
New Member
I self-relax my hair and I have used numerous types of relaxers. I always see the same technique demonstrated everytime..the whole part your hair in four sections..blah blah blah. So my question is, do you have your own special way to relax your hair? It could be an oil you add to it..your special technique of applying the relaxer. I want to know! I love details!:grin:
My unique technique is I start at the top of my head and do the back going down to my neck. Then I do the front right or the front left based on which one I did first my last relaxer. (Did that make sense? I mean if I did the right first last time, then I'll do the left first this time.)

I also change where I part my hair in the front so that each time I do a relaxer it's in a different place so that I don't get a permanent-part.

ETA: Op what about you? Let's hear your unique technique.:grin:
Great idea, I wanted to start a thread like this with unique tips!

One thing I found out with my last relaxer, fill a squirt bottle with a long tip (like one you buy for color application) with neutralizing shampoo. That way, if part of your scalp starts burning before it's wash out time, squirt that little part with the neutralizing shampoo. It will instantly stop burning and you will be able to go on with your processing.
Great tips ladies...

I don't really have anything unique that I do. I use the half/half method when I relax, parting my hair straight back, relaxing one side, rinsing and then relaxing the other half.
I think my relaxer application method is pretty common - four sections, yada, yada, yada, but I use Nav's silk protein method before relaxing, Arcadian's acv rinse method during neutralizing, and I don't remember who told me about using half of the reconstrutor with added saa during and after the neutralizing process, but I do that as well. And let me not neglect to mention Artemis and the ceramides, and Porosity Control towards the end of the conditioning process.

My pre, during, and post relaxer process is a combination of methods I've learned from other ladies, and I've been able to synthesize the ones that work best for me - my hair loves me.
Well..i just relaxed my hair, and instead of parting in four, i did ten sections instead. Is that unique?:look: The only reason i did it like this is because I wanted to make sure every section was smoothed correctly.