What’s your 2-strand twist regimen?

ETA: also, i don't use product to twist my hair and i twist on dry hair. I'll wash my hair, plait it in about 6 plaits, let dry over night and start twisting. My twists are fluffy and still shiny even without product, and i just prefer the look and feel of the twists without gobs of stuff in my hair.

jennboo You just spoke my mother-tongue here^^. I feel so at home; like you're a cuz'n or somep'n. :lol:
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After Nonie's advice, I see that product is not necessary in order to twist. Mine have a nice sheen and are holding up well due to her twisting method. I do not moisturize or anything, but this weekend i plan to wash with Shea Moisture's moisture retention shampoo and DC with silicon mix. :grin:
I may wear twists for the fall and winter--if I don't do cornrows or plaits beneath wigs (thinking about doing a set within the next week to start my yearly fall/winter PS chall early).

I have never twisted my whole head in individuals. I usually do flat twists in the front and the back in individuals (medium sized like the size of a fat crayon). I just grab pieces in a row and start twisting (so that I don't have permanent parts). I leave mine in for about 4 wks (actual twists in 2-3 wks, then curly twist-out or puff for the remaining time).

I always twist on freshly washed hair, then after I sit under the dryer 30-45 mins to dry the gel and set the twists (I usually wash at nite or late evening, and so that the twists don't dry smashed or flattened while I tie them down and sleep, I dry them 1st).

I only have to re-twist a few maybe once every wk or every other wk. I use Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie and some kind of moisturizing gel to "set" my twists. I've never CW or washed with them in...this is something I would like to try. For maintenance I oil my scalp a few times a wk, spray on a leave-in moisture mix, use Shea Moisture Hold & Shine spray, then top w. an oil spray like Garnier Fructis Nutrient Spray. :lick:

When I re-twist I add more smoothie to the ends, shea butter mask (Shea Moisture's Deep Treatment Mask--have used since Feb. as a twisting product), or the Shea Moisture Curl Milk. Then, as usual before bed I spray my stuff on to retain moisture (noted above).

I get good growth from them and my hair curls up nicely at the ends so they dont really unravel. I love the ease and low-maintenance aspect of wearing them. I just HATE sitting for a long period and doing them! UGH Oh yea, at nite I tie down the front w. a satin scarf, and add a flat edged satin bonnet on top (no ruffled elastic edge to cause breakage) to the back to enclose the hanging twists.

Pics in my fotki (address found in profile). I've only done twists on my hair twice since becoming fully natural Jan. 2011. This set I want to do (but can't summon the energy to) will be my 3rd. HTH
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jennboo You just spoke my mother-tongue here^^. I feel so at home; like you're a cuz'n or somep'n. :lol:

I have tried various twist regimens, and no product works the best for me. I used to twist on sopping wet hair with a creme leave in. My twists looked fine. One day I decided to try the complete opposite and twist on dry hair with no product. I found that my twists still looked and felt more moisturized, and were more fluffy, sheeny. The fact that is don't use gobs of product in my hair also contributes to why I don't need to wash so often. I use a bit of jojoba oil or grape seed oil (basically light, scentless oils) to finish off the look when I'm done twisting my whole head. My main styling product is a fine mist of water in the morning. I will sometimes use an oil, but not always.
for me it depends on what size twists i have in. if they are medium sized twists, they start to get fuzzy after like 5 days. but if they are mini twists they get noticeably fuzzy after a week or 2 weeks. when my hair is in mini twists i cant wash my hair because they will lock up after they dry. so i usually leave them in for 4 weeks and then take them out and wash my hair.

ive never washed my hair in twists after my hair almost locked on me again. oh and the frizz doesnt bother me as much on mini twists as they do on larger twists. the larger twists just make me look like im trying to dred my hair because it looks like it hasnt seen a comb in months lol!
My twists always unravel, with or without product. I can get them to last through the night and then the shrinkage takes over. I'd like to leave them alone, but I feel like I look ridiculous.:ohwell:
Because of my drastically 2 types of curl pattern on my head, my two strand twists dont last for more than 2-3 weeks. They would last longer if I didnt wash them. But I go to the gym and my scalp gets gross I have to do some kind of rinse.

My hair frizzes its a fact of life. I just cough it up to working with my hair and knowing I cant wear twists for more than 3 weeks. Im too lazy to try to find ways to make them last longer.

Somethings I do when Im not lazy is I rewet them with eco gel or cantu and sit under the dryer. Here is a picture after I washed them with a lil beautiful curls 'poo and used eco gel and cantu leave in....This is week 3


I steam them sometimes in the shower, I let the steam from the shower refresh them.

You wanna know what really works....its a secret shhhhhh...... I spray them with my secret guilty styling pleasure *gasp* SPRITZ! That always makes them go a lil further without frizz. ONLY A LIL!!! But spritz is so bad for your hair. and i use the extra ghetto IC spritz lol tsk tsk I know
I have been watching this thread. And I am envious of those who can wash their hair in twists. Certain parts of my head works fine. But there are areas as some of you have mentioned that don't like it.

I've watched several yters do it and was just amazed.

My hair is the same way and it doesn't like to stay twisted for more than a day. No matter how tightly I twist my hair, it quickly unravels... Do you think this is due to the moisturizer I put on my hair while twisting.
this thread is so great !! thanks OP and y'all for sharing your advices !!

I have a lil question I was gonna ask in the "can I ask a dumb question" thread before seen this one : If I wear my twists in a ponytail, it's not a protective style, right? but just a low manip style? because my twists are not long enough for put'em in a bun :( ? and I want to retain length, but im not sure if just putting them in a ponytail is enough... and by doing twists, I've wanted to get a pstyle :ohwell:

for regimen, i'm gonna do tea rinses surely twice a week. and maybe follow them by baggying my ends.
this thread is so great !! thanks OP and y'all for sharing your advices !!

I have a lil question I was gonna ask in the "can I ask a dumb question" thread before seen this one : If I wear my twists in a ponytail, it's not a protective style, right? but just a low manip style? because my twists are not long enough for put'em in a bun :( ? and I want to retain length, but im not sure if just putting them in a ponytail is enough... and by doing twists, I've wanted to get a pstyle :ohwell:

for regimen, i'm gonna do tea rinses surely twice a week. and maybe follow them by baggying my ends.

I think it is still considered a PS since you ends wold not be rubbing up against anything. Have you tried a roll/tuck/pin version of the donut bun?
So I'll be coming in here to document my regimen as I go through the year with my twist; hopefully this helps me nail down a solid twist regimen and helps someone along the way. Ladies please fell free to post any tips and tricks that work best and those that didn't work for you.
I have a lil question I was gonna ask in the "can I ask a dumb question" thread before seen this one : If I wear my twists in a ponytail, it's not a protective style, right? but just a low manip style? because my twists are not long enough for put'em in a bun :( ? and I want to retain length, but im not sure if just putting them in a ponytail is enough... and by doing twists, I've wanted to get a pstyle :ohwell:

for regimen, i'm gonna do tea rinses surely twice a week. and maybe follow them by baggying my ends.

It's not 100% protective but it's definitely better than leaving them hanging down, as 13StepsAhead stated. To make it protective, you could cover the pony with Saran wrap and put on a phony pony, or add a clip like this one.

Another PS you could try:

For a style to be fully protective, the ends should not just be lifted from clothes but also hidden from the drying air.
I think it is still considered a PS since you ends wold not be rubbing up against anything. Have you tried a roll/tuck/pin version of the donut bun?

mmmh, the ponytail I can do, is really is tiny mini ponitail. :nono:
i've even tried to do a roll around my head like a crown tuck pin style and i didn't arrived to tuck all the ends.
yeah ends are not rubbed against something but they are exposed. that's all I can do... for the moment ! so it's just a low po style I think.
It's not 100% protective but it's definitely better than leaving them hanging down, as 13StepsAhead stated. To make it protective, you could cover the pony with Saran wrap and put on a phony pony, or add a clip like this one.

Another PS you could try:

For a style to be fully protective, the ends should not just be lifted from clothes but also hidden from the drying air.

this is exactly what I've just tried to do 10 minutes ago !! but didn't arrived to tuck all the ends..
wow nonie, your rolltuckandpin style is beautiful !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ETA: maybe I need more pins and surely better BOBBY pins instead of simple hairpins.
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@Krystle~Hime Yes, pins are what I used back then but ever since I discovered spin pins, they've been a staple. You just screw it in somewhere along the way and it's well hidden inside the roll:

I think it is still considered a PS since you ends wold not be rubbing up against anything. Have you tried a roll/tuck/pin version of the donut bun?

I thought PS means that the ends have to be tucked away so since it's in a pony tail it would just be low manipulation on a low manipulation style. Correct me if I'm wrong though.

I cosign on the roll and tuck style and other updos where you can hide your ends. For ponytail styles perhaps oiling or conditioning the ends may help against any wear and tear it may experience. Also the southern tease bun is a way to do bun on a shorter hair or youtube a cinnabun/mega bun. If you can pin your twists from your ponytail that may be something to try as well.
I thought PS means that the ends have to be tucked away so since it's in a pony tail it would just be low manipulation on a low manipulation style. Correct me if I'm wrong though.

I cosign on the roll and tuck style and other updos where you can hide your ends. For ponytail styles perhaps oiling or conditioning the ends may help against any wear and tear it may experience. Also the southern tease bun is a way to do bun on a shorter hair or youtube a cinnabun/mega bun. If you can pin your twists from your ponytail that may be something to try as well.

Yes, you are right nonie clarified that for me in a previous post.
I'm new to twisting my hair on a regular basis but I had been wearing kinky twists all winter!
I find so far that I can last about 1 week in between re-twisting efforts. I don't do mini-twists, just medium sized ones.
I tend to do a flat-twisted style on the front and sides and do single in the back.
I twist with products like MyHoneyChild Type 4 Hair Creme or Donna Marie's Super Butter Creme. I like the softness and shine they give my twists.
Last week, I washed my hair in twists:nono:....I had to re-do most of them afterward. I still need practice at this washing thing.
I do bun my twists and I baggy the bun nightly. :drunk:
I refresh them with a water, infusium 23 and aloe vera juice mix (great for my hair) twice daily.

After reading this thread, I'll consider trying:
1) Not using products to twist.
2) Saran wrapping my head at night!
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Ok so I was reading this thread, and somewhere someone mentioned that their hair got really dry in two strand twists, and I noticed that too when I first started doing them...but I soon discovered the joy of S-curl! YES... S-CURL! I swear that stuff could moisturize a cactus! :) Try it...you just might like it.

But anyway, I've never twisted my hair enough to come up with a regimen, though. I would leave them in for two weeks, and then Wash and DC as usual when I took them out. I haven't done this style in a while. It would be neat to see how much longer my twists have gotten since I last did them...

So I DC'd/co-washed my hair today because it's way too hot out and surprisingly only like 5 twist unraveled. I sectioned my hair into 5 big twist and placed the small childrens no-snag rubber bangs on the end. This method worked pretty well and the only reason why some unraveled was because the rubber bands slipped off while in the shower. We'll see how my hair acts tomorrow.
I think that I will be twisting my hair up for the rest of the year or try to anyway...and I found Afr0st0ry's youtube channel where she shares 2 videos on how she maintains her twists. She actually left her twists in for 2.5 months. I would not try to make mine last that long, but she did show how she washed her hair in twists, and I think that may work for my hair...Anyway, these are the two videos...

Long term styling

Shampooing Twists
I am just seeing this thread. Great tips! @Mane.Attraction Shampooing your twist video was very helpful! I might have to try washing my twist in box plaiting.

~I usually keep my twist in for 2-3 weeks.
~I cowash my twist 1-2 weeks and DC them once a week.
~After I cowash, I add a little butter or oil and KCCC or flax seed gel to the length of the twist
~After a week I usually wear them in a pin-up style or bun after I cowash. Then put on a scarf to combat the fizzies.
~If I want to wear them down I put them in a slightly loose ponytail and wear a scarf again to combat frizzies. Then when they are mostly dry, I take down the ponytail and lightly spray a little water on the ends or the parts that are dented or squished from the ponytail.

eta: If I would cowash my twist, I was only able to week my twist for a week before I was able to do pin-up or ponytails. Didn't know how to deal with the frizzes.
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I put in mini twists tonight. They look good for now. I did apply product because I may want to wear a twist out. And to wear a twist out I need product otherwise my hair is just tangly and wiring when take out the twists. I have flat twisted and cornrowed the twists to try to stretch them some. Usually stretching them though causes them to frizz.

I would love to keep these in for a month and cowash them. Honestly, I am afraid to even try. But I will take pictures to document how my hair looks week after week.
So I've been doing this twist reggie for a little over a month now and i absolutely love it. I'ts incredibly easy and extremly low-manipulation.
My Reggie is as follows:
- take down twist and re-twsit 1x wk\
- pre-poo/detangle with conditioner and oil (use shower comb and denman to detangle)
- Shampoo w/ giovanni TTT
- DC with Whatever i have open on length (try to alternate between moisture and protein) and AE garlic on scalp.
-Use a leave-in conditioner, seal with oil mix and use a styler to twist back up.

I have done a mid week co-wash and found that banding the ends greatly reduced the the unraveling and if I re-tewisted the top section i was good with frizz. However, I like to wear a twistout on the weekend when I take down the twist and doing the co-wash causes the twist-out not to be defined, so I will not do a co-wash any more unless I'm dying to clean my scalp.
I've just completed the 1st week of my twists. They looked good all week and felt firm and tight. But then... I went to a dance party and as I started to sweat my twist started to unravel from the root as usual. Not all of them but in certain areas its an issue.

I still want to try to wash or cowash with these in. I am going to try to see if tonight I can pull on the twists and get the shed hairs out. Because I think they are the culprit when I wet my hair. They shrink up when wet and then travel up to my roots and wrap around and tangle.

I do plan on braiding the twists first.

I am open to any other suggestions if people have them.
So here is my hair today. I usually bun it, but decided to let it hang today... (please don't quote pics)

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I've just completed the 1st week of my twists. They looked good all week and felt firm and tight. But then... I went to a dance party and as I started to sweat my twist started to unravel from the root as usual. Not all of them but in certain areas its an issue.

I still want to try to wash or cowash with these in. I am going to try to see if tonight I can pull on the twists and get the shed hairs out. Because I think they are the culprit when I wet my hair. They shrink up when wet and then travel up to my roots and wrap around and tangle.

I do plan on braiding the twists first.

I am open to any other suggestions if people have them.

I'm going to try this the next wash day.
I washed my hair in twist tonight. Will see what its like in the morning. I had braid shampoo so I just sprayed this on my scalp and gently massaged it in with no water. Then I applied Suave Conditioner to my twist and clamped my hair in sections at the root with some Goody clamps. I said I was going to braid it but my twists are still short and hard to braid and still get to my scalp. I rinsed under the shower head with the clamps in.

I then dried each section. I did take the clamp out to apply AOHSR to each group of twists. I clamped them back and let them dry some. After an hour I applied grease to the ends to seal and braided each section.

My roots unraveled. I can feel them. I will wait until tomorrow morning to see how bad it is. The back inches of my hair I know is bad. That section can only hold a twists for 24 hours even when dry.

Will hope for the best.