What’s your 2-strand twist regimen?

@faithVA Well? :poke:

If you don't like how your roots look, you could braid the roots next time.

Hey Nonie,

I finally watched your video :nono: and watched your take down. Ok, until I watched your video I really didn't know what was meant by "cottony". Then I saw your takedown and I was like ooooh that is what they mean. (doh).

My hair is so fine, I can't get the braids out when I make my twists this small. :ohwell: I use to try to braid the back and after sweating, they would knot and I would have to cut the knots out of the back. :nono: So my nape is 1" shorter.

I'm just going to keep playing with it. I braided the twists into braids last night and took them out this morning. Of course my hair was still wet. The front was perfect, The left side was perfect. The right side was doing who knows what. :lol:. And as I said before the back will need to be redone.

So I put it all in an updo until I can get home tonight and see if I can redo the loose parts.

Although the twists unraveled, it may not be that big a deal because they didn't tangle. I am still pleased with the way my twists came out. I will try to take pictures tonight before I retwist it.
faithVA Well? :poke:

If you don't like how your roots look, you could braid the roots next time.

Okay I am a bit nervous about braided roots. Plus I am super lazy, it seems like it would take extra time haha. What are the benefits to braided roots? Also did you say earlier you are in the same twist "set" as last year? I wish I could do that! That would probably be the easiest and best regimen for me because I am super lazy. Just retwist as needed, life would be so good.
Okay I am a bit nervous about braided roots. Plus I am super lazy, it seems like it would take extra time haha. What are the benefits to braided roots? Also did you say earlier you are in the same twist "set" as last year? I wish I could do that! That would probably be the easiest and best regimen for me because I am super lazy. Just retwist as needed, life would be so good.

Chameleonchick, do you know if I FaithVA hadn't mentioned me I'd have missed this post to me. Can you please use the mention feature? :spank:

Well, some people like to braid the roots because the twists don't unravel at the roots when they do. I can understand the fear of the roots knotting up. I'm not a fan of braiding my hair in small sections unless extension hair is added. If I don't have additional hair to keep my three strands separated within the braid, or to just be in their way, then my hair appears to want to lock up. This doesn't happen with twisting. I think it's coz I twirl the strand when I twist. Don't do that when I braid.

Well, about being in the same set... that statement is misleading. A better way to put it is I put my hair in twists in August 2010 and I've been in twists since. I redo ONE twist at a time when I feel like and when they start to look messy. So I have redone all the twists at one time or another, but it's over a long period since I redo them only as the mood hits and since I never have more than one out, I can stop at a moment's notice. It is indeed the easiest regimen ever!
Chameleonchick, do you know if I FaithVA hadn't mentioned me I'd have missed this post to me. Can you please use the mention feature? :spank:

Well, some people like to braid the roots because the twists don't unravel at the roots when they do. I can understand the fear of the roots knotting up. I'm not a fan of braiding my hair in small sections unless extension hair is added. If I don't have additional hair to keep my three strands separated within the braid, or to just be in their way, then my hair appears to want to lock up. This doesn't happen with twisting. I think it's coz I twirl the strand when I twist. Don't do that when I braid.

Well, about being in the same set... that statement is misleading. A better way to put it is I put my hair in twists in August 2010 and I've been in twists since. I redo ONE twist at a time when I feel like and when they start to look messy. So I have redone all the twists at one time or another, but it's over a long period since I redo them only as the mood hits and since I never have more than one out, I can stop at a moment's notice. It is indeed the easiest regimen ever!
Nonie Oh okay I always wondered what that mention thing was anyways. Oh okay I will stick to doing my regular twists because I twirl mine too. I understood what you meant about actually redoing them. As I am getting more familiar with my hair this may work for me too. I just don't have time to be sitting around twisting hair up all day lol. I have too many other things to be doing. I think I will try this method over the next two months just to see how it works for me. I did mini twists last month and that took forever to take them down because I did not redo any of them, and then by the end of the month they were looking baaad. But I had finals so I didn't care too much.
I think one of the real culprits of the frizziness and tangling roots, is caused by my moisturizing and pulling my twists to braid them each night. So no matter how nicely the twists start, after a week of pulling, hairs start to release themselves. Probably if I twisted them and left them alone they would be fine. But then by the end of the week my twists would be 2" long. :ohwell: And the areas with the most sever shrinkage seem to be the areas that have the problem.
Well, some people like to braid the roots because the twists don't unravel at the roots when they do. I can understand the fear of the roots knotting up. I'm not a fan of braiding my hair in small sections unless extension hair is added. If I don't have additional hair to keep my three strands separated within the braid, or to just be in their way, then my hair appears to want to lock up.

I am glad to know this is just me.
I think one of the real culprits of the frizziness and tangling roots, is caused by my moisturizing and pulling my twists to braid them each night. So no matter how nicely the twists start, after a week of pulling, hairs start to release themselves. Probably if I twisted them and left them alone they would be fine. But then by the end of the week my twists would be 2" long. :ohwell: And the areas with the most sever shrinkage seem to be the areas that have the problem.

faithVA, why don't you do what jennboo and I do and twist bare hair. You won't get slipping. Then for moisture, why not use a spray moisturizer then baggy. The moisture will penetrate twists from the baggying and you won't have to mess with them.
@faithVA, why don't you do what @jennboo and I do and twist bare hair. You won't get slipping. Then for moisture, why not use a spray moisturizer then baggy. The moisture will penetrate twists from the baggying and you won't have to mess with them.

Nonie; I can do the twist on bare hair. But when I spray on the moisturizer my twists shrink. It doesn't matter how long they start, once they get any moisture on them they shrink up just as if they were loose. And yes I am doing your twirl both in 1 direction and then twist in the opposite. So unless I lock my hair down in a braid or a twist while it dries, when my hair dries it draws up just as if it was loose. Then my twists are 2" even if they started off 6". Its real cute, really. :lol:

For some reason I can't do baggying. Water on my scalp for more than an hour makes my scalp itch and then my scalp starts to burn. And when the water evaporates from my hair its as hard as rock.

I'm going to do a mud wash detox at the end of the month. So I will do this entire process after the detox and get back with you. I won't be adding anything to my hair after the detox. So I will try the twist and the baggying and do a picture journal to see what happens.
I am wearing my first set of mini-twists. I started them last week Wednesday, twisting a few hours a day completing them on Saturday. usually in bigger twists, my hair starts to look frizzy. But i have been following Naptural85 rapping method. So every night I moisturize my twists with water and I rap, as if I was rapping straight hair, and i hold it in place with bobby pins, and tie a scarf on it. In the morning, I let them down. So far I have been wearing them down. My ends are a tad straight because i did them on blow dried hair. I moisturized with SM curl enhance smoothie and sealed with jojoba oil and i twisted with a tad bit of eco styler gel. excuse my fat face in the beginning pic.

i am hoping to keep them in for 3-4 weeks. I find rapping them keeps them from shrinking.


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faithVA, I see. I personally LOVE shrinkage. I can't wait to not just spray but completely wet my twists so they can shrink up and hang straight and have a neater look. I've braided twist for a braid-out but that was mainly for the wavy look not for length. Even when my hair was SL, I loved shrinkage to where my shadow looked like that of a palm tree.

If water makes your scalp itch when you baggy, have you tried using just coconut oil? Or not baggying wet hair? Whenever water evaporates, whether from skin or hair, it'll leave it feeling dry. But if you DC'd well in advance, if you baggy, your hair gets softer all over again, even if you baggy w/o products. At least that's what I see with my own hair.
faithVA shrinkage on my twists annoys me as well.

What I like to do to stretch them out a bit more is to moisturize/seal before bed and then take a few elastic hair band and do a pseudo-banding method with the twists still in, usually one big one in the back then I pin the loose twists that are at the top of my head down - and wear my head wrap.

The next morning I workout/shower, do my face, lol and then take it down. I have twists that are stretched out yet moisturized.
Taleah2009 Your hair looks great! I will probably do some more twists in a couple weeks before school starts. The medium ones I did the other day were rushed and I feel like I did some damage to my strands :sad: gotta make up for it!
@faithVA, I see. I personally LOVE shrinkage. I can't wait to not just spray but completely wet my twists so they can shrink up and hang straight and have a neater look. I've braided twist for a braid-out but that was mainly for the wavy look not for length. Even when my hair was SL, I loved shrinkage to where my shadow looked like that of a palm tree.

If water makes your scalp itch when you baggy, have you tried using just coconut oil? Or not baggying wet hair? Whenever water evaporates, whether from skin or hair, it'll leave it feeling dry. But if you DC'd well in advance, if you baggy, your hair gets softer all over again, even if you baggy w/o products. At least that's what I see with my own hair.

Nonie, Girl, my head is too big to walk around with 2" twists. :nono: And my hair doesn't hang straight when its wet. It curls up into nice little beady balls :lol: When my hair has been wet, it curls up as if I rod set it. I actually like the curly part but they look much better at 4" vs 2". I don't mind 50% shrinkage but 80% is too much.

I tried baggying with just oil and I thought maybe my scalp felt dry because it was pulling all of the moisture out of my hair and scalp. So then I tried misting it with water first. I will try it again after I mud wash. I may just be allergic to something and haven't figured out what it is.

I'm not through trying things. I just have to start from scratch and start narrowing things down. When I do this detox I am going to follow up with you if that's alright and see what happens.
@faithVA shrinkage on my twists annoys me as well.

What I like to do to stretch them out a bit more is to moisturize/seal before bed and then take a few elastic hair band and do a pseudo-banding method with the twists still in, usually one big one in the back then I pin the loose twists that are at the top of my head down - and wear my head wrap.

The next morning I workout/shower, do my face, lol and then take it down. I have twists that are stretched out yet moisturized.

NaijaNaps, I do something similar as well. However, I think moisturizing my twists and then pulling on them caused my hair to frizz and my twists unravel faster. So I haven't found a solution to both. I can have stretched fuzzy twists or neat short twists but so far not stretched neat twists :nono:

And I know some peopls say they are ok with the fuzz but in some areas that frizz is so intense it seems like that hair isn't even twisted. :ohwell:

I may take a picture of it tonight. It's hard to describe or imagine. I don't think most people's hair reacts like this. :lol: My mom's doesn't.
@Nonie, Girl, my head is too big to walk around with 2" twists. :nono: And my hair doesn't hang straight when its wet. It curls up into nice little beady balls :lol: When my hair has been wet, it curls up as if I rod set it. I actually like the curly part but they look much better at 4" vs 2". I don't mind 50% shrinkage but 80% is too much.

I tried baggying with just oil and I thought maybe my scalp felt dry because it was pulling all of the moisture out of my hair and scalp. So then I tried misting it with water first. I will try it again after I mud wash. I may just be allergic to something and haven't figured out what it is.

I'm not through trying things. I just have to start from scratch and start narrowing things down. When I do this detox I am going to follow up with you if that's alright and see what happens.

@faithVA, your twists curl up coz you don't do it right, Girrrrrrl! You're s'posed to leave the twists wet and let the weight of the water pull them down. The ends do form pretty coils--which I find neater than straight-*** ends--but if you let your twists drip dry, they don't shrink up as if you towel dry them.

And you do not have a big head.:rolleyes:Don't make me make you measure it so I can tell you what qualifies as a big head. Your circumference is about 22 inches or less. I can tell. That's not a big head.

Good luck with the detox. Just finished a week of it and feel WONDERFUL!
@[USER said:
Nonie[/USER];13982097]@faithVA, your twists curl up coz you don't do it right, Girrrrrrl! You're s'posed to leave the twists wet and let the weight of the water pull them down. The ends do form pretty coils--which I find neater than straight-*** ends--but if you let your twists drip dry, they don't shrink up as if you towel dry them.

And you do not have a big head.:rolleyes:Don't make me make you measure it so I can tell you what qualifies as a big head. Your circumference is about 22 inches or less. I can tell. That's not a big head.

Good luck with the detox. Just finished a week of it and feel WONDERFUL!

Ok we gonna see about the drip dry. We gonna see.

And girl don't make me try to measure my head at work with the cord on my earbuds. Don't make me go there. I will. But don't make me.
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Ok we gonna see about the drip dry. We gonna see.

And girl don't make me try to measure my head at work with the cord on my earbuds. Don't make me go there. I will. But don't make me.

:lachen::lachen::lachen: faithVA You tryna make me skurred; I see how you do. You sayin' it like that so I don't make you.

Thanks! (i have no idea how to mention) :drunk:

Taleah2009, you just write @ immediately before the name (ie no space). That's how you mention. It doesn't get underlined or highlighted until you submit.