When its time to get rid of your hairstylist/what are some triggers??


Well-Known Member
when was it the time that you felt it was for you to change hairstylist or either start doing your own hair at home?

What ive noticed recently with the hairstylist that she has started mentioning alot about how i need to trim my hair..how the longer my hair gets the thinner it gets...

I stopped allowing her to cut my hair back in May so my short cut is growing out...one thing i do notice about it is that my hairstyles dont last any longer than 2 to 4 days when she does my hair, i workout alot(so this had alot to do with me wanting to grow my hair out), and plus ive seen her other people that have short hair that she does and all of the hairstyles(i mean every last one) come out looking the same....
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It might be time to switch and since you're in Atlanta I suggest you check out Balisi. She does a great job and she's also on the board.
I saw my stylist every 2 weeks for years. I started going to her when I was in high school. When I went away to college I still went to her when I came home for breaks. When I moved back home about a year after graduation I started going to her again.

The last time I saw her was in March of this year. I called her a few days after Easter to cancel my next appointment and tell her that I wasn't going to come in anymore. I started telling her in '05 that I wanted her to trim less hair, and less often.

She just would not let me retain length. In '05 after I started taking better care of my ends and I saw fewer splits I thought I was all set. I started asking her to trim every other relaxer touch-up instead of every touch-up.

Apparently she had a Jekyll/Hyde personality that had been lying dormant all of those years, until I told her that I don't want as many trims and I want less hair cut when I do get a trim. At touch-ups I didn't know whether I was going to get Jekyll or Hyde.

She yelled at me when I told her that I don't want my hair to stay the same length. There were times when she just trimmed, and there were times when she cut. I was nice, naive, and trusting, and I kept giving her chances, thinking that she would learn and I would be able to stop explaining to her what I wanted.

In April I started washing, deep conditioning, and rollersetting my own hair at home. I'm going to a salon for my next touch-up. It will be a new salon where I got a wash, deep condition and rollerset a couple of months ago.
Actual events:

1. When your stylist tells you not to bring in pics. She doesn't "do" pics.
2. When she tells you you look a "hot mess" in front of her coworkers and other clients.
3. When she tells you that she won't color your hair if all you plan to do is wear it in a ponytail.
4. When she tells you that if you want a haircut, go to someone else but if you do that, stay with that person because she doesn't work behind someone's "sloppy seconds".
5. When your stylist is having a conversation with another stylist about the demons she is seeing running around her house.
6. When your told that to continue seeing this stylist, you need to grow your hair long because she doesn't "do" short hair.
7. When all you see is them rollersetting everybody's hair.
8. When your stylist is telling someone that her wrist is so messed up that she dropped the hot comb in a clients lap the other day.
9. When your told you don't need a trim knowing good and well you do.
10. When they lie and tell you that they know how to point cut and you come out looking like someone cut your hair with a lawnmower.


I could go on and on...I've been through a lot of stylists and most of them have been extremely weird.
oh my, at the above! :-o

I'm getting to the point where I'm ready to leave my stylist. She never has anything positive to say, I only hear the negatives. I think that my hair has come around full circle since I've started seeing her, and she never acknowledges it. One time I told her my hair was shedding a little more than usual (i had recently began taking vits for the first time so I thought this may be the culprit), and she asked if I was using the universal styling creme she had sold me last time. I said not really --that I didn't like the consitancy too much. I told her what I was using (a good moisturizer without mineral oil or petroleum) and she got all mad, saying that these wouldn't penetrate my hair shaft, and thats why I was shedding. I asked her if there was anything else she could recommend, and she said no. THEN she called her daughter over and took off her shower cap to show me her long hair. It was way down her back. I was just like... okay?

One of the first times I went to her, after the relaxer was finished, she started trimming my hair (which she never even asked me first). But that was fine, because I love trims, and I don't hold onto bad ends. But as she gets to the top of my head, she must have lost her mind! When she turned me back around to face the mirror, to my shock, she had CUT my bangs significantly!! And they also appeared to have been thinned out too. I was looking a MESS. They were about right in the middle of my forhead. She also cut my EDGES so short that for a long time they would stick straight up and wouldn't lay down without product. I didn't really realize the extent to the damage until I got home and really examined my hair. I had to wear a piece of weave in the front of my head for months until it filled back in/grew to an acceptable length. :(

This last time, was no different. She asked how my hair was doing, I said fine, and that I was considering cutting my hair b/c my hair is very fine/thin and the longer it gets the thinner it gets. But I said that I wanted to wait a little while longer until all my layers and bangs grew out a little so that I could get an even cut. She started going thru my hair to base it before the relaxer. She got to the left side of my head, where my hair is slightly thinner (I think from wrapping in one direction for all my life) and then she was like "I think, if you continue to wait, the rest of your hair will cut out like this here. It's called a graduated cut... where your hair cuts itself." I didn't say anything because I know my hair isn't cuting out. It's in pretty good condition now, and I know my hair better than she does cause I deal with it on the daily.

The only reason I stay with her is because I work at Dillards, and it's the Aveda salon in the Dillards mall so I get a 25% discount of services & products.. I figure that if I give her specific direction on what I am looking for, and what she can and can't do, then it should be fine, cause the relaxers are great. But she dang sure won't get her hands on my hair when I'm ready for that cut!
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