What's YOUR Magic Ingredient?


Active Member
What is that one thing (or two) that when added to your deep conditioners, leave-ins, etc., makes it AMAZING?

For me, I have two: local raw honey (the solid tan, not the brown liquid) and cinnamon. I use the honey for my dc's, and I mix it with my leave-in. It has boosted my retention significantly and helps to reduce/eliminate breakage entirely (especially helpful for protective styling.) The cinnamon, (my alternative for cayenne pepper) has done amazing things for my scalp during my deep conditions. I infuse it with my tea rinse on deep condition days and it helps to reduce my shedding.

How about you? Feel free to share! :yawn:
I agree with op, raw honey that we get from our local supplier can make any DC 10x better. I can't get with leaving it in but I bet its nice.
Coconut oil is in all of my staple products except for one and I seal with it. Absolutely love it!
Doesn't raw honey make your hair sticky? I would think it would be hard to wash out and could cause breakage.

I agree with op, raw honey that we get from our local supplier can make any DC 10x better. I can't get with leaving it in but I bet its nice.

What is that one thing (or two) that when added to your deep conditioners, leave-ins, etc., makes it AMAZING?

For me, I have two: local raw honey (the solid tan, not the brown liquid) and cinnamon. I use the honey for my dc's, and I mix it with my leave-in. It has boosted my retention significantly and helps to reduce/eliminate breakage entirely (especially helpful for protective styling.) The cinnamon, (my alternative for cayenne pepper) has done amazing things for my scalp during my deep conditions. I infuse it with my tea rinse on deep condition days and it helps to reduce my shedding.

How about you? Feel free to share! :yawn:

I know this sounds crazy but when I was home in the summer I would use honey as a gel w/ castor oil. First I would moisturize my hair with water, AVJ or gel, and castor oil. Then I would smooth my hair down with the honey. It would hold for days. You didn't need much. :grin:
Wheat germ oil always boosted my DC's - need to start using it again.

The hair will not be sticky from honey, since it is mixed with the oils and/or DC. I think I've even applied honey to wet hair straigt up, and no problems, rinsed with warm water, followed by a wash with poo.
Doesn't raw honey make your hair sticky? I would think it would be hard to wash out and could cause breakage.

Nope, never sticky! Lol, and I am positive it is because the enzymes/nutrients that hold it together are still present. You may be thinking of refined honey, which is very viscous, and does not have the ablility to become solid. Honey is a humectant, and has a unique but similar effect on the hair as glycerin and flaxseed gel, when mixed with your leave-in. I usually mix about a tbsp to about 3-4oz or more, of my leave in, depending on the hold I would like. It adds shine, definition, and protection for my ends. No flakes either :look:
oh that cinnamon sounds lovely, recipe please? Mine are just oils coconut and wheat germ

Sure! For the cinnamon I use about a tsp (powdered) to 32oz. of water. I add the cinnamon to water, and allow to heat to just before a boil, making sure the cinnamon is fully stirred.

I add 6 bags of my preferred tea, (green for now) and allow it to steep for at least an hour, or until it cools to room temperature. I use right after my shampoo, right before I apply my DC. It smells so good..lol. My DC's are usually left in for at least 3 hours, and I rinse that out and follow up with an ACV rinse (1/2 tsp to 32oz water) afterward.

I actually put a little agave in my oil mixes. The ratio usually .5 oz to 7.5 oz of oils. Its a mild humectant and acts as a serum. Its good for frizz control.

I also use it in flax seed gel.
aloe vera and castor oil. i'd so far as to say that if all i had was a shampoo, condish and those two products i'd be able to accomplish my goals. i like sweet smells though :look:
I used honey as gel when I was transitioning. I haven't found a good way to try it as a natural. And the stuff at the farmer's market is so expensive.
I'm doing so many new things so I cant call them tried and true. But one of my old main magic ingredient is organic honey, coconut oil and jojoba oil.

New ingredients that I expect to do a great job as the year goes on
hemp oil
sulfur powder
grapeseed oil