if you tell yourself you forgave the person that hurts you but you yourself are still hurting inside? When you forgive the person, are you suppose to still be hurting by what they've done to you?


I am going to say yes and no...It depends on the emotion that you feel. Now sometimes people say "hurt" but it's really anger. If you have forgiven the person then it should be no anger involved toward them . Meaning you should be able to be in their presence or think about them and sincerely love them even though what they did was wrong.

I will use my testimony. I was sexually abused for years as a child. Now I have forgiven the people who did that to me, but I am still dealing with the effects that it has had on my life. Like sometimes not wanting to trust people as much or not wanting to let myself become vunerable to anyone in fear of being hurt. God is still healing that part of me, because it was apart of me for so long. Now I have forgiven them, but I am still dealing with the consquences of an action they did. Like if someone gets in a car accident and becomes paralyzed. They may have forgiven the driver, but it does not change the fact they are paralyzed. So if you are dealing with the hurt/effects of an incident that someone did, but it does not affect your relationship or your heart towards them, then that does not mean you have not forgiven. I hope this help sis! love you :yep:
I know through my offenses God has taught me what it means to truly love. The biblical kind of love. When in 1st Cor 13 it says love endures all things, hopes all things , BEARS all things. It is easy to love someone when they are kind, but what about when they are ugly to you? That is what God has taught and still is teaching me.

But when it came to offenses, I not only looked at the other person, but I looked at myself. The bible says to the pure all things are pure. So alot of time I would get offended because I would make assumptions about things. So God taught me to look at things purely first instead of always letting negativity be my first thought. He is still teaching me this too :lol:.

But one thing I learn to do is not love people for what they can do for me or how they can make me feel. I purpose to love. Me loving someone has nothing to do with me, but it has everything to do with God because God is love. And with that mindset, it keep me from getting offended alot of times:yep:
I thought it would bring discussion too, but I didn't want to be the first one as I have somewhat of a different spin on this (as I always do on most things):yep:

The day before you posted this I was thinking really asking God about how much times we have disappointed him (yes, I know he is almighty all knowing) but the thought entered my mind because God forgives us innumerable times yet when people disappoint or hurt us somethimes in the slightest way, we want to sent them to the gallows kwim, we are not willing to forgive them or extend the hand of mercy as God so often does towards us, *sighs*...

Thank you Iwanthealthyhair67 ...

Time and again, I have disappointed 'Hiim. Yet His love has never failed to forgive and sustain me. The love of Jesus never ceases in our lives.
I dived right in, because I know how much I've hurt others in my life. I never meant to and to be honest, I wasn't aware until 'afterwards'. My bottom is too big to fit on anyone's pedestal. I'll slide right off everytime.

You are presenting Ministry here that pierces into the soul but only to purge what does not belong. One thing I've learned is that when I do not forgive someone who has let me down, it becomes a grudge that presses upon someone else. Without intention, someone else bears the brunt of my hurt/disappointment, for it has not been released unto God for healing and forgiveness.

Your message says to let it go, for if we do not it will surely hurt another who has absolutely nothing to do with the one who caused the hurt. It becomes a cycle of hurt and the only 'cut' and sever is to forgive.

You know what God says to us, Precious Wavy... ? He says we are fighting a fight that has already been won. It was won on the Cross where Jesus bled and died.

Precious Wavy, you know what scripture your message has placed into my heart?

"... Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us..."

We've been redeemed...

Just so you know, all that I've shared are the results of the prayers you've prayed; they have borne the fruit you desired to see... in me.

Thank you... :kiss:
I'm so happy that you are my friend! Thank you so much for always encouraging me in the Lord! I love you, girl :love2:
I thought it would bring discussion too, but I didn't want to be the first one as I have somewhat of a different spin on this (as I always do on most things):yep:

The day before you posted this I was thinking really asking God about how much times we have disappointed him (yes, I know he is almighty all knowing) but the thought entered my mind because God forgives us innumerable times yet when people disappoint or hurt us somethimes in the slightest way, we want to sent them to the gallows kwim, we are not willing to forgive them or extend the hand of mercy as God so often does towards us, *sighs*...
I love that you put a different spin on it, yet it all goes together!:yep:

Hurt people...hurt people. So when the time comes for them to extend mercy or forgive those who hurt...they turn away because of the walls that have been put up around us.

