When a good hair product smells like roach killer...


Well-Known Member
What do you do? I recently purchased Vitale hair mayo and while it seems to be good stuff, the smell is something else. I plan on adding peppermint oil in it, but the ingredients technically have it in there already...and I'm not sure whether adding sweet smelling cheapies in the mayo will yield forth a clashing funk. What do you do in similar situations?
I simply won't use it. I don't care how good the product is. If it stinks to high heaven and I have to doctor it up like crazy, then I don't wanna be bothered with it. I've always been like that.
I've added essential oils, like lavendar, peppermint and others to doctor up a funky smelling product. Even though it already has some in there, I dont think a few more drops will hurt it, cause its obviously not enough to cover up that smell!
I agree and this is why I stick with natural products with essential oils so this is rarely an issue. Maybe you can sell it on here to someone so its not a waste of money. don't force yourself to use it if you don't like it.
I think I am going to go ahead and add some extra peppermint oil to it, I'm going to try and fight for my sticky baby. But if it doesn't work out after a few more tries, I might have to consider laying it to rest lol It just sucks, I go to extreme lengths to find reasonably priced products that aren't full of the bad stuff, that actually works. Then this conditioner wants to smell like raid, you know, with fragrance trying to mask a strong undercurrent of chemical or something, but not quite handling the situation.
I simply won't use it. I don't care how good the product is. If it stinks to high heaven and I have to doctor it up like crazy, then I don't wanna be bothered with it. I've always been like that.

GIrrrrrrrrl, me too. I simply cannot have stankin hair, no matter how well the product works :nono:
I'd stop using it. I don't expect a hair product to smell great, but it can't smell bad either.
I tend to avoid any product with a strong smell whether its good or bad because it triggers headaches for me.