When did you BC?

I BC'd after five or six months between touch ups but it wasn't intentional transitioning. I only touched up my hair twice a year anyway because I had a serious paranoia of the relaxer overlapping. So I had about 4" inches of ng that was still curly after air drying so that's where I chopped. I loved it but I cried like a baby because my hair was longer than MBL at the time...but I have no regrets!:grin:
My last relaxer was 7/12/07....I transitioned for 17th months and BC'd on 12/31/08! So in July 2010 I'll have 3 years of natural hair growth (7/07 - 7/10) and I'm loving it!:grin:
I bc in aug09 after a 3month transition, but when i got to the barber shop i left with a fade (by choice--it looked good to) The pic in my siggy is about 2 month post.
I BCed down to about an inch of hair. I couldn't take the transition much longer than that.

Previous times that I had tried to transition the two textures had caused giant problems. Once I got a massive snarl in my hair after transitioning for like 4 months... had to cut it all off down to almost nothing.

So the last time I transitioned I just hacked all the relaxed hair totally off. That was 3 years ago.
I did my BC at 16months I had enough hair to put it back in a little puff, but I had to use clips for the top part because it was shorter. When my hair was straightened it was barely touching my shoulders.

Here is a pic a few days after the BC I believe

read my siggy

I tried to go a year .... I transitioned for a long as I could take it....I had a few inches after I bc'd...It's a bit longer now of course.....

After I transitioned I wore a wash n go for as long as I could take it...after a few months, combing it became a problem so now i wear two strand twists ...Its ok...Im not two crazy about it...so many have complimented the twist ... but still Im not crazy about it or being natural ...but Im not ready to change the fact that Im natural....I like my hair
I BC'd at 17 1/2 months this past July. I meant to go 18-24 months and got impatient.

I never measured my hair after the chop, and it's very layered. I had enough hair for a puff. My siggy is a pic taken this past November a week or two before Halloween.