What's with Dime-Sized amounts??!

A dime? Ha! It's more like a half dollar amount for each of my 16 sections of hair. I work in ounces. I normally get 2 to 2.5 uses out of an 8 oz bottle of conditioner, so that means 3 to 4 ounces of product.
I wondered the same thing so I gave it a shot.
I took aohsr and went from a heaping handful per section
(4 sections)
I went down to a dime sized amount or quarter sized
per section and dc'ed.
It worked BETTER and rinsed CLEANER

With sprays I mist because if I do dripping wet my hair is most vulnerable

QBHC is the same if I use a small amount all is well
So it depends on the person and the product

Give it a shot you may like it especially if you cowash or don't use sulfates I don't think you'd need as much to moisturize and condition because much hasn't been stripped.
I use roughly a dime size per section but not a dime size per my entire head. I keep with a dime size for the entire head with oils, whenever I use them. I've gotten away from sealing now that I'm using a quality moisturizer (Bee Mine Luscious Balanced Cream Moisturizer) that keeps my hair moisturized. I only use oils for shine when I need a hair shine pick-me-up.

Hmm, out of curiousity, are you relaxed or natural?
With oils,dime sized works. Anything else my hair would laugh, especially conditioner ..oh if my hair could talk :rolleyes:
I use Pea/dime sized amounts for my oils & Serums.

My conditioners I find I need more of a Quarter amount and sometimes Half Dollar Amounts.
the only products I could get away with a dime size of anything (if I rlly tried) is Qhemet AOHC and oils

even so it more a dime size per quarter of my hair.

oh well
when its comes to oils and serums, dime sized amount is more than enough. I have a lot of hair and that's all my stylist has to use when flat ironing my hair. I like flowing results. Not over greased and shiny pressed hair :lol:

agreed. last time i straightened my hair i used a quarter sized amount of serum and my hair was greasy as hell.:nono::lol: for any other product though, i ignore what the bottle says. a dime sized amount ain't gone do nothin' for me.
I think it definitely depends on the state of the hair. I find the more texture the hair has, the more product I need.