What's with Dime-Sized amounts??!


New Member
Does this even apply to us thick haired ladies? I'm telling you, it seems like every product I use is in rather large:look: amounts, and I'm wondering if I'm the only one? Because my hair literally says :huh: at dime sized amounts

sprays: I don't mist, I spray until its WET.
conditioner: I take the word 'saturate' to a whole nother level.
moisturiser: I'm kinda heavy handed with that too:ohwell:

Do you think that the more superior the product, the LESS you have to apply? Because I'm going through conditioner way too fast, and its not even summer yet!:blush:

OMG i thought this was just me, idk maybe its my ignorance of some sort but i just feel like dime size is not enough. I usually put on enough to feel like it has generally been applied to all of my hair so when it says dime i usually put in a quarter and a dime.
I always use more than dime sized or "pea sized" amounts. More like a quarter sized amount for each quarter of my head--or more like a 50 cent amount--if I am being conservative.:lol: Then again, I am admittedly heavy handed and sometimes take it too far. Some products should be taken at face value--like the Shea Moisture Curling Smoothie--a dime sized amount per section is probably more accurate. I've learned that the hard way when ending up with a wet sticky head from overzealous application. :blush:
When I moisturize and seal I literally use a dime size. I use about 3 dimes when applying leave in's and DC'ing....I'm working my way down. I was very light handed before LHCF, then got heavy handed. I know that less is more, it's just hard to do.
I always use more than dime sized or "pea sized" amounts. More like a quarter sized amount for each quarter of my head--or more like a 50 cent amount--if I am being conservative.:lol: Then again, I am admittedly heavy handed and sometimes take it too far. Some products should be taken at face value--like the Shea Moisture Curling Smoothie--a dime sized amount per section is probably more accurate. I've learned that the hard way when ending up with a wet sticky head from overzealous application. :blush:

True, a dime sized amount PER SECTION is different!:yep: Because to me it seems like a tiny amount for all your hair would only cover the outside, not the overlooked areas that are underneath...
For me, dime-sized amounts work depending on what type of product it is.

I don't use dime-sized amounts of conditioner because I like my hair to be well conditioned. Plus, I always put the "extra" near the roots.

I do use dime- to nickel-sized amounts for styling products because less is more for my hair in regards to styling products.

However, in some instances (particularly regarding styling products), I do feel that you can get away with applying less when you are using a superior product.

It's interesting that you started this thread because I've been thinking about how some cheapies that my mother used on my hair used to specifically say "Apply liberally and as needed." Some of those products would give that directive because you wouldn't know that you had used any unless you piled it onto your head.
My hair would laugh at me if I used a dime sized amount of anything. And I'm only SL so I cant even imagine using only a dime sized amount at longer lengths.
In the words of Terri from tightlycurly.com:
Ignore what the bottle recommends. The recommendations are for wimpy hair. Your hair is not wimpy.

:lol: Things went a whole lot more smoothly for me when I found that out.
when its comes to oils and serums, dime sized amount is more than enough. I have a lot of hair and that's all my stylist has to use when flat ironing my hair. I like flowing results. Not over greased and shiny pressed hair :lol:
My hair would give me the stink eye all day if I used dime sized amounts of product. My hair litterally responds when it's been slathered with products it likes. So, I do what my hair likes. Even though I end of going through product pretty quickly and the cost can add up.......But if that means my hair will continue to grow like it has been in the last few months then i'll divy up what I need to to keep my hair happy.
Aside from all the very concentrated products that need a dime size, Whoever came up with that concept doesn't know anything about highly textured hair.
If I added a dime size of conditioner to my hair I would not be to length that I'm at now.
For me, it depends on the product. I can't use a dime-sized amount of conditioner and expect that to work for my hair - it's that way for anything creamy. Now for any oils or serums, a 50-cent piece usually works for the ends of my hair, but not if I was using it for all of my hair.
I think it depends on how you want to style your hair. Also the hair type and product. If I want to flat iron I use a dime size amount if I have a heavy oil to seal with such as one that's already mixed from the store especially if it contains olive oil or a similar weight oil. If I use coconut oil I use a nickel size or dime size for front then dime size for back. Other oils I like that I use nickel size are sunflower, safflower, grapeseed, and almond. All light oils that love my thin strand 4b hair! As for conditioners wow I pile up! I to saturate my hair with the product. I need to know all my strands are getting treated.
I pay those directions no mind, I am heavy handed with conditioner..it eliminates the need for gel. If my hair is straight I may put a dime size amount of serum if at all.
My hair would laugh at me if I used a dime sized amount of anything. And I'm only SL so I cant even imagine using only a dime sized amount at longer lengths.

