When LHCF Spills Into Real Life...


Well-Known Member
Ok. So maybe I'm the only crazy person here. But a few nights ago I was watching a...*ahem* coloring movie with my SO. As soon as it came on I gasped. This chick had on a waist length weave with no edges...at all. I couldn't focus. All I could pay attention to was her lack of of a hairline. Needless to say, I went and massaged my edges with castor oil after that and no coloring session followed.

I know I'm not the only one thats been unable to live a normal life since joining this site. Stories!

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I have a similar story. Homegirl had on a straight phony pony, but the rest of her head was a natural 4a/b texture. SMH!! She was rockin the mic and all I could do was laugh at her hair.
I have been there. I have watched those movies too and though damn her hair is jacked or wow I really like her hair I wonder if I she used flexi rods
lol yea I've had to change so many coloring movies because of chicks with broke down edges... roflmao its so funny to me though.
I was at work today and the News was on. Everyone else was listening to the information, and I was asking if any of the ladies new the name of the wig the news anchor was wearing on CNN LOL
kupenda, does our story have to be movie or TV related, or do you want to hear stories in general about when LHCF spills IRL?
lol i tweet about this all the damn time!
but seriously, i can't get it up if your hairline is missing or looks like the mcdonalds sign.
I'm UE with my porn preferences. hmph.

I will say castor oil on the edges is very very useful and I tell people all the time. I have brought it for the girls on my job who ask me. I also advise them on garlic pills for breakage and water for moisture. So yeah since joining you really can't tell me nothing.

I call "coloring movies" TUTORIALS
Stormy anything at all! All stories are welcome. I just had to let this out. It was killing me! I had the face of disgust the whoooolllleeee time.

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I will say castor oil on the edges is very very useful and I tell people all the time. I have brought it for the girls on my job who ask me. I also advise them on garlic pills for breakage and water for moisture. So yeah since joining you really can't tell me nothing.

I call "coloring movies" TUTORIALS

I know I ain't the only one who calls men "Kangs" IRL. I even got DH doing it.

And DD can spot micros with no edges faster than I can. She looks over at me every time and says "Mama, that why you won't let me get micros, right?"

If you don't like your position, change it. You are not a tree!
:lachen: lmbo! that is hilarious! I have paused mid-color to reposition my satin covered pillow. Too much rubbing, I could FEEL damage being done!
:lachen: lmbo! that is hilarious! I have paused mid-color to reposition my satin covered pillow. Too much rubbing, I could FEEL damage being done!

Oh...Lord I thought I was the only one!!! :lachen::lachen: I have litterally thought to myself mid-color "Wow, this new satin bonnet is so awesome...it's not slipping an Inch!!" :rofl:
During my niece's labor, once of the nurse's who delivered the baby had the prettiest weave. I actually told her while my niece was pushing that by the end of all of this, she was going to tell me who did her hair and what type of hair it was. I was even offended that she beleived there were more important things to do at the time.
During my niece's labor, once of the nurse's who delivered the baby had the prettiest weave. I actually told her while my niece was pushing that by the end of all of this, she was going to tell me who did her hair and what type of hair it was. I was even offended that she beleived there were more important things to do at the time.

Ha! You were offended tho lol

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lol i tweet about this all the damn time!
but seriously, i can't get it up if your hairline is missing or looks like the mcdonalds sign.
I'm UE with my porn preferences. hmph.

I'm with you. If I'm gonna buy into the bs that porn women are the sexiest, the least they could do is make sure that the girl actually is sexier than me!

Another pet peeve of mine is when the girls have visible breast implant scars. Umm yea, there is makeup for that :yep:
Ummm... The best story is that DH knows the names I gave my hair pieces. He occasionally requests them by name before coloring :lol:
Ok, so um...elephant in the room here. Is a "coloring movie" another term for porno? Sorry, just trying to keep up here :/