When do you know it's time to start over?


When do you know it\'s time to start over?

I'm struggling with a decision on cutting my hair. Since my great underprocessing/breakage snafu of about a month ago, my hair has gone steadily downhill. I've tried everything, but it is still breaking/shedding more than I've seen since the time I was overprocessed to the point where I had a bald spot in the back. My hair feels about half as thick as it was before this mishap.

I'm about three inches past shoulder length and am considering doing a hairlove-ish minichop to remove the ends. A hairdresser who lives in my building said that I probably should chop of one inch, but she admitted that women's hair is not her expertise (she went to barber school and says that in Miami Beach there's more money in cutting men's hair than in styling women's) and that I may need more. She said I definitely need a correct relaxer because the longer my hair (roots) seem unprocessed, the more damage I will cause.

I'm really torn because I worked hard to get my length and don't want to see it go down the drain, but I'm tired of having to brush broken hair off my shoulders. Should I go in for a cut or should I trim a little and see how my hair responds?

Re: When do you know it\'s time to start over?

I'm not an expert but it may be time to let it go. I went through this kind of thing, I started wearing a lot of weave in high school and when I went to take it out, my hair was in bad shape...so I chopped and started over with healthy hair, and I recovered

But I haven't seen your hair, maybe you should make an appointment with an expert to see what can be saved but even if you do end up cutting some, it will grow back

Good Luck
Re: When do you know it\'s time to start over?

I agree with LuLu, I think you should have a consultation with a hair care provider to evaluate your predicament.
Re: When do you know it\'s time to start over?

Hi OnlyErin,

Did you ever go back to the Phyto Stylist? He seemed, last time, to be someone that could have been very helpful to your hair care needs. Did you do any proteins or did you stay away from them as he suggested?
Re: When do you know it\'s time to start over?

I agree about a consultation. Have you tried protein conditioners, a reconstructor or wearing you hair in protective styles.
I am currently getting my hair back together after
overprocessing some months ago (I switched relaxers). It has been hard, I have wanted to cut and I still get breakage, but I get over it because I am seeing improvement. What I do is just wash, condition with Aubrey GPB every other week (moisturizing conditioner other times) and use the baggie method (my choice for a protective style). I trim every so often and I am willing to be patient until my hair gets better.
It is your choice whether you want to cut now or live with damaged hair and slowly trim of ends. Just be ready to live with the choice you make. Good luck