:yep: :yep: :yep: Agreed!!!!

when its comes to oils and serums, dime sized amount is more than enough. I have a lot of hair and that's all my stylist has to use when flat ironing my hair. I like flowing results. Not over greased and shiny pressed hair :lol:

I do agree with this- oils are a different story- less is more when it comes to this. :yep:

In the words of Terri from tightlycurly.com:

:lol: Things went a whole lot more smoothly for me when I found that out.

I like that quote Prelude to a Kiss!!!!
I use roughly a dime size per section but not a dime size per my entire head. I keep with a dime size for the entire head with oils, whenever I use them. I've gotten away from sealing now that I'm using a quality moisturizer (Bee Mine Luscious Balanced Cream Moisturizer) that keeps my hair moisturized. I only use oils for shine when I need a hair shine pick-me-up.
I use a dime sized amount of serums and silicone. Anything more is a greasy sticky mess. I'm gradually learning to use less product and distribute it better, particularly with DCs. I am heavy handed with LI condish, moisturizers and sealants, assuming my hair is curly. I try not to spray until saturated, because my hair isn't really a fan of being wet all day :nono: The longer I do this the more I learn that I don't need as much product as I used to think I do, and my hair responds better as a result.
Dime sized my behind. My hair drinks up conditioner and moisturizer. Now my stylist on the other hand used half of what I do and comes up with twice the results. :rolleyes: how I dont know.
I always use palm size of anything and I often do it twice on each side of my head. Each side of my head is like one full head of hair. :ohwell:
I think if your hair is flat ironed or freshly relaxed you can get away with such small amounts, especially with oils and serums but in any other case this doesn't seem to be enough. My hair soaks up stuff like a huge sponge. I have to use quite a bit. Although I do use less now than when I first started my journey. I will definitely lay on the conditioner!
Right! Only with my CHI SI or other oils or serums I use very sparingly.

Even then, the way I do it is start with a dime size and rub it in my hands first and then in one section. After I do that section if there's still some on my hands I'll do another section. By then it's gone from my hands so I add another dime size and do the other sections. I don't know if that's too confusing but it works for me. :yep:
I think it depends on the product.

I do use a dime to quarter sized amount of 'Poo in my hair per section. Anything more is overkill.

I am a bit more generous with my conditioner application but its still conservative considering it takes me nearly a year to use up a 16oz bottle - and thats with weekly use.

I tend to add styling product starting mid shaft mostly, comb thru so that its evenly applied and add a bit more to the ends. Learned this tip from my stylist.

For 'poo - I add at the root only, suds then squeeze suds through the rest of the hair.
I learned to stop spraying until wet when using my refresher sprays LOL. My hair shrinks back up with a vengeance so I use them sparingly, just misting and working it in with my hands.

I only need a quarter sized amt of a good shampoo. Now I am heavy handed with condish.

Definitely only use a small amount of serums and oils. Amount of moisturizer depends on type of product (cream vs liquid) and its ingredients.
I'm like that with samples sizes. How the heck am I supposed to figure out if I want to buy your product if only 1/4 of my hair is getting any of the product? Waste of my time, my hair is way too thick for that.
Pea sized or dimed sized is laughable to my hair. I don't try to over do it, but those amounts don't work for me. I put in enough to get the results I'm looking for. With conditioner, I add a lot, but not to the point of wasting it--I don't want it dripping all over my body.
I'm heavy handed when it comes to most products. I only use those "wimpy" amounts when my hair is flat ironed or curled. But the rest of the time I use a lot of product, definitely mroe than a dime sized amount
My hair would laugh at me if I used a dime sized amount of anything. And I'm only SL so I cant even imagine using only a dime sized amount at longer lengths.

Tell me about it a dime size will just about cover a FEW twists LOL :afro: