When did you BC?


For those who transitioned to natural? When did you do the BC? After how many weeks/months or inches of natural hair?
I bc'd at about 2 months.... hated my hair in the beginning! I had a "bad hair day" every day for 60 days straight..lol Then I learned to pick the right products and now I am loving my hair 7 months later! My hair is now back to the length it was "before" I went natural! Can't wait for my 1 year nappy~anniversary.
I did a partial BC after 7 months. I wanted it all gone but the growth was so uneven my stylist refused. I had around 4 inches at the time. I took a pair of scissors to my head and cut the rest off 3 months later, maybe an extra inch. So total 10 months.
i BC'd after 12 months. i got my last relaxer 6/07 and cut it off 6/08.

my sister didn't really BC, but she transitioned about the same length of time as i did. we cut the last of her relaxed ends off in 7/08...the rest of them broke off from poor haircare and because there was such a huge difference between her bone straight relaxed texture and her 4b natural hair.
I bc'ed in november 2006 after 13 months of transitioning, I don't remember how many inches of hair I had but I was able to sport an afro.
First time: 13 Months
Second time: 9 months with about 4 inches of hair.

Final time (this time): Aiming for 18 months, I'm currently just over 13 months! :grin:
Last relaxer = 8/9/08
I did a partial big chop in July.
i was 9 inches

I did the FULL BC 12.31.2009
now i am 5 inches

I would like to do another BC but down to this:
but more like Addy1030.
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I didn't really transition. If I remember correctly I think I had a relaxer about 5 weeks prior. So I was left with a very very short TWA.
It was 7 months before the cut and I'm pretty sure I cut some non relaxed hair as well since I did it myself. I'm not sure how much new growth I had left because I never measured.
I was actually stretching (quite successfully) for about 6 months and decided I wanted to see my natural hair taken care of--- I BC'ed after 7 1/2 months of care and had about 3.5 inches to start off with. :)