I pray that the Lord will bring those walls down!!!! We need to be able to move ahead in the giftings that the Lord has given to us so that we can be effective in the Kingdom.
This reminds of this song...

Time and time again, I know I failedYouIt left me feeling weak and all alone
But then You came and reached for me,with mercyYou gave me back the strength to carryon

And when I think about Your love, I'mso amazedThat is why my heart is filled with praiseChorusI'm filled with praise

When I think of how You love meI'm filled with praise

When I think about Your mercyAnd I am overwhelmedAnd Your power and Your grace
My heart's revealed, and I am filled withpraise(Repeat all)

Lord, I am filled with praise I'm filled with praiseWhen I think of how You love me
I'm filled with praise
When I think about Your mercyAnd I am overwhelmedAnd Your power and Your graceMy heart's revealed, and I am filled withpraise(Repeat 3x)

Thank you @Iwanthealthyhair67 ...

Time and again, I have disappointed 'Hiim. Yet His love has never failed to forgive and sustain me. The love of Jesus never ceases in our lives.
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I have a question for all of you that I'm hoping someone can help me with. Is it really forgiveness if you tell yourself you forgave the person that hurts you but you yourself are still hurting inside? When you forgive the person, are you suppose to still be hurting by what they've done to you?
premed, I think both Shimmie and Lucieloo have answered this great question precisely. :yep:

Your heart is not 'random', it's not without the need for healing. Healing does take time. Forgiveness is not holding the 'other person(s)' to blame for the hurt any longer. Each day, is a day and a moment closer to being free from the pain.

Even while Jesus was dying upon the Cross, His pain was beyond anyone's imagination, let alone the humiliation and the torment and chiding from those surrounding him. Yet in His utter pain, He prayed: "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."

So yes, while in pain you can still be in forgiveness; it means releasing them from the blame of your pain and focus and praise God for your healing heart.


I am going to say yes and no...It depends on the emotion that you feel. Now sometimes people say "hurt" but it's really anger. If you have forgiven the person then it should be no anger involved toward them . Meaning you should be able to be in their presence or think about them and sincerely love them even though what they did was wrong.

I will use my testimony. I was sexually abused for years as a child. Now I have forgiven the people who did that to me, but I am still dealing with the effects that it has had on my life. Like sometimes not wanting to trust people as much or not wanting to let myself become vunerable to anyone in fear of being hurt. God is still healing that part of me, because it was apart of me for so long. Now I have forgiven them, but I am still dealing with the consquences of an action they did. Like if someone gets in a car accident and becomes paralyzed. They may have forgiven the driver, but it does not change the fact they are paralyzed. So if you are dealing with the hurt/effects of an incident that someone did, but it does not affect your relationship or your heart towards them, then that does not mean you have not forgiven. I hope this help sis! love you :yep:
I know through my offenses God has taught me what it means to truly love. The biblical kind of love. When in 1st Cor 13 it says love endures all things, hopes all things , BEARS all things. It is easy to love someone when they are kind, but what about when they are ugly to you? That is what God has taught and still is teaching me.

But when it came to offenses, I not only looked at the other person, but I looked at myself. The bible says to the pure all things are pure. So alot of time I would get offended because I would make assumptions about things. So God taught me to look at things purely first instead of always letting negativity be my first thought. He is still teaching me this too :lol:.

But one thing I learn to do is not love people for what they can do for me or how they can make me feel. I purpose to love. Me loving someone has nothing to do with me, but it has everything to do with God because God is love. And with that mindset, it keep me from getting offended alot of times:yep:
THIS ^^^. I think that when we have this mindset, we will not get offended easily when people hurt us.

