When I wear my hair like... I feel like


Well-Known Member
I know I can't be the only one that feels a certain something when they wear their hair a certain way.

When I wear my hair in a high bun/updo and have curls at the side I feel like a regency era aristocrat(except you know black) :look: :lol: or I feel like a Roman woman or goddess.

Please tell me I'm not the only person that feels like this. Idk if it's weird or not
Nope, I feel the same way. When I wear my pin tuck and roll 'do, I feel retro and I usually wear my clothes and accessories to match that.
Nope, I feel the same way. When I wear my pin tuck and roll 'do, I feel retro and I usually wear my clothes and accessories to match that.

that sounds so cute! One day I'll master pin curls and wear retro clothes to match.
When my hair is soaking wet and hanging I feel like a siren. :lol:
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When I wear my high bun I feel regal and I have been told it looks regal. I stand up straighter and it gives me an instant "lift". Any high "dos" have a tendency to do this to me.

When I wear mu hair kinda natural and wild, I feel sexy :)

When I wear my hair straight and down, I don't feel so hot:ohwell:
When I wear my hair in a puff, I feel young which is a great thing when one is in their 30s. When I wear my wash and go, I feel like a hipster because of the way it is shaped. My SO also loves when I do my wash and go with a lighter gel that gives me less hang.
So true..when I rock my vintage hair styles..I feel glamourous..sophisticated and feel like a star lol
When I wear my hair in a nice round afro I feel pretty and well put together. Especially if it's short and neat.

I think many people still think that women who wear afros are hard and militant, so when I smile and speak politely, it throws them for a loop. I get lots of love from folks when I'm wearing an afro. :)

Plus, there's something about my fro that makes by SO crazy. :) The man talks about my afro like it has a life of it's own.
Cute..when I wear my hair pin straight (no bump) i feel super sexy...when I wear my hair curly I always wear a hat & feel super cute & sporty :)
When I wear my hair down and straight --i feel some kinda sexy, cuz I get lots of swang and brothers be watching as I flip it--and when you're 50, that's a sweet feeling! Don't mess with me!
When I wear a low side bun, I feel like a tango dancer. I want to put a flower in my hair, put on some sexy, strappy heels, and conjure up the few bits of Spanish that I learned back in high school.
When I wear a high, sleek bun, I feel like an evil queen. I do not know why, but I do. I put on all this eyeliner and start looking at people like they're bugs. Everyone around me annoys the heck out of me, and in my head, I start referring to them as "idiots" and "fools". It's like I just can't be nice when I'm wearing that hairstyle, so I don't wear it all that often.

And when I wear my hair down with lots of body, I feel like Beyonce in the Crazy in Love video. I walk with an excessive amount of bounce, smile at everyone, and move my head around alot for no damn reason.

I'm sure people think I'm schizophrenic or something. :ohwell:
When I wear my hair out and free in a wash and go, I feel like myself, extra confident, sexy, beautiful.:)

When I wear my hair slicked back in a low ponytail or bun with a part I feel mature and sophisticated and like I have somewhere important to go :lol: (this is my job interview look)

When I wear my hair up in a high ponytail or bun I feel like I look young because that's when teenage guys tend to try holla. :ohwell:

When I wear my hair straight i don't feel like myself but for the first few days when it's freshly done and looks the best I feel sexy, confident and beautiful.

When I wear a hat, depending on how well the hat compliments my outfit, and what my hair looks like underneath the hat I can either feel not so hot and confident, or just as confident as I normally do.

ETA: I wanted to be extra and put pics as examples of each hairstyle but then I felt lazy. :lol: You can see a hat look in my siggy though.:)
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When I wear my hair in a bun, I feel like a little girl, or asexual (the only thing that fixes this is being able to 'swoop' my edges, and I can't because they've been acting weird lately). :(
When I wear my hair out during a stretch, i feel like sexy, messy-chic, free, Lisa Bonet-like :D
When I wear my hair completely straight (like right after a relaxer), I feel effortlessly sexy, carefree (because i don't have to worry about frizz, tangling, etc.)...I just wake up looking fabulous. No effort.
Lately I've been rocking the curls, and it's been making me feel tres sexy! Getting the extra "How-you-doin?" eye from all kinds of men hasn't hurt--most importantly from my DH, who has been supportive through every phase of my HHJ.
When I wear a high, sleek bun, I feel like an evil queen. I do not know why, but I do. I put on all this eyeliner and start looking at people like they're bugs. Everyone around me annoys the heck out of me, and in my head, I start referring to them as "idiots" and "fools". It's like I just can't be nice when I'm wearing that hairstyle, so I don't wear it all that often.

And when I wear my hair down with lots of body, I feel like Beyonce in the Crazy in Love video. I walk with an excessive amount of bounce, smile at everyone, and move my head around alot for no damn reason.

I'm sure people think I'm schizophrenic or something. :ohwell:

Girl, you just made me LOL so loud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, I think most of us develop a corresponding personality our hair/fashion choices.
When I wear my hair in a simple bun, I feel plain and ordinary. However, put my transitioning hair in a nice braidout (...even with my roots poking through...), and y'all betta step to the side and let me walk on by, 'cause I'm feelin' great and my hair is on top right now!
When I wear my hair in a high bun or a side high bun (ice cream cone...is what I call it:grin:) I feel like a queen. I feel powerful.

If it's in a curly fro or chunky twistout I feel like a rockstar. :cool:

if I wear a low puff I feel more like a regular person.

When it was straightened I felt very sexy but invisible. But, as it started to get puffy I felt wild. Like a wild child. :lol:
When I wear my hair in a tight bun I feel like a bum, hence why I know longer do it. When in a lose bun, I feel effortless, confident, and laid-back. When I wear my hair out, I feel pretty. :blush3:
I feel sexy when I wear a rollerset with my roots blown out.

I feel cute and sometimes retro when I wear my hair curly. Sometimes I do feel like I look girly rather then womanly with it when it is completely down and curly. I feel like as it gets longer I will feel more sexy with it. Perhaps it's all in my head though.