What's your REAL DealBreaker/s?

Criminal Records
Divorced (as I want a fresh start. If you didn't make it with your first wife, what makes me so special. I'm so cool. Besides marrying a divorcee is actually adultery. But most Christians don't want to acknowledge that)
Abusive behavior (physically, mentally etc)
A liar
Infidelity. I'm leaving you the first time you cheat on me. No man is going to Tiger Woods me. LOL.

Hmmm... if his wife stepped out on him with another dude, divorce is actually permissible, from a Biblical perspective. But yeah, I would generally think long and hard before being a divorced man because he might have been the cause of the break up. Most men won't admit if they were impatient, inattentive or worst, abusive or a cheater.

ETA: of course, these same issues could be the case with any dude whether or not he was married in the past.
I can't believe I missed this thread the first time around. Have to run out and do some errands now but can't wait to come back and read.
Not a Christian
No goals or sense of purpose
Doesn't read or keep up with current events
Should have at least a college degree b/c I don't want to deal with insecurity
Doesn't have interests outside of work or school
Below 5'10" (I'm 5'9" and 6' in heels.) - I want to be flexible here but I think I just find taller men more attractive anyway.
- Bad temper (dealt with that my whole life and cannot let a man speak to me any which way)
- Bad feet (that might be hereditary)
- Missing teeth
- Small penis and no sexual skill
- His last name has to start before the letter M (yes, for real)
- Must be able to drive comfortably (direction-wise) at least 50 miles from the house. Getting lost is not masculine to me.
- Must know how to swim.
- Has to come from happily married parents
- Must have big dreams. I don't want a man just happy to "make it."
- No drugs and no alcoholics. Drinking is okay every once and again but all the time, heck no!
- A lazy man that will not help around the house. I am not Kizzy, nor Merry Maid.
- A man that hates family, must get out of my life immediately.
My deal breakers have changed over the years and they really depend on the person/situation.
However, there are some deal breakers that always stand the test of time: any kind of addiction, lazy, stupid, liar, cheater, insecurity and he needs to come from a two-parent home with strong Christian values.
- Bad temper (dealt with that my whole life and cannot let a man speak to me any which way)
- Bad feet (that might be hereditary)
- Missing teeth
- Small penis and no sexual skill
- His last name has to start before the letter M (yes, for real)
- Must be able to drive comfortably (direction-wise) at least 50 miles from the house. Getting lost is not masculine to me.
- Must know how to swim.
- Has to come from happily married parents
- Must have big dreams. I don't want a man just happy to "make it."
- No drugs and no alcoholics. Drinking is okay every once and again but all the time, heck no!
- A lazy man that will not help around the house. I am not Kizzy, nor Merry Maid.
- A man that hates family, must get out of my life immediately.

I kinda chuckled at this but I am genuinely curious as to why this is a dealbreaker.
I think I just added he can't dislike weaves to my deal breaker. I just don't have time for that. I wear my hair how I want.
I kinda chuckled at this but I am genuinely curious as to why this is a dealbreaker.

My last name started with a "V" and I was always the last to recite or receive anything in school. I vowed I would never do that to my kids and my husband's last name starts with a "G." :look: Now I am really interested in homeschooling so who knows if it will even matter when we have kids. :lachen:
I'm sure I could come up with a ridiculously long list but here are the majors:

Considers drinking or drugs as a hobby or appropriate social activity
Lack of ambition, lack of goals, lack of a job
Bad temper
Rude to me or others (definitely swearing)
Lack of intelligence or curiosity
Crude in conversation
Tries to put me down or make me feel stupid
Has multiple baby's mamas (I think I can deal with one assuming she's sane)
Not taking care of the child he has, if he has 1 (only)
Suspicious behavior, lying
My deal breakers are:

-I can't stand men that don't treat their mothers/sisters/other family members well.
-No one that drinks excessively or smokes period.
-Men who have no ambition= no thanks!
-Men who live above their means
-A man who swears excessively. I once dated a guy like this and I was too scared to have him meet my mom because I was afraid of what would fly out of his mouth.
-Bad tempers because I have one :look: and we definitely don't need two lunatics
-Overweight. If I make the effort to stay toned then you need to as well.
-Poor grammar. Again I dated a guy with poor grammar and I would cringe every time he said something incorrect. I don't expect him to be a walking dictionary but knowing the difference between your and you're is essential. Also we're, were, and where.
-Bad Teeth. A woman at my bank once told me that dental hygiene was a good indicator of a how well a man takes care of himself overall.
-Helpless/Man child. I can't stand a man that doesn't know how to do household chores. A friend of mine is 27, lives at home w/ momma and doesn't know how to do laundry, iron clothes, change sheets or even cook a meal! He called me the other day for help making easy mac. The one that you put in the microwave for 3 minutes.
-Helpless/Man child. I can't stand a man that doesn't know how to do household chores. A friend of mine is 27, lives at home w/ momma and doesn't know how to do laundry, iron clothes, change sheets or even cook a meal! He called me the other day for help making easy mac. The one that you put in the microwave for 3 minutes.

:lachen::lachen: Man-child:lachen::lachen: