What's your Mega-Tek Regiment???


New Member
Hi ladies,

I was thinking of joing the MT/OCT challenge but after reading so many pages I could not figure out what to do. :nono: I am interested in just the Mega regiment but I cannot tell if it is just the rebuilder and/or the poos and the conds that are being used. I got the notion that DC should be used in conjuction with MT and garlic poos or DCs but I am not sure if that is right...

Would you be so kind if you are a MT ONLY (meaning you don't mix with OCT) user and tell me what products from MT you use, how you apply it and frequency of use. I cannot find any application instructions when looking at the products online so I am not sure how or how often they shoudl be applied.

Basically I want to know your MT inclusive regiment. Thanks! :yep:


P.S. PLEASE don't post any links to the original MT/OTC threads. I just want to capture non-OTC MT regiments that you have adopted for yourself. That way when a newbie or an oldie comes on this thread, we are not cluttered with non-related content that doesn't focus soley on regiments. Thanks ladies! :yep:
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i mix with aloe vera gel apply like grease to scalp 3 to 4 times a week UNLESS i am wearing my hair out then l dont because it weighs the hair down a little i do use it with my hair down when i wear braid/twist outs i use an applicator bottle to apply i take a garlic suppliment daily so i do not use garlic poo i co wash once a week and i do deep moisturizing conditioner 2 times a week poo on sat or sun you do not really need protein when using this because it is a protien i do a protein once every three weeks a mild one because i am only using on my scalp and i need my ends to get some protien as well i doo mayo one egg and olive oil as a pre poo for one hour when i do then wash cond etc.
also i moisturize the rest of my hair after applying mega tek mix to scalp and seal with brahmi(coconut) oil some times i baggie the whole head to help it soak in then bun and tie down for the night any questions let me know
Just ordered mine so thank you for posting this thread. I've posted a few times to try and join but no response yet. I might start my own personal MT challenge.
i just started using MT about a week and a half ago
A few days before I started and started taking garlic supplements so no garlic poos for me
I wash and DC my hair once a week on Wed with a moisturizing shampoo (nexxus therape) and DC with Humectress with heat for 30 min
I mix my MT with castor oil and apply to scalp only about 3 days a week. Im also wearing a wig so I braid my hair in about 6 big braids and take down twice a week to apply MT and moisturize.
Re: What's your Mega-Tek Regimen???

I'm new to the Mega Tek bandwagon as well. I'm about 2 weeks in. I purchased the rebuilder (i think - it is in the black container, white and creamy consistency, pleasant smell) and I mix it with olive oil and wild growth oil - majority mega tek though. I have it in an applicator bottle for easy application to my scalp ONLY. I put it on only my scalp every night. I dc twice a week and wash before one of those dcs. I still use some other form of protein every week because my hair loves it. HTH
Ladies, thank you for responding but could you specifiy WHICH MT product you are using???

There are quite a few so I think it would great for us to know exactly what you got! :yep:
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Just ordered mine so thank you for posting this thread. I've posted a few times to try and join but no response yet. I might start my own personal MT challenge.

I am hoping this will turn into a centralized area for MT only regiments b/c it is so hard going through all those other pages trying to find them amoung the comments and whatnot. :yawn:
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Hi Friend - I use the black bottle with the blue writing (only)...I use mine as a protein dc (concentrating on oroblem areas) rinse and follow up with a moisturizing dc....it tends to weigh my hair down when I apply it directly to my scalp (that is why I don't do it)- it has really strengthened my hair and now I have been incorporating other protein condishes into my regimen (that is what the MT is) and I am getting some pretty good growth...
i keep it simple. regular old megatek rebuilder straight to scalp daily. i top it off with an oil creme mosturizer just so my hair isn't dried up. after a month the length of my hair is kinda scaring me. lol
I use the Mega-Tek Rebuilder. I use my MT FULL STRENGTH NO MIXING.

1. Wash scalp only with a moisturizing Organic Shampoo 2x a week.
2. MT length of hair and scalp with a 2 minute bent over scalp massage.
3. Put on shower cap and sit under dryer for 30 minutes, medium/hi heat.
4. Rinse hair and add deep moisturizing conditioner to hair and cover head
with my shower cap.
5. Sit under dryer for 15 mins on medium/hi heat.
6. Rinse hair, add a 5 minute moisturizing conditioner or cheapy conditioner to
hair let sit for 5 mins and rinse leaving some of the conditioner in hair.
7. Moisturize hair with favorite moisturizer and rub sweet almond oil over
length of hair and seal ends with castor oil.
8. Between wash days add MT to scalp and/or to length of hair 2x a week, then
moisturize. Sealing ends with CO.
9. Style as usual (twists, bantu knots, etc.)
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i have been using it for two weeks. i mix it with a little bit of castor oil. i apply it to my scalp (applicator bottle) 4 to 5 times a week so far. i moisturize my hair daily and i shampoo/dc once a week. i haven't notices any shedding and my hair isn't hard. i use the rebuilder (black bottle blue writing). i don't take any garlic supplements and i oil my edges with wild growth a few times out the week. i keep my hair in double strand twists. the bottle states that you can use it as a dc/rinse out conditioner or a leave in 2 to 3 times a week before next wash.

i thought about not mixing it. i might try it this the next time i wash my hair.
I use the Rebuilder, every night. I don't mix it, I have it in a color applicator bottle so I can get it on my scalp. I massage it in for a few minutes and I cowash/wash twice a week. I hope this helps. Once Feb comes around I will be applying OCT only every night in the same manner, so I can compare results.
This thread has been soooo helpful/ I will be going to the beauty supply store this weekend to try and grab this stuff. Can I find it at a bss easily, or do you all mostly order it online?
Ladies PM the OP of the MT challange because otherwise they might not get it. The MT threads have slowed down recently. I will be posting progress pics soon.

Great thread because I was confused for the first week!

1. I use the rebuilder (black bottle with blue writing)
2. Mix it with Indian Oils e.g Bhringraj oil and apply like grease to scalp only & moisturize hair every other day.
3. Apply 4x a week, wash once a week & deep condition every week.
4. Take 150 mg of garlic capsules every day to prevent shedding (no shedding thus far)
5. I purchase my MT from Amazon ... probably pay a bit more but fast shipping.
bumping... I'm expecting my mega-tek to arrive next week, I'd be interested in hearing some other regimines.
I'm not sure if I should apply it then rinse it out after a little while..or apply daily or a few times a week directly to the scalp.
I just started on the MT regimen a week ago. I got the Cell Rebuilder, and I apply to the scalp only; just make several parts and massage in with my fingertips. I do this about 4 nights a week. Also, at least once a week pre-poo or use it as a conditioner, followed by a moisturizing conditioner. I am taking garlic supplements, too, and so far no abnormal shedding. I'm one month post-relaxer and just BC'd (it was time) so I will be monitoring closely. As if I haven't already been way too obsessed with my hair over the last few months...:rolleyes:
I got mine in the other day, but here is the main thread with directions:


Scroll down past the names and you will see it. I use the one in the black bottle and I follow the directions on the bottle (apply to clean wet hair for 5 min, then rinse), then I DC with a non protein conditioner. That's it! Most apply it to just the scalp, but I do it to my entire head. But I DC immediately after with a good moisterizing condish.

I am eagerly awaiting progress pics from all you ladies. I am especially eager to see if the METHOD USED equates to more growth/thickness. For example did the ladies who applied it to their scalps get more or less results than those who conditioned with it then rinsed out? I think it is very important to know this, right?
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I got mine in the other day, but here is the main thread with directions:


Hey 1010! Thanks for your post. I am trying to streamline this thread for women to share how they use it, not neccessarily what the instructions are from the 2008 thread. I know a lot of people have adapted how they use it and what they use it with (besides OTC of course :rolleyes:) and I am trying to capture just that info. Please don't take any offense and I hope you understand! :yep:
I found that anyway you get Mega-Tek on your hair and scalp would be beneficial. Just be patient and keep your hair moisturized. View MT as a powerful protein conditioner.