
New Member
That is where I am at...
I have tried moisture treatments, still breaks...
protein treatments, still breaks...
Some are shedding long hairs, bulbs attached, but most are short hairs from 1/4" to 4".

My wet/dry strand test is mixed... some hairs weak, some strong...
Porosity test good... strands floats...

I have had a physical...good there...
exercise 3 days a week
drink plenty of water
eat very healthy
drink protein shakes
take Vit.
touch-up every 7 to 8 weeks(any longer, my hair can not take it)
I have 4 b hair

Products I mainly use are:

SheaMoisture Shea Butter Shampoo
Motions Moisture Plus Conditioner
Cantu Leave-in
Seal with serum or oil

I have used some protein not a lot... mainly before and after touch-up...
I have increased my protein since this problem started and I always followed by a moisturizing treatment but, I still get the same results, breakage...

I wash once a week
only use heat for deep conditioning and to dry roller sets
I wear protective styles 4 to 5 days a week, usually a bun(not in the same position), or one large french braid in the back...
Dusted my ends, even though they look good...

I only comb about twice a week, wash day and to change my protective style...
I moisturize and seal almost every day...
Wear a satin bonnet or silk scarf at night...

On wash day my hair does good, no excessive breakage/shedding during the rollerset...
After my hair is dry from the hooded dryer and I start removing the rollers, do I see the little hairs falling on the sink... I don't know why this happens

I guess I just have to hope it goes away in it's own time, I have tried and done everything I can...

The oil rinses have helped, my hair can now be combed without hitting tangles and hearing pop, pop, pop with each section I comb... :lachen: now I hear an occasional pop, and only hit a snag that I detangle with my fingers... but still breakage when I comb...

What kind of hair problems is this?... It seems like it has reach terminal length and will now self destruct:nervous2: :pullhair: :help: :help: :bricks: :drowning:

Well, that's when I am at...
I welcome any sympathy and any thing. you care to share or add..
I'm not picky at all:lachen:...

Thanks Ladies
Do you think its a particular product....I notice that with certain products I get more shed hair when rinsing.
Have you tried henna yet? I did a protein treatment last week and the breakage was still there. I did a henna treatment a few days ago and it stopped dramatically.
Do you think its a particular product....I notice that with certain products I get more shed hair when rinsing.

Ditto. Even techniques can sometimes be dammaging. Like, it doesn't matter what I do, my hair only like oil mixed into the deep conditioners. No oil rinsing, no hot oil treatments, etc.
Hey LadyZ I can't offer any advice but would just like to tell you that you are not alone. :nono: I am going thru this now as well. :yep: I'm also really glad you started this thread and am looking forward to the advice.
Sorry to hear that you are going through this and I know how frustrating it can be.

It seems like you are doing everything right so I agree with another poster and that it may be the products that you are using.

Good luck and keep us updated as to what you decided to do and the outcome.
Another thing Lady....motions moisture plus has alot of silicone. You don't have any build up do you?

You might want to try experimenting one new product.

For example..........

Try a new moisturizing conditioner. Try it for a couple of washes and see if it helps. If you notice any positive differences then keep it. Some conditioners can cause more problems, even if your hair feels okay with it.

I like ORS mayo, I think its a good protein conditioner BUT I have noticed that I lose ALOT of hair when I use it. Even though my hair feels great after rinsing and drying, I still lose alot of hair.
Do you think its a particular product....I notice that with certain products I get more shed hair when rinsing.

I tried different products and mixing them around... I keep a hair journal and I thought it was Moistureplus, because that's what mainly changed in my rgimen ... so I stopped using it and nothing changed...

Have you tried henna yet? I did a protein treatment last week and the breakage was still there. I did a henna treatment a few days ago and it stopped dramatically..

I have not tried it... I was afraid of it because I thought you could not use it with relaxed hair... It sounds like a very good product... I see all the great reviews about it... I must investigate it a little and try it... nothing else has helped....


Hey LadyZ I can't offer any advice but would just like to tell you that you are not alone. :nono: I am going thru this now as well. :yep: I'm also really glad you started this thread and am looking forward to the advice.

It is so frustrating... I used Silk Elements yesterday and my hair felt so good wet, soft, silky, hardly no shed/breakage hairs during roller set... I thought this was what my hair needed, and then soon as I am dry and remove the rollers... there the little hairs are again:wallbash:... I will throw in the towel soon and let nature takes it's course... But I will continue with a good hair regimen though...


Yes, I have clarified also... Same thing:nono:
I battled & overcame breakage!

First - CLARIFY - it may just be build-up. If not:
Second - MAYO-EGG TREATMENT - This very simple step resolved my breakage within 2 treatments.
- Pre-poo with Mayo mixed with 2 Eggs. Leave in your hair covered with a plastic bag. NO HEAT! for 15-20mins. Rinse, shampoo and continue with a moisturizing DC. Rnse DC with cool water
- Also, as i'm stretching, I'm noticing that daily moisturizing with coconut oil keeps my hair soft & stops breakage. TRY IT!

Lemme know how it all works out. This tride & true ritual has always stopped my breakage.
What are some good moisturizing Conditioner...
This is what I have in my stash(PJ):

Aussie Moist
Freeman Seakelp Moisture,
10 en 1 rinse
Herbal Essence Hello Hydra
Garnier For permed/color treated hair
DPR 11
Garnier long n Strength
Fiberguard Substenance
Garnier Moistrure works
Dove Moisture rich color
Lustrasilk Aloe Vera, Shea Butter, Tea tree
Optimum Stay Strong
Bio Infusion Hydrate Balm
Silk Elements Cholesterol

Some of these have a little proetein in them...
All this and still breaking:lachen::spinning::drunk::nono:
What are some good moisturizing Conditioner...
This is what I have in my stash(PJ):

Aussie Moist
Freeman Seakelp Moisture,
10 en 1 rinse
Herbal Essence Hello Hydra
Garnier For permed/color treated hair
DPR 11
Garnier long n Strength
Fiberguard Substenance
Garnier Moistrure works
Dove Moisture rich color
Lustrasilk Aloe Vera, Shea Butter, Tea tree
Optimum Stay Strong
Bio Infusion Hydrate Balm
Silk Elements Cholesterol

Some of these have a little proetein in them...
All this and still breaking:lachen::spinning::drunk::nono:

It will get better but sometimes you have to wait it out. I can only vouch for what I have used. I used silk elements cholesterol after every wash for a couple of weeks with great results. The shea butter lustrasilk works well for me as a pre poo.
I battled & overcame breakage!

First - CLARIFY - it may just be build-up. If not:
Second - MAYO-EGG TREATMENT - This very simple step resolved my breakage within 2 treatments.
- Pre-poo with Mayo mixed with 2 Eggs. Leave in your hair covered with a plastic bag. NO HEAT! for 15-20mins. Rinse, shampoo and continue with a moisturizing DC. Rnse DC with cool water
- Also, as i'm stretching, I'm noticing that daily moisturizing with coconut oil keeps my hair soft & stops breakage. TRY IT!

Lemme know how it all works out. This tride & true ritual has always stopped my breakage.
I did clarify yesterday...
I did one treatment with the egg/mayo... but did not try it a second time..
I will try it next wash time which will be on Friday unfortunately....
Ditto. Even techniques can sometimes be dammaging. Like, it doesn't matter what I do, my hair only like oil mixed into the deep conditioners. No oil rinsing, no hot oil treatments, etc.

My hair seems to be loving the oils... which is a good thing...
Hair is so frustrating, when it is does not do right...
Sorry to hear that you are going through this and I know how frustrating it can be.

It seems like you are doing everything right so I agree with another poster and that it may be the products that you are using.

Good luck and keep us updated as to what you decided to do and the outcome.

Thanks, I think it might be the Motions:perplexed

I will up date on this mess I have...
I've been dealing with the same issues.
I think I'm gonna try the egg/mayo thing tomorrow.
But it could just be time for a good old fashioned trim.:perplexed
Well, I think you still have too much protein going on in your regimen and not nearly enough moisture. Looking over your products, I see protein (Cantu) (egg/mayo), silicones (Motions conditioner), and other sealants (oil, serum). Not really seeing where you are getting any moisture in girl! You said you moisturize regularly . . . what are you using for that? :grin:

Alot of times, when folks say "Well, I've tried moisture and I've tried protein" the moisture trial wasn't given the proper chance. :grin: You can't really think of protein and moisture as a 1 to 1 sort of deal. A protein treatment or product totally overrules a moisturizing deep conditioning most of the time. It usually takes several deep conditionings with moisture on a protein-less regimen to get moisture levels right again-- then you have to maintain that level. Protein treatments can last for weeks on the hair b/c they are able to form strong bonds on the shaft, but moisture evaporates very easily since the bonds it forms are generally weak. That's why a regimen should be more moisture heavy than protein heavy-- I'd say almost 80-90% moisture, 10-20% protein.

I really think that you should invest in a really good moisturizing shampoo and deep conditioner combo. Not Dove. Not Motions. Not ElastaQP. Not Pantene-- I mean a good salon quality moisturizing shampoo and deep conditioner. To me, I think you can skimp on the other products in your regimen, but a good deep conditioner can make up for alot slack. Like Gym said, the "cones" in the Motions make it an "aight" moisturizing conditioner. I wouldn't expect it to deliver you from a moisture deficiency.

You did right to clarify, but I think you should go cold turkey on the protein until further notice. Focus on replenishing the moisture levels in your hair. That means, you may need to clarify again to get rid of the silicone product buildup on your hair from your conditioner, oil, and serum. The Cantu will need to be put on hold b/c that's more protein.
Well, I think you still have too much protein going on in your regimen and not nearly enough moisture. Looking over your products, I see protein (Cantu) (egg/mayo), silicones (Motions conditioner), and other sealants (oil, serum). Not really seeing where you are getting any moisture in girl! You said you moisturize regularly . . . what are you using for that? :grin:

Alot of times, when folks say "Well, I've tried moisture and I've tried protein" the moisture trial wasn't given the proper chance. :grin: You can't really think of protein and moisture as a 1 to 1 sort of deal. A protein treatment or product totally overrules a moisturizing deep conditioning most of the time. It usually takes several deep conditionings with moisture on a protein-less regimen to get moisture levels right again-- then you have to maintain that level. Protein treatments can last for weeks on the hair b/c they are able to form strong bonds on the shaft, but moisture evaporates very easily since the bonds it forms are generally weak. That's why a regimen should be more moisture heavy than protein heavy-- I'd say almost 80-90% moisture, 10-20% protein.

I really think that you should invest in a really good moisturizing shampoo and deep conditioner combo. Not Dove. Not Motions. Not ElastaQP. Not Pantene-- I mean a good salon quality moisturizing shampoo and deep conditioner. To me, I think you can skimp on the other products in your regimen, but a good deep conditioner can make up for alot slack. Like Gym said, the "cones" in the Motions make it an "aight" moisturizing conditioner. I wouldn't expect it to deliver you from a moisture deficiency.

You did right to clarify, but I think you should go cold turkey on the protein until further notice. Focus on replenishing the moisture levels in your hair. That means, you may need to clarify again to get rid of the silicone product buildup on your hair from your conditioner, oil, and serum. The Cantu will need to be put on hold b/c that's more protein.


Thank you Sista... I will definately purchase some and I am going to your 101 thread now to find a list of products...

What do you recommend?

