What's your Hair's Name?


God's Own
I know like me some of you have a name for your hair - so tell us your what you call your upper half:grin:.

I call my hair Mar (pronounced like hair). I named her that because I want her to grow long so I can put her in a ponytail like a (horse) mare and when I want her to be straight I want her to hang long and straight like the front hair of a (horse) mare. And it rhymes with hair. :lol:

What's your hair's name?
I had a wig I called earth wind moon child. actually my best friend called it that because she said i could recite poetry better when I had it on hahaha...I also had a lacresha. now its just...my hair.
Nothing. I've never been into naming things. The closest I've gotten is she i.e. she's not getting washed today, she's pissing me off so she's going in a bun etc
I don't have a name for my hair, per se, but when she starts acting up I let her know that she is the boss. Like if I am trying a rock a fresh do and she starts acting up. I just throw that ish in a ponytail, mumble "you're the boss" and go on 'bout my business. :rolleyes: I try to flatter her every once in a while so that she will let me have my way occasionally. :lol:
I don't have a name for my hair, but if I were to name is I would name it Keisha or Lauren (two of my fav names)
When I do a nice flat ion & it quickly reverts,I call her Chaka..lol.,,

Happy Hair Growing!
Miss Missy, cause she's spoiled rotten, can be temperamental, but at the end of the day I still treat her like a princess. :-)
i toyed with the idea of naming my hair when i was in love with izzy(?) lol i cant remember her name just the hair name

i came up with a few: Aunt FRO was my fav and Natty and natty fro

the names never really stuck
I never had a name for my hair, but on particularly good days I used to look in the mirror and say:

"Hey Tracey, girl!" When the WNG curls were poppin; or "Hey Jill!" When my fro was cute.

Most days though, it's just "This Mess". :lol:
i toyed with the idea of naming my hair when i was in love with izzy(?) lol i cant remember her name just the hair name

i came up with a few: Aunt FRO was my fav and Natty and natty fro

the names never really stuck

Ellepixie named her hair Izzy. lol

My hair has a full name. It's Kammy Kurlz and she's beautiful.
I knew it ... I knew it.... I knew I wasn't the only one who have named her hair. And why shouldn't we? As much time, care, energy, money and love (yep love) we devote to our hair, we should claim her (him??) as a dependent. :lachen:
Xena as in Xena, warrior princess
My sister's hair is a Russian boy named Nikolai :lachen:

I used to refer to my hair as Xena all the time, to the point that my friends and some of my professors would call her by name :lol:. It took a minute, but we've finally fused into one and now it's just a part of me :grin:.
My own hair doesn't have a name...yet.

One of my YouTube favorites, etcblogmag, calls her big hair Racquel.
My hair does not have a name yet. She is happiest after an oil soak like a drunkard and I haven't come up with a name to coincide with being a lush yet. Maybe I will name my hair lush.....
The Fro. Or This Mess. Back when it was smaller, I called it the Mini Fro. Now its not mini anymore. So...The Fro. Example:
^friend^ whatcha doin today?
^me^ no idea. Gotta see what The Fro is workin with and ill get back to you
Her name is girl.
Girl, you looling gopd today.
Girl, you better hold this clip.
Girl, do I need to cut you?
Luvin' these names (Miss Incorrigle, Tina, issy, ***hussy***:lachen:, Chaka, Xena, Expresso, THE Boss, Tracey, Izzy Natty, Fro, BOO :lol:, Kammy Kurlz, Girl, Grace)

@felic1 - :lol: @Lush - we must be hair twins.

Some men name their pride & joy, the thing they pamper like a baby and spend money on ****CARS**** ... so they should understand our "hair names"

@KammyGirl if Mar grows be the hair I want her to be - I'm going to give her a last name too!!!:grin:
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