Very good post!:yep:
It can be hard sometimes to not get offended, especially being in the ministry. But...I press in to God and know that "All things work together for good to those who love the Lord and are the called according to His purpose." I take the hurt and give it to God...I have to because if I don't, I will not want to help anyone.
Love it....love it!!!

This reminds of this song...

Time and time again, I know I failedYouIt left me feeling weak and all alone
But then You came and reached for me,with mercyYou gave me back the strength to carryon

And when I think about Your love, I'mso amazedThat is why my heart is filled with praiseChorusI'm filled with praise

When I think of how You love meI'm filled with praise

When I think about Your mercyAnd I am overwhelmedAnd Your power and Your grace
My heart's revealed, and I am filled withpraise(Repeat all)

Lord, I am filled with praise I'm filled with praiseWhen I think of how You love me
I'm filled with praise
When I think about Your mercyAnd I am overwhelmedAnd Your power and Your graceMy heart's revealed, and I am filled withpraise(Repeat 3x)
THIS ^^^. I think that when we have this mindset, we will not get offended easily when people hurt us.

Very good post!:yep:

:yep:. People think when we love other people that it only benefits them only. But when we love, it helps us too. It helps us to forget about ourselves and look toward the things of others. Love stops bitterness, strife and envy from dwelling in our hearts. That's why all of our relationships whether marriage, friends, children etc have to be God-centered. When it's centered around God, no matter what happens we will always resort back to the thing that fuels the relationship, which is God. There is no room for flesh and emotions.

When we love by purpose, it keeps your love for that person consistent. Think about a father, when he see his child for the first time in the delievery room, he says/think "This is my daughter/son, I love them". Someone may say how can you love them, when you just met them. Because that father purposed to love that child, because that child belongs to him, and that is the role of a father to love. So no matter what that child did the father will never stop loving that child. He may be upset or hurt, but he wont stop loving them. God love for us has nothing to do with a feeling, emotion or our "goodness", because he loved us before we even came into the word. His loved was purposed, and pre- ordained . I am not married and dont know who I will marry but I already love my husband :look:, because I have purposed to already in my heart.

Our role as a Christian is to love.Jesus said you will know my disciples because of the love they show to one another. The bible says love will cover a multitude of sins. Love is powerful. When we fully learn to love..nothing can stop us.

Sorry, not trying to preach :lol:
:yep:. People think when we love other people that it only benefits them only. But when we love, it helps us too. It helps us to forget about ourselves and look toward the things of others. Love stops bitterness, strife and envy from dwelling in our hearts. That's why all of our relationships whether marriage, friends, children etc have to be God-centered. When it's centered around God, no matter what happens we will always resort back to the thing that fuels the relationship, which is God. There is no room for flesh and emotions.

When we love by purpose, it keeps your love for that person consistent. Think about a father, when he see his child for the first time in the delievery room, he says/think "This is my daughter/son, I love them". Someone may say how can you love them, when you just met them. Because that father purposed to love that child, because that child belongs to him, and that is the role of a father to love. So no matter what that child did the father will never stop loving that child. He may be upset or hurt, but he wont stop loving them. God love for us has nothing to do with a feeling, emotion or our "goodness", because he loved us before we even came into the word. His loved was purposed, and pre- ordained . I am not married and dont know who I will marry but I already love my husband :look:, because I have purposed to already in my heart.

Our role as a Christian is to love.Jesus said you will know my disciples because of the love they show to one another. The bible says love will cover a multitude of sins. Love is powerful. When we fully learn to love..nothing can stop us.

Sorry, not trying to preach :lol:
No.....please continue:yep:
It can be hard sometimes to not get offended, especially being in the ministry. But...I press in to God and know that "All things work together for good to those who love the Lord and are the called according to His purpose." I take the hurt and give it to God...I have to because if I don't, I will not want to help anyone.

Yeeesssssss! Bolded is so true. I've been there! Multiple times :lol: But God had to teach me to do ALL things unto Him. Never do it for the acceptance of man. So when I have to let things go and my flesh wants to do the opposite, I let it go. I don't always do it for the other person, but I do it unto Him. I may say "God I don't "feel" this person deserves it but if this your will, I will do it". Keeping "Jesus" in view helps alot too...

I love this thread! :grin:
Amen, so have I. What works best for me is not trying to guess what someone meant when they said or did something, going to God immediately helps for me cause I want to continue to 'receive' from that person.

Yeeesssssss! Bolded is so true. I've been there! Multiple times :lol: But God had to teach me to do ALL things unto Him. Never do it for the acceptance of man. So when I have to let things go and my flesh wants to do the opposite, I let it go. I don't always do it for the other person, but I do it unto Him. I may say "God I don't "feel" this person deserves it but if this your will, I will do it". Keeping "Jesus" in view helps alot too...

I love this thread! :grin:
Yeeesssssss! Bolded is so true. I've been there! Multiple times :lol: But God had to teach me to do ALL things unto Him. Never do it for the acceptance of man. So when I have to let things go and my flesh wants to do the opposite, I let it go. I don't always do it for the other person, but I do it unto Him. I may say "God I don't "feel" this person deserves it but if this your will, I will do it". Keeping "Jesus" in view helps alot too...

I love this thread! :grin:
I don't always let it go....sometimes I want to:boxing::brucelee::buttkick::hardslap::lachen:...must be the indian in me:look::lol:

But the Holy Spirit keeps me in check and I'm so ever grateful!
I'm so happy that you are my friend! Thank you so much for always encouraging me in the Lord! I love you, girl :love2:

Seme here always. Folks need to know that when 'Shimmie' calms down, it's because you, Laela, and pebbles have been praying and those prayers of yours are no joke....

I love you too, always. :love3:
What an absolutely, beautiful, on time thread! I haven't been in the CF in a bit and would have missed this. Thanks so much for the mention, Shimmie! :cry4:

Shimmie, for all the times I've let you down, I want you to know that I am truly sorry. I love you always. :kiss:

Nice & Wavy, thank-you for this thread. I was reading the original post, and I see me, for I have disappointed countless people, myself included. :Rose:

I continue to marvel at the works of GOD. HE never fails to answer prayers. :yep:
What an absolutely, beautiful, on time thread! I haven't been in the CF in a bit and would have missed this. Thanks so much for the mention, Shimmie! :cry4:

Shimmie, for all the times I've let you down, I want you to know that I am truly sorry. I love you always. :kiss:

Nice & Wavy, thank-you for this thread. I was reading the original post, and I see me, for I have disappointed countless people, myself included. :Rose:

I continue to marvel at the works of GOD. HE never fails to answer prayers. :yep:

I love you Precious Pebs... You've never failed me. God knows I've given you more reason to pray than anyone else on this forum... :lol:

Sisters forever... :love3:

Ladies, thank you for answering from the bottom of my heart!


You know what pre_medicalrulz ?

Your screen name speaks volumes ... Pre Medical...rules. It's says that healing has a 'pre' stage, and a process that takes time and learning, in the end, it's the healing process that rules.

You are healed dear one...the process has already taken place and shall rule your heart with love and healing for all that has hurt you.

To God be the glory...

You know what pre_medicalrulz ?

Your screen name speaks volumes ... Pre Medical...rules. It's says that healing has a 'pre' stage, and a process that takes time and learning, in the end, it's the healing process that rules.

You are healed dear one...the process has already taken place and shall rule your heart with love and healing for all that has hurt you.

To God be the glory...


That was beautiful Shimmie! Thank you so much!

This is an on-time thread... lots of words of wisdom shared. I've been on both sides of offense and believe it happens to everyone at some point or another. The key is to have a forgiving spirit... roll with the punches and keep it moving. That is not to say be non-chalant about people's feelings, but can't live life trying to please people.

I don't always let it go....sometimes I want to:boxing::brucelee::buttkick::hardslap::lachen:...must be the indian in me:look::lol:

But the Holy Spirit keeps me in check and I'm so ever grateful!
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