Thank you
:wallbash: Aww man, I bought Cantu Oil Moisturizer and Motions Moisture Plus because I thought it was good??? It's the only way I could comb through my hair. Should I just dump this product all together or how should I use it where it will be beneficial to my hair??
What are you using as a clarifier? Make sure to use a chelating shampoo to detox your hair and then hit it with a quality deep moisturizing conditioner.

Also some things to think about:

1. Where you are having breakage could be points on your hair prior to you starting to take care of your hair -- the older ends of your hair. If the breakage is occurring on the ends, that could be why.

2. Not only are products important, but combs, your nails, and your hands are important as well. I have ripped my hair from those three things. Although it sounds crazy, I actually have to wear salon gloves when I manipulate my hair. My hands are dry and rough and they snag my hair. Also, my nails are always cracking so they snag my hair if I don't wear gloves when I wash. Most importantly, my combs were ripping my hair and causing splits. I believe these things contribute to splits mid-shaft.

So evaluate the breakage ... how long the pieces are ... and then work on a solution from there.

I am almost positive that you have not reached your terminal length.

Also ... clothing. My clothing has been responsible for ripping up my hair and causing breakage as well.

I am sure you will figure it out.
Maybe you should stop drinking the protein shakes also. I did an avacado mask on my hair and it stopped the breakage and made my hair feel so much better and to clarify I used the Herbal Essence Degunk Shampoo and it was great not too stripping but made my hair feel great.

:bighug: I hope everything turns out great
I agree with Sistaslick. Try to find a moisturizing poo and a moisturizing conditioner(w/ no protein at all) and use this for a while and see what happens:)
Do you think its a particular product....I notice that with certain products I get more shed hair when rinsing.

I tried different products and mixing them around... I keep a hair journal and I thought it was Moistureplus, because that's what mainly changed in my rgimen ... so I stopped using it and nothing changed...

Have you tried henna yet? I did a protein treatment last week and the breakage was still there. I did a henna treatment a few days ago and it stopped dramatically..

I have not tried it... I was afraid of it because I thought you could not use it with relaxed hair... It sounds like a very good product... I see all the great reviews about it... I must investigate it a little and try it... nothing else has helped....


Hey LadyZ I can't offer any advice but would just like to tell you that you are not alone. :nono: I am going thru this now as well. :yep: I'm also really glad you started this thread and am looking forward to the advice.

It is so frustrating... I used Silk Elements yesterday and my hair felt so good wet, soft, silky, hardly no shed/breakage hairs during roller set... I thought this was what my hair needed, and then soon as I am dry and remove the rollers... there the little hairs are again:wallbash:... I will throw in the towel soon and let nature takes it's course... But I will continue with a good hair regimen though...


Yes, I have clarified also... Same thing:nono:

It could be that you need an moisture based leave in.

My hair will do the same. When I take out the rollers the little hairs are there.

I started using moisture leave ins especially on the end like pink oil or olive oil and no more. I didnt have enough moisture in my life.:grin:

Thank you Sista... I will definately purchase some and I am going to your 101 thread now to find a list of products...

What do you recommend?

Thank you

For moisture . . . it's Kenra hands down. KeraCare is also a good line, but if your hair is iffy about mineral oil you may not do well with it. Kenra to me is the better bet if moisture is your goal. :yep:
:wallbash: Aww man, I bought Cantu Oil Moisturizer and Motions Moisture Plus because I thought it was good??? It's the only way I could comb through my hair. Should I just dump this product all together or how should I use it where it will be beneficial to my hair??

If you're not having any dryness issues with those products then I don't see why you'd have to stop using them.:yep: The Motions might start to become more of a problem since it is supposed to be doing all of your major conditioning and cones kinda stand in the way of that.

What are the ingredients and consistency of that moisturizer? If you find alot of coating ingredients-- cones, waxes, oils, or the overall texture and consistency is more sticky, oily, or thick then it might be better to use the moisturizer more like a sealant in